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zehjotkah 2011-07-29 22:47

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
the first time I had the N9 in my hands it was cold, and I asked very surprised if it is with a metal finish. I knew it was plast.. pardon. I knew it was polycarbonate, but it felt so expensive, so high quality. and incredibly light.

Sorry I can't comment on provisioning because i don't know what it is... I'm using my gmail account via mail for exchange and it synchronizes my contacts, calendar and email without any problems.

aalcalan958g 2011-07-29 23:28

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
pre order

gerbick 2011-07-30 01:02

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060845)
the first time I had the N9 in my hands it was cold, and I asked very surprised if it is with a metal finish. I knew it was plast.. pardon. I knew it was polycarbonate, but it felt so expensive, so high quality. and incredibly light.

Sorry I can't comment on provisioning because i don't know what it is... I'm using my gmail account via mail for exchange and it synchronizes my contacts, calendar and email without any problems.

No disrespect meant, but you people with N950's have some seriously limited/myopic testing abilities. The limited ability to test different environments should be seen as a handicap.

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 01:30

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
i don't think we got n950s to test them for you guys, nokia doesn't really want us talking about any problems they have!
exchange account settings on n950 has an option that says "non-provisionable device", which is disabled.

smegheadz 2011-07-30 01:37

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

fancy "accidently" dropping an N9 to see how the unibody holds up :D

one thing i'm not too worried about is the build quality. i've smashed some of my old nokia's up and they've still worked. i've fallen quite a few times and caught barrels on my thigh eg on my mobile and still held together. there'll always be exceptions but it looks to be durable. i'm just wondering where the shock of any impacts will go in the device as there's no hinges to take the shock.

gerbick 2011-07-30 01:44

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 1060893)
i don't think we got n950s to test them for you guys...

Then you fail to understand what community means. If not test for the benefit of the community, then who are you testing for? Your own personal gains? To keep us in the dark? To not share information to those that have none?

Nothing you'll say really will cover up the fact that within a community of like-minded individuals should you or should you not test in methods that benefit not only yourself since you're a part of a community or benefit others that are part of that same community.

I won't say much more other than I don't like what seems to be implicit in your tone and choice of words.


nokia doesn't really want us talking about any problems they have!
We're talking features. Not problems. Either it exists or doesn't.

The problem lays in how limited you people are in terms of ability to test. Seems like the limited nature of the release will ultimately limit its adoption rate as well... carry on.


Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 02:17

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I'm just saying it's not up-to-date firmware on this thing, and if it was, it's still not "final" so... it's a bit early to pass any judgement.
I did receive it to test that software I write works, and test Nokia's frameworks. Nokia has their own people to test that the thing is usable for end users. So I just don't agree with you saying we are not able to test things properly, because that's not what we are supposed to be doing. Every minute I am on this forum is a minute lost developing apps... Unless I just stick to the development section, of course!

try not to take my tone so seriously, nothing is implied. i'm in a hurry!!

gerbick 2011-07-30 02:47

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 1060913)
I'm just saying it's not up-to-date firmware on this thing, and if it was, it's still not "final" so... it's a bit early to pass any judgement.

Then just answer the question if you can. Snarky remarks just piss off the people who are without.

And at this moment, such a limited release with more curious people out there, saying daft statements like "we're not here to test for you guys" will just enrage folks all that much easier.

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"


I did receive it to test that software I write works, and test Nokia's frameworks. Nokia has their own people to test that the thing is usable for end users.
Name one Nokia person that's responding in this forum. Just one.

Again, you're wholly missing the point. Glad your stuff works. Yay for you. Somebody asks something that none of you people are willing or able to test. My statement stands... limited ability to test.


So I just don't agree with you saying we are not able to test things properly
Your collective networks, code, needs nor options do not reflect every (or in this case, a lot) user. Can't test provisioning, fine. Just don't answer. It's ok... so far I've yet to get an answer as to some of the stuff I've asked in other threads - I'm definitely not the only one.


because that's not what we are supposed to be doing
Then what are you supposed to be doing? Developing apps that only benefit yourself? One more post to rub in that you have something that a lot of other developer's don't have?

Or just to promote yourself? Community. Read up on it.


try not to take my tone so seriously, nothing is implied. i'm in a hurry!!
Luck with that.

gerbick 2011-07-30 02:50

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
And to ward off the inevitable; I'm not jealous. I'm seriously hopeful that you people with N950's develop software that actually is going to draw attention to the platform.

But some of you people seriously lack the ability to communicate well with the community it seems. That hinders a lot... especially your own apps from being adopted.

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 04:15

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
My stuff doesn't work though, and I am bound by NDA to not say anything negative. So I can't tell you about Nokia's stuff that, um, everything is working great!!!
I just don't understand what you expect from us. Nokia never asked ME for feedback on the device, I am not even sure if I am supposed to submit bug reports to them for broken stuff as it's very unclear if it's stuff they know about, stuff limited to the n950, stuff they've fixed already, or whatever.
Please don't give me a hard time for "Failing to communicate effectively". If I missed your point and you missed mine, it's probably both of our faults. And I did answer the question about provisioning. It has a setting that mentions provisioning, and if you google that you can find a thread on the forums where someone says that it supports most things.
Oh, and writing open source apps is for the community. Maybe I get a nice phone out of the deal, but that was never guaranteed and not my motivation.

gerbick 2011-07-30 04:32

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Gonna be a bit harsh with this one because you're trying to paint yourself as either the victim or something that's not even necessary - nor would it register with me to be honest.

Simply stated... your comment about "we're not here to test for you guys" sounds like to me that you were downright unwilling to answer a very simple question. Flick to the option, look at the setting, be done with it. That was right after my comment about how very limited all of the testers environments seem.

It's not representative of the real ****ing world. It's really representing how limited some of you guys are testing. Real world means varied. Not that each of you somehow have nearly the same type of setup. IMAP, no Exchange. No idea of provisioning, something that in my network was a real problem - yes, we run internally AD (Active Directory) with Sharepoint and MS Exchange. I develop and test on Windows and OS X, as well as Linux.

So far, I've not heard of any connectivity to OS X. Nor Windows. And to come off like "we're not here to test for you guys" type of bravado, seriously... that's something that would piss off even the near saintly. Don't know the answer, then why contribute absolutely nothing but what seems to be some snarky remark?

As of right now, I expect absolutely nothing from you people. Can't talk about what options are on the damn platform. Can't answer any questions other than "we're working on something" yet talking about it in a public facing forum, and once your **** is released, then you want us to be your guinea pigs and report your bugs.

Yet you can't answer simple *** questions about the platform?

Fine. Keep testing, hope your code eventually works, hope it finds an audience, and we'll stop asking you people with N950's to answer simple questions since it seems way too much to ask.

You have no point. I didn't like your tone. My point is that if you're going to benefit from the community, then the community should benefit partially from you as well. Can't take without giving. That's what FOSS is all the **** about. That's not a hard notion to understand.

I don't want to know what's wrong with the damn platform - I'd hope to hell that you people are actually testing and putting in bug reports that better the platform (starting to lose faith in that due to the limited environments that you all seemingly suffer from).

I want to know what to expect when the damn N9 comes out. Provisioning is actually important to some folks - search the forums. It'll come up nearly 50 times outside of this thread.

And yes. Huge failure to communicate. So with me hopefully using smaller, easier to digest words this time; I hope I made myself clear. If not, you'll probably misconstrue what was said, once again, to be that I'm calling you out for a misunderstanding.

If you limited few are to be representatives of the very same community that I belong to, then I should be able to ask about what features are there and how well they work in real world settings. If it's a negative, then at least confirm/deny that the option exist(s) and report your bugs. If you're not doing bug reports and only testing your code, then luck to you.

Hope you figure out your probs. Savvy?

gerbick 2011-07-30 04:38

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Anyway, you said each minute you're on these forums, you lose out on development.

For each time I respond to you, I gain no new information. That's the only thing I'm still around these parts for.

You have none to give, so I'll take no more of your time. Luck to you, goodbye.

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 05:34

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I have a point, you just don't get it. I was given a devkit and an NDA. "go create" they say. I never said I won't or can't answer simple questions, I'm just trying to say I'm not a "tester" and none of us are. I would very much like to help Nokia fix any and all problems with the operating system, but when they give us a list of something like 5 known issues with a firmware that is not current and an NDA that makes us wonder if we are even allowed to submit bug reports, it seems like they don't want to hear from me. They even made the bug tracker private, and it's only got about 15 issues on it which means they don't even use it internally! If Nokia wants to do things that way, fine. We have to assume it means they have a massive team of testers somewhere, or maybe the commercial developers are playing that role too. Okay? I'm HAPPY to answer your questions, just don't call me a tester.

gerbick 2011-07-30 05:51

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Which part of the NDA do you break if you answer a question about provisioning as an option.

Nobody asked you if you liked it, the negatives. None of that.

One ****ing question. You want to press that you're not a tester, then only a developer? Okay.

Develop something that's worth a damn. Stop talking about the issues, that's where your NDA pops into play.

I get your point. It's just not a good one. Don't bother wasting any more precious development time on discussing how blindly you're overlooking how snarky you sounded over one word, "tester".

The question that the earlier person answered more than likely will never get answered in full. Continue down the very limited path(s) that you people have chosen. I'm quite sure it will fit what Nokia has planned for the N9 - a very limited release for a very limited mindset with very limited amount of apps, and a very limited audience.

Proof is in this exchange. Feel free to have the last word. I'm done wasting my time on a dev/tester/whatever and will give the answer to the prior question that I was also curious about as well. No more from me about this. Done.

Seems like provisioning for MS Exchange 2007/2010 is still an work in progress. As earlier stated, it's there, but it's disabled. Perhaps at a later date, when Nokia (and not the developers, testers, whomever) announce it, it might be a full-fledged option for those of us that have MS Exchange within our corporate environments.

The rest of the answers will come in due time.

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 06:13

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1060628)
How does the overall experience compare to iphone 4? How is the email and does it support provisioning?

"fixed in harmattan"

email renders html way faster than modest on n900 ever did.

read this guy's posts, he's obviously working on it...

ossipena 2011-07-30 07:45

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1060766)
Polycarbonate products are rarely marketed as plastic. It's very high quality material and certainly much better and expensive than common commodity plastics.

yep, you all have probably seen one application of PC in tv, probably with a product name "Lexan" ..that is if you have watched mythbusters when they go behind transparent covers when blowing stuff up...

daperl 2011-07-30 08:59

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1060942)
I develop and test on Windows and OS X, as well as Linux.

So far, I've not heard of any connectivity to OS X.

I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for here, but I do most of my building and deploying from OS X boxes using Qt Creator, same as you can do with an n900. One click and BOOM! And as opposed to the Windows and Linux versions, the OS X version is considered beta, but it has always worked flawlessly for me.

smegheadz 2011-07-30 13:58

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
i think a people need to understand that having an n950 isn't the same as owning an n9. i would compare it to having a moto droid (first 1 original firmware) and having the galaxy S. same operating system but different. limits and bugs etc. maybe my analogy is a bit too skewed but it serves this purpose. the N950 sent to these developers isnt for bug testing but getting some programs and game's etc ready for launch. for developers who are interesting in porting and creating. the prototype N9's will be for testing as that's the retail device. so asking stupid questions battery time and the screen. even asking about some specific software stuff can be stupid because it's OLD firmware with old bugs and limitations. it needs to be usable for developing, not everyday use.
If you really that interested in knowing more go to the meego forums and if your not a complete *** you can get some answer's.

i don't know why people want the most detailed of answer's about something they'll probably use about 1% of the time and on a device that isn't the N9. i'm happy with the simple things that i'll use alot like "is the interface natural to use, can developers keep the UI consistent and use the same buttons sliders etc in their programs etc."

is the n950 was truly a better device it would be released. regardless of the companies direction, money is still money and you don't want your only other lifeline to sink and leave you with no bargaining power.

sjgadsby 2011-07-30 14:31

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1060964)
Which part of the NDA do you break if you answer a question about provisioning as an option.

Please do consider that BigBadGuber has previously received replies to this very question from various N950 users. He has been assured provisioning support exists. People have reported success using it with Exchange. Someone even provided BigBadGuber with a link to the best information available on which provisioning options are supported and not.

He's followed up not with probing questions on specific details or scenarios, but just the same general question again and again: "Will the N9 support provisioning?" I can't speak for others, but I didn't see the need to answer him again this time.

BigBadGuber! 2011-07-30 15:52

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 1060845)
the first time I had the N9 in my hands it was cold, and I asked very surprised if it is with a metal finish. I knew it was plast.. pardon. I knew it was polycarbonate, but it felt so expensive, so high quality. and incredibly light.

Sorry I can't comment on provisioning because i don't know what it is... I'm using my gmail account via mail for exchange and it synchronizes my contacts, calendar and email without any problems.

Provisioning is the ability of the phone to connect to secure corporate email. Blackberry was the standard device, and now iphones communicate with corporate servers as well as Blackberry. When I bought n900 (a device that I still use and love), I was disappointed that it did not connect to my work email. Many have complained and left N900 because of this issue. I complained here, and the first thing that some board members voiced is that I should have known better, that it was said on some obscure youtube video that it doesnt support provisioning and the regular fanboy bass. This is a must for me to own N9, and I still dont have an answer. There are threads on meego that say it provides partial provisioning. That doesnt sound good. I now understand why NOKIA went with MS. Software engineers at NOKIA just dont seem capable of designing a flawless email client for users worldwide. But I do know that iphone works flawlessly across continents, so why cant NOKIA???

BigBadGuber! 2011-07-30 15:59

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
[QUOTE=Creamy Goodness;1060970]

"fixed in harmattan"

email renders html way faster than modest on n900 ever did.

read this guy's posts, he's obviously working on it...[/QUOTE

The second link doesnt take me anywhere. The first link is interesting. It says fixed in Harmattan, yet the last response from Andreas refers to the following that doesnt seem very encouraging:

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Old 06-24-2011, 11:32 PM
vdvsx vdvsx is offline
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Default Re: Finally the Nokia N9
Originally Posted by mikecy View Post

Can you tell us if we have full Exchange support for email and calendar/contacts synch. ie the main issue with N900 was no support for provisioning, which stopped me and many others from using it as their main device.

Thanks in advance.
Provisioning is not fully supported, some weird setting related to HW are not available(disable camera, BT, ...), if your server demands that it will not work, more common requirements are supported(passwords, time to lock...).
Reply With Quote

What should i make out of this????

BigBadGuber! 2011-07-30 16:11

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
My posts on provisioning are simple. I, as many people, DO mix business and pleasure and I need to be connected to my work email constantly. I am raising this issue now, so that people who want to buy this device dont get fooled by promises, but need to know that as far as I am concerned, WE STILL DONT KNOW IF FULL PROVISIONING WILL BE PROVIDED. I would like NOKIA to come out and say that corporate security will be supported. Anyways, I will wait for few months and see what feedback people give on this device as their main day to day device and connectivity to their work. I like N900, but I am not repeating my mistake of purchasing a $700 device without reading few months worth of reviews. My post here is to warn people to be wary of this issue when considering N9. It will save NOKIA many returns.

sjgadsby 2011-07-30 16:22

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
BigBadGuber!, please see:

Exchange allows mail admins to choose a range of options to require, or not, for all connecting devices. Even Windows Phone 7 only supports a subset of the available choices.

If you can find out the list of provisioning features your Exchange server demands of connecting devices, someone may be able to determine whether you'd be able to connect using (the N950's old version of) Harmattan. Otherwise, all we're able to say is: Yes, provisioning is supported in Harmattan. No, we don't know if it will work with your Exchange server.

BigBadGuber! 2011-07-30 16:35

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 1061189)
BigBadGuber!, please see:

Exchange allows mail admins to choose a range of options to require, or not, for all connecting devices. Even Windows Phone 7 only supports a subset of the available choices.

If you can find out the list of provisioning features your Exchange server demands of connecting devices, someone may be able to determine whether you'd be able to connect using (the N950's old version of) Harmattan. Otherwise, all we're able to say is: Yes, provisioning is supported in Harmattan. No, we don't know if it will work with your Exchange server.

Thanks for your comment. It has nothing to do with my server as E71, E51, iphone and blackberry connect flawlessly. N900 didnt, E6 didnt. Go has to be NOKIA software. Will wait and see waht feedbacks are.

gerbick 2011-07-30 17:08

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1061195)
Thanks for your comment. It has nothing to do with my server as E71, E51, iphone and blackberry connect flawlessly. N900 didnt, E6 didnt. Go has to be NOKIA software. Will wait and see waht feedbacks are.

In my environment, out of the box the HD7S did not work. Luckily I'm the admin.

gerbick 2011-07-30 17:21

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 1061146)
Please do consider that BigBadGuber has previously received replies to this very question from various N950 users. He has been assured provisioning support exists. People have reported success using it with Exchange. Someone even provided BigBadGuber with a link to the best information available on which provisioning options are supported and not.

He's followed up not with probing questions on specific details or scenarios, but just the same general question again and again: "Will the N9 support provisioning?" I can't speak for others, but I didn't see the need to answer him again this time.

Be that as it may - I don't follow him around - it wasn't the overall question about provisioning that was really the bother.

It was the really messed up attitude, the response to my charge that these people are (once again) testing in seriously limited environments and that most real-world needs will be overlooked like quite a few instances on the N900.

And if we're not able to ask, or better yet if some of them aren't willing to answer any simple questions - I've asked thrice about the status of Flash, not once answered here (got the answer from elsewhere) - then that goes hand in hand with the aforesaid sentiment of "we're not here to test for you guys".

I stand by my decision to wholly dislike that person's attitude and tonality. Don't want to answer anything, nobody is making you.

abbra 2011-07-30 17:32

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1061195)
Thanks for your comment. It has nothing to do with my server as E71, E51, iphone and blackberry connect flawlessly. N900 didnt, E6 didnt. Go has to be NOKIA software. Will wait and see waht feedbacks are.

I can repeat, probably this will help you to understand: there are commonly used features that Exchange admins force to disable on mobiles and there are less commonly used ones.

N900 didn't work with anything that required things beyond device lock (i.e. force mandatory device lock if Exchange account for this server is configured). If Exchange admin would set 'wipe out remote device' setting, N900 will report that it does not support it during provisioning step and Exchange server will deny provisioning. This was probably case #1 of all "N900 does not work with my Exchange server" issues.

Now, N9 does support remote wipe feature. If you Exchange server requires this feature, N9 will report that it supports remote wipe. If your Exchange server will try to enforce photo camera lock (so that it is impossible to take pictures), N9 will report that it does not support such feature and your Exchange server will deny provisioning.

So you really need to know what exactly your Exchange server enforces. Referencing other phones is irrelevant but I suspect that all you will encounter is remote wipe requirement and for that one the answer is "Yes, N9 will work with that server".

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 18:00

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1061180)
The second link doesnt take me anywhere.

sorry i didn't know you can't link to search results for some reason.
i was trying to link to "search for all posts by user vdvsx, view as posts"
I think one of his posts mentioned what is NOT supported - disable camera and some other useless sounding features.

Creamy Goodness 2011-07-30 19:20

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1061213)
I stand by my decision to wholly dislike that person's attitude and tonality. Don't want to answer anything, nobody is making you.

Do you only see what you want to see? You want to be the victim, I guess. I refuse to play along by subscribing to your twisted interpretation of my words.
Attitude? Tonality? I think you're reading so deep between the lines you can't even see the words I've written any more.
I'd love to know how you think a developer is a tester, and why it's on the 250 open source developers shoulders to somehow solve all the potential bugs and problems with the N9. Nokia has their own employees paid to do that, but nooooooooo, it's all my fault now. Mainly because I pointed out the flaws in your logic. Whatever...

shadowjk 2011-07-30 21:29

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I'm under the impression that the bugtracker given to the people with N950s has no categories whatsoever to report bugs with the phone software or give feedback on features. Only bugs directly related to the developer APIs.

I guess the designers got fed up with people telling them their design sucks, and the engineers got fed up listening to feedback they can't do anything about when they have to make it exactly as the designers say.

sjgadsby 2011-07-30 22:40

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 1061292)
I'm under the impression that the bugtracker given to the people with N950s has no categories whatsoever to report bugs with the phone software or give feedback on features. Only bugs directly related to the developer APIs.

The bug tracker isn't secret, you'll just need a free Developer.Nokia account:

And there are appropriate categories; it's simply that the DDP N950s are running software so old that non-API bug reports have little bearing on current Harmattan revisions.

lma 2011-07-31 10:35

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 1061177)
Provisioning is the ability of the phone to connect to secure corporate email.

Not quite. It is the ability of the corporation's MCSEs to have complete control over your mobile device. They have been brainwashed to think that this makes their side more secure, and they sometimes get away with if because they can restrict your device from accessing the service unless it bends over and complies.

If they are paying for your device and service that may be fine. If it's coming out of your own pocket you might want to rethink whether you value corporate "security" or your own more.

nowhereman 2011-08-02 08:46

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Anyone knows if N950 can connect to gtalk and skype like n900?

Pillum 2011-08-02 09:31

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
As you can see here : Link
The N9 comes with a standalone skype app.

Pillum 2011-08-02 09:32

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Chat instant messaging support: Facebook, Skype, Gtalk, and services using sip

marrat 2011-08-02 10:14

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Pillum (Post 1062693)
As you can see here : Link
The N9 comes with a standalone skype app.

No, it's not standalone. Read the description below the picture:

"Skype integrates seamlessly with Contacts, Messaging and Phone."

nicolai 2011-08-02 10:27

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1060886)
No disrespect meant, but you people with N950's have some seriously limited/myopic testing abilities. The limited ability to test different environments should be seen as a handicap.

The main purpose of the N950 devkit program is developing
software, porting software and "testing"/using nokias frameworks.
Ablitiy/knowlege in testing Nokias application/firmware isn't that important, I think.


jalyst 2011-08-03 07:25

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Pillum (Post 1062695)

Yeah but it's still not clear whether multi-user vid. chat or even just 1-1 vid. chat (ala face-time) will be integrated.
Unfortunately those pages don't really prove anything... sigh :(

unfuccwittable 2011-08-03 07:55

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
wait, how can you develop, if you don't test?

sevla 2011-08-03 20:28

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1063163)
Yeah but it's still not clear whether multi-user vid. chat or even just 1-1 vid. chat (ala face-time) will be integrated.
Unfortunately those pages don't really prove anything... sigh :(

I think it's best to wait till the n9 comes out. The n950 software is old and there will be a lot of features in the n9 that aren't in the current n950 build. As it stands with the n950 i don't see a way to enable gchat voice calls. But who's to say it won't be in the n9. IMO i don't see why it would be in the n900 and not in the n9. The framework is already there.

If it's that important folks should probably make a request or petition in the meego forums.. just a suggestion.

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