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marmistrz 2011-09-13 13:05

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
hmmm... Is there a free hosting service with which we could create our mirrors on the net?

pali 2011-09-13 14:58

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
try to look at this forum:
and also this thread:

pali 2012-06-19 14:48

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
I created wiki page about apt-mirror. See first post!

seanmcken 2012-06-23 16:47

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
so do we hav anything better future for maemo??????

malfunctioning 2013-05-08 02:55

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
Pali, thank you for your efforts in this area. A couple of questions: Are the procedures detailed in the Apt-mirror wiki page still valid as far as accounting for any changes due to the migration to the new infrastructure? I think the migration was transparent enough that they should be, but could you please confirm?

And, what's the approximate size of the Maemo stuff? If there is a programmatic way to check this information I'd be happy to know.

pali 2013-05-08 07:56

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
All information about apt-mirror is still valid, but some apt repositories are offline... (e.g. diablo catalogue tabletter). But all repos on are working and was not changed.

Size of full backup is about 200GB.

malfunctioning 2013-05-09 00:56

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
That's perfect, thank you. It looks like I need to pick up an external HD soon.

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