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Helmuth 2011-10-24 14:28

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mooglez (Post 1112849)
public key ...

We should try to keep this thread on topic, but only to ensure you got me right, I quoted your "door lock codes" paragraph. ;)

ajalkane 2011-10-25 09:54

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I have N950 and the latest wk39 update. I often get with Google chat account an error message "Incorrect password". If I click it to get again online it works. Seems kinda 50/50 chance it works.

In syslog I get when the error comes:


Oct 25 12:42:44 (2011) telepathy-gabble[11517]: GLIB DEBUG tp-glib - started version 0.12.6 (telepathy-glib version 0.14.9)
Oct 25 12:42:45 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - sasl_channel_handler_handle_channels:
Oct 25 12:42:45 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - account_storage_get_all_properties_cb: using credential id 8
Oct 25 12:42:45 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - sasl_channel_handler_handle_channel:
Oct 25 12:42:45 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - sasl_channel_handler_handle_channel: ClientLogin
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 53 Private :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 745 GooglePlugin :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 758 type :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 764 mechanisms :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 785 process :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 764 mechanisms :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 486 clientLogin :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 195 sendRequest :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 198 sendRequest :  requestUrl:  "/ClientLogin"
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 209 sendRequest :  fullUrl:  ""
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) icd2 0.201.2+0m6[1204]: Duplicate filter: Do not add filter for app :1.4938
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: QNetworkReplyImpl::_q_startOperation was called more than once
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 720 slotError :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 721 slotError :  Error:  99
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 623 replyFinished :
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) signonpluginprocess: ../../src/googleplugin.cpp 633 replyFinished :  http_error: 99  "Proxy server not found"
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - signon_process_cb: method: google
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB WARNING ** default - signon_process_cb: (signon-errors #1 Proxy server not found): failed
Oct 25 12:42:46 (2011) telepathy-sasl-signon[4672]: GLIB DEBUG default - status_changed: status: 6 reason: org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.AuthenticationFailed
Oct 25 12:42:51 (2011) telepathy-gabble[11517]: GLIB DEBUG tp-glib - no connections, and timed out
Oct 25 12:42:51 (2011) telepathy-gabble[11517]: GLIB MESSAGE tp-glib - Exiting

I used to have gTalk added with mc-tool prior to this update, but I removed it as gTalk integration was in this update.

SteveYoungs 2011-10-25 14:39

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1113292)
I have N950 and the latest wk39 update. I often get with Google chat account an error message "Incorrect password". If I click it to get again online it works. Seems kinda 50/50 chance it works.

I'm seeing the exact same thing on my N9. Though for me it is failing 2 out of every 3 times. :(

Reflektorfalke 2011-10-26 21:44

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1112825)
So, I checked what the status for the bug you mentioned, it seems to be because some services like MFE or Facebook don't allow sharing the contacts to third parties (yes, you don't have the right to share *your* contacts with yourself, that's smart). So I guess that for this reason the bluetooth daemon filters on "local" contacts only, I still don't understand why that would exclude contacts synced from bluetooth (which as far as I know are seen as local contacts)...
Anyway, it seems that the issue is being worked on, I can't promise anything regarding a fix since there is no solution yet, and it's not my team. Furthermore, I'm not totally sure what my NDA allows me to tell :)

About the ecosystem, you'll surely never reach the level of iOS or Android, I'm personally in this category of users that don't need millions of apps, but I can understand it's a blocker for some people.

Hi Abustany, thanks for all the insights you are giving here, highly appreciated!

I have also an issue with syncing my contacts with my carkit as described here:

Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke (Post 1113069)
Here we go again:
Problems with accessing phonebook from carkit via Bluetooth PBAP-profile...

N900 didn´t support PBAP-profile out of the box, but some genius minds solved the issue by providing updated obex files as described here and here wiki.

N9 seems to be capable of PBAP, but when I connect to my carkit contacts are not transferred correctly...
Just a few, seemingly random, contacts are transferred and even those are a mess...For some contacts no number is shown at all, for some contacts the very same number is shown twice or even three times!

Maybe its again this issue with the missing CRLF separation between vCards as described here?

Can someone confirm or is it only me with this problem?

Any help on this would be highly appreciated, I assume not only by me as this is a very useful (and must have!) feature for many users!

I never synced my contacts via MfE, but transferred all of them via BT from MS Outlook. So, the mentioned filtering of MfE contacts does not apply here.
For testing I also created a new contact on my N9, but this one does also not appear in my carkit.

Any ideas how I can resolve/debug this?
Maybe you can point the team working on this to the threads/wiki linked above as they describe how the issue was solved on N900!?

mdengler 2011-10-28 17:04

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1110803)
I do develop in scratchbox, and rely mostly on the test suite to check that I didn't break anything.

Thanks - I am using scratchbox too. Can you share your /etc/apt/sources.list or suggest what apt repos to use, since with squeeze's sources.list I don't have the latest dependencies necessary to build qtcontacts-tracker:


dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libqtm-contacts-dev (>= 1.2.1+201) libcubi-0.1-dev (>= 0.1.14) libcubi-0.1-tracker-0.10-ontologies-dev (>= 0.1.3)
(Sorry if this is a stupid question)


Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1110803)
Ione possible hack (just thinking out loud, untested) would be to just change the soname so that it gets scanned *before* the normal (name it The second "tracker" contact manager should then be ignored.

Nice tip -- thanks.


Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1110803)
Future version will have an automerge button that will partially solve that issue, it however stays quite conservative in finding merge candidates. Having a third party merge application would be a good idea too (one that would do interactive merge, vs. unattended for contacts app). You might want to look at the libqtcontacts-extensions-tracker lib then, which has a merge request function ("merge" is not a stock qt-mobility operation).

Great - Do you know if "future" is soon? Otherwise I will look into the "third-party" merge option because I have tons of dupes now :(. I am getting inspiration from and wondering if I can just hack the tracker database from python for something really quick and dirty.

sjordet 2011-10-28 22:17

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

I'm very happy with the N9, used it for some weeks now, and _for me_ it's clearly the best phone ever. Really.

But of course I have a question or two, and a bug that is not really your problem - but I think you are the closest one to know anything.

First, is it possible to hide my Skype-contacts from the Contact-application (and Phone application). So that I have to use the Skype-application to see them? That would have been nice... I hoped I would achieve that by disabling my Skype-account, but then I couldn't use the Skype application either...

The second thing is that the call log doesn't show when the same number call me several times in a row, it just shows the last one...

Third, and probably not your table... I don't even know really how to explain. In Norway we have some method for authenticating to our banks using the phone. It's somehow in the SIM-access profile. I enter my birthdate and phonenumber in the bank, and then a message on my phone pops up, saying that this and this bank wants to authenticate me. I then press "Accept", and I get a new windows where I can enter a code. When I have done this, the authentication in the bank completes.

With the N9, I usually just get the first message. When I press "Accept", nothing more happens. A few times I have gotten the windows to enter code, but it doesn't complete.

How should I file a proper bug about this?


abustany 2011-10-30 14:35

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by SteveYoungs (Post 1113444)
I'm seeing the exact same thing on my N9. Though for me it is failing 2 out of every 3 times. :(

Hmm, I have no idea why this might happen but I'll check tomorrow with competent persons if this is a known issue.

abustany 2011-10-30 14:37

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke (Post 1114247)
Hi Abustany, thanks for all the insights you are giving here, highly appreciated!

I have also an issue with syncing my contacts with my carkit as described here:

I never synced my contacts via MfE, but transferred all of them via BT from MS Outlook. So, the mentioned filtering of MfE contacts does not apply here.
For testing I also created a new contact on my N9, but this one does also not appear in my carkit.

Any ideas how I can resolve/debug this?
Maybe you can point the team working on this to the threads/wiki linked above as they describe how the issue was solved on N900!?

I'll check with the sync team on monday, since this component is completely outside my scope :)

abustany 2011-10-30 14:44

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mdengler (Post 1115221)
Thanks - I am using scratchbox too. Can you share your /etc/apt/sources.list or suggest what apt repos to use, since with squeeze's sources.list I don't have the latest dependencies necessary to build qtcontacts-tracker:


dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libqtm-contacts-dev (>= 1.2.1+201) libcubi-0.1-dev (>= 0.1.14) libcubi-0.1-tracker-0.10-ontologies-dev (>= 0.1.3)
(Sorry if this is a stupid question)

Hmm I can't really share my SB sources since mines are internal. Are you sure it's not just the versions which are too old? If it's the case, just checkout a previous tag :) Note that all those components are opensource, so you could also recompile them, but the security framework will probably prevent you to replace system packages.


Originally Posted by mdengler (Post 1115221)
Great - Do you know if "future" is soon? Otherwise I will look into the "third-party" merge option because I have tons of dupes now :(. I am getting inspiration from and wondering if I can just hack the tracker database from python for something really quick and dirty.

Hmm I wonder how you can have tons of dupes, did you make sure you don't use ovi contacts? The best answer is "don't use it at all", the minimum is to avoid having it enabled on two devices at the same time (that's a recipe for disaster).

Tracker does have a DBus API, you need the TrackerReadAccess and TrackerWriteAccess aegis tokens to access it, that should work from python. Else not sure if pyside allows you to access qsparql, it certainly allows you to access qt-mobility (would be the safest way to ensure you don't break your address book).

I think Nokia announced that the next update will be delivered in 4th quarter, you should get your merging button then.

abustany 2011-10-30 14:49

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1115334)

I'm very happy with the N9, used it for some weeks now, and _for me_ it's clearly the best phone ever. Really.

But of course I have a question or two, and a bug that is not really your problem - but I think you are the closest one to know anything.

First, is it possible to hide my Skype-contacts from the Contact-application (and Phone application). So that I have to use the Skype-application to see them? That would have been nice... I hoped I would achieve that by disabling my Skype-account, but then I couldn't use the Skype application either...

Hi Stian!

First of all, there is no "skype" application. The skype button just launches the contacts application with the "skype" filter activated. The whole N9 contacts experience revolves around the fact that there's one and only one app to manage all your contacts, so that it's more consistent for the user. However, if you only want to see your "normal" contacts, you can go in the menu in contact view, select "Show" and click on "Address book".


Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1115334)
The second thing is that the call log doesn't show when the same number call me several times in a row, it just shows the last one...

That's by design yes. Not sure if you can get more details (did you try "long press" on it?).


Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1115334)
Third, and probably not your table... I don't even know really how to explain. In Norway we have some method for authenticating to our banks using the phone. It's somehow in the SIM-access profile. I enter my birthdate and phonenumber in the bank, and then a message on my phone pops up, saying that this and this bank wants to authenticate me. I then press "Accept", and I get a new windows where I can enter a code. When I have done this, the authentication in the bank completes.

With the N9, I usually just get the first message. When I press "Accept", nothing more happens. A few times I have gotten the windows to enter code, but it doesn't complete.

How should I file a proper bug about this?


Hmm, that sounds like USSD stuff maybe going wrong. I have as you suspected strictly no idea about how that works, but I'll ping the appropriate persons on Monday. There might be a bugtracker on, but I'm not 100% sure...

Drekkie 2011-10-30 15:28

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Thanks for participating on the forums like this. I've had the N9 for about 4 days and I'm liking it alot (coming from an N900).

One thing I do miss is having shortcuts to specific contacts on the desktop that easily show if they are online or not (like the N900 had for Gtalk, Skype, etc). Any chance we will see contacts shortcuts with status indicators in the apps or notifications screens (a photo icon, overlayed with a green dot for 'online' status, for example) in a future update so I don't have to leave a window open in task switcher to see them?

abustany 2011-10-30 16:48

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hey Drekkie, thanks for the feedback

as far as I know, the feature you're requesting might come to a later update, but not an immediate one (again, this is not an official statement from Nokia :) ). However, doing a third party app which does just that should be trivial:
1. List all the contacts (a simple QContactFetchRequest does that), showing for each contact the QContactAvatar and the QContactDisplayLabel
2. When the user selects a contact, create a desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications (you'll also find the bookmarks created from the browser there), that calls openContactCard(contact.localId) on

Low hanging fruit for a third party app developer :)

Drekkie 2011-10-30 17:22

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I was thinking of getting started with QT and you may have given me my first project (but please don't let my "learning experience" stop a more seasoned developer from doing this before then lol).

Thanks for the info.

charbar 2011-10-30 18:34

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hey! Thanks so much for setting up a thread like this, its great to know that you guys take into account community feedback.

Anyways, I too have migrated from the n900 to the n9. Absolutely love it, but I was wondering, back on the n900, if you had Skype setup on the phone, it gave you the option to call any number in your contacts via Skype. It seems on the N9, only contacts you have added on Skype will show up as callable via Skype... as opposed to any number you have in your contacts. Am I missing something in the setup, or is this not possible via the N9?


abustany 2011-10-30 18:43

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by charbar (Post 1116062)
Hey! Thanks so much for setting up a thread like this, its great to know that you guys take into account community feedback.

Anyways, I too have migrated from the n900 to the n9. Absolutely love it, but I was wondering, back on the n900, if you had Skype setup on the phone, it gave you the option to call any number in your contacts via Skype. It seems on the N9, only contacts you have added on Skype will show up as callable via Skype... as opposed to any number you have in your contacts. Am I missing something in the setup, or is this not possible via the N9?


Hmm, I have a skype (and a sip) account, and contacts with a phone number are callable via skype. The contact card shows a first button for "normal" calling/texting, and then I have a section called "Services" which has two buttons, one for calling via skype and one via sip. I'm not running "1.0" but the update that you'll receive later this year, however I'm pretty sure it was also like that in 1.0. Maybe someone can confirm? Maybe also check in the setting of your skype account (on the N9, in the "Accounts" app) if there's a knob there to activate that.

Many of the people behind the N9 are open source hackers, so community is our element :-) We are happy to act on feedback as far as our internal restrictions allow.

charbar 2011-10-30 18:55

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1116070)
Hmm, I have a skype (and a sip) account, and contacts with a phone number are callable via skype. The contact card shows a first button for "normal" calling/texting, and then I have a section called "Services" which has two buttons, one for calling via skype and one via sip. I'm not running "1.0" but the update that you'll receive later this year, however I'm pretty sure it was also like that in 1.0. Maybe someone can confirm? Maybe also check in the setting of your skype account (on the N9, in the "Accounts" app) if there's a knob there to activate that.

Thanks for the quick response! I double checked the knobs in the accounts setting area, and phone lines are indeed enabled. However for my friends who do not have a skype account, there is no option under services to skype call them at all. That option only shows up if that person has skype or I've saved their number on my skype account.

Reflektorfalke 2011-10-30 19:06

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by charbar (Post 1116072)
Thanks for the quick response! I double checked the knobs in the accounts setting area, and phone lines are indeed enabled. However for my friends who do not have a skype account, there is no option under services to skype call them at all. That option only shows up if that person has skype or I've saved their number on my skype account.

Option to call a contact on landline or mobile via skype is only available for numbers saved in international format (e.g. +49 for Germany followed by the actual number less the leading "0").

charbar 2011-10-30 19:15

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke (Post 1116075)
Option to call a contact on landline or mobile via skype is only available for numbers saved in international format (e.g. +49 for Germany followed by the actual number less the leading "0").

AHA! picky! that seems to do the trick... adding the + in front of all numbers. thanks! :D

sjordet 2011-10-31 08:48

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1115970)
First of all, there is no "skype" application. The skype button just launches the contacts application with the "skype" filter activated. The whole N9 contacts experience revolves around the fact that there's one and only one app to manage all your contacts, so that it's more consistent for the user. However, if you only want to see your "normal" contacts, you can go in the menu in contact view, select "Show" and click on "Address book".

Ahh, ok. I had noticed the filter from before. So what I'd wish is a setting under Settings -> Applications -> Contacts called "Default filter" or something ;)


Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1115970)
That's by design yes. Not sure if you can get more details (did you try "long press" on it?).

Hmm, that just feels wrong? But ok, if that is how it's meant to be... Long press just gives me the option to empty call log, delete that entry, and it shows the duration of that call.

I can accept (and even agree) that this is the correct behaviour for the "recent calls"-filter. But on the "Received calls" I don't understand how it can be right to leave out many calls? Hmm. Sometimes I need to know who I have talked to at a certain time, not what was the last time I talked to him/her.


Originally Posted by abustany (Post 1115970)
Hmm, that sounds like USSD stuff maybe going wrong. I have as you suspected strictly no idea about how that works, but I'll ping the appropriate persons on Monday. There might be a bugtracker on, but I'm not 100% sure...

Thank you very much if you could get some attention to this problem. The N900 didn't support this at all, but other than that all the phones I have tried this on worked flawlessly. Never any problems.

And since N9 obviously supports this feature, I'm quite sure it's a real bug that it's not working, not just a missing feature :)

Other than that, thanks for a very, very nice phone! I feel that I'm quite demanding when it comes to phones, but this is by far the closest to perfect I have ever been.

Thanks for the awesome work, both with the phone and here in this thread!

sunc 2011-10-31 11:58

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

I'm not sure whether this is the right place to ask, but for some contacts only the phone number is shown in recent calls, messages etc, instead of the name. I think it's only for contacts that got imported from Skype, as "phone only" contacts show up with their names.


dpaliy 2011-10-31 20:56

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hi Reflektorfalke,


Originally Posted by Reflektorfalke (Post 1114247)
I never synced my contacts via MfE, but transferred all of them via BT from MS Outlook. So, the mentioned filtering of MfE contacts does not apply here.
For testing I also created a new contact on my N9, but this one does also not appear in my carkit.

Any ideas how I can resolve/debug this?
Maybe you can point the team working on this to the threads/wiki linked above as they describe how the issue was solved on N900!?

Would you be able to provide debug logs for bluetoothd and obexd after
killall -USR2 bluetoothd
killall -USR2 obexd
? Than we could start looking in more details. Otherwise it is a bit difficult to guess what is going wrong there.

legoman666 2011-11-01 02:41

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I'm getting the same bug with the gtalk authentication: it'll only connect and go online on the third try. otherwise it just says “incorrect password”

Any ideas?

Milhouse 2011-11-01 03:48

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Apologies if this has already been covered in this thread:

PR1.1/N950: Adding a Google Talk service to a contact in the Contacts app, how do you remove this service once it has been added? Editing the contact shows a blank Google Talk field even though it has one (sometimes multiple) Google Talk services assigned to it, and if you add the wrong Google Talk details to a contact (ie. wrong email address) you end up with a "Failed" Google Talk service assigned to the contact that can never be removed. In addition to that, once you have added the service it then shows the associated user name and not the actual email address you entered, so if you want to view the email address for any reason, you can't. It's as if only a third of the UI has been implemented, with EDIT and DELETE missing or not yet implemented.

The inability to modify or remove Google Talk services from contacts makes the entire process rather fraught, as you have only once chance to get it right - get it wrong and you make a mess of your contacts as you need to try again until you get it right, and that's assuming the Contact app doesn't want to randomly merge your contact with another contact upon saving, and if you decline to merge it throws away all of your edits, which is just crazy bad UI design. It's not as if you get the option "Merge and chuck away all my carefully crafted edits", the only options are "Yes" and "No" to the question "Do you want to merge with contact X", with the obvious course of action being to continue editing if you choose "No". Instead, you go back to the list of contacts. /rant over.

Hopefully this is only a problem on the PR1.1/N950 release as I can't believe this will be allowed to to go live on N9s when that version of PR1.1 is released. Someone please tell me PR1.1 on the N950 is actually a Beta of what will be released on the N9.

Milhouse 2011-11-01 04:01

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by legoman666 (Post 1116631)
I'm getting the same bug with the gtalk authentication: it'll only connect and go online on the third try. otherwise it just says “incorrect password”

Any ideas?

I re-flashed my N950 with PR1.1, then added Twitter (which I couldn't add at all after the OTA update, hence the reason to reflash), Google and Facebook accounts from scratch (no backup restored - totally stock).

After reflashing, my Google authentication is fine, so my Availability is online 100% of the time, but Facebook availability repeatedly falls offline for no apparent reason, complaining of an "Incorrect password". Manually putting Facebook back online works only at the second attempt (maybe sometimes a third attempt, but normally the second, and never the first). It's extremely annoying, particularly as you don't realise you're no longer online for Facebook once you have a second account also with presence, and I'm assuming it's one and the same bug we are both experiencing.

Also for some users when adding accounts, they can only add an account at the second or third attempt. Seems to me like there's something fundamentally borked in a shared authentication library that means authentication only ever works at the second or third attempt. And totally screws up automated processes, such as Availability.

Konttori references this issue in his blog post:


Originally Posted by konttori

Originally Posted by sasler
Another annoying thing/bug I've noticed is with the Facebook account. It seems to forget password for it and ask it very often. Sometimes several times during the day. This happens both on my N950 and N9. Has anyone else noticed this too?

Facebook issue is very annoying indeed. I think it was solved on last days of 1.1, but I could be mistaken. We did talk a lot about it then.

I sincerely hope it has been solved in PR1.1 for the N9 - it's been knocking around for months now, and reported many times. Sadly, it's definitely NOT fixed in PR1.1 for the N950, which I hope is just a Beta and more fixes will go into it before being rolled out to N9 users.

abustany 2011-11-07 08:01

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by legoman666 (Post 1116631)
I'm getting the same bug with the gtalk authentication: it'll only connect and go online on the third try. otherwise it just says “incorrect password”

Any ideas?

I couldn't get more information about this bug, since it appears to be in the signon framework... Hopefully the next update will fix things (cf. kontorri's message quoted by Milhouse)

abustany 2011-11-07 08:04

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 1116644)
Apologies if this has already been covered in this thread:

PR1.1/N950: Adding a Google Talk service to a contact in the Contacts app, how do you remove this service once it has been added? Editing the contact shows a blank Google Talk field even though it has one (sometimes multiple) Google Talk services assigned to it, and if you add the wrong Google Talk details to a contact (ie. wrong email address) you end up with a "Failed" Google Talk service assigned to the contact that can never be removed. In addition to that, once you have added the service it then shows the associated user name and not the actual email address you entered, so if you want to view the email address for any reason, you can't. It's as if only a third of the UI has been implemented, with EDIT and DELETE missing or not yet implemented.

No, you have to go to the unmerge view and unmerge that online account, before deleting it


Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 1116644)
The inability to modify or remove Google Talk services from contacts makes the entire process rather fraught, as you have only once chance to get it right - get it wrong and you make a mess of your contacts as you need to try again until you get it right, and that's assuming the Contact app doesn't want to randomly merge your contact with another contact upon saving, and if you decline to merge it throws away all of your edits, which is just crazy bad UI design. It's not as if you get the option "Merge and chuck away all my carefully crafted edits", the only options are "Yes" and "No" to the question "Do you want to merge with contact X", with the obvious course of action being to continue editing if you choose "No". Instead, you go back to the list of contacts. /rant over.

Hopefully this is only a problem on the PR1.1/N950 release as I can't believe this will be allowed to to go live on N9s when that version of PR1.1 is released. Someone please tell me PR1.1 on the N950 is actually a Beta of what will be released on the N9.

I have no idea about what gets released to the N950, apparently according to konttori you get beta releases.

Note that the automerging mechanism is not random, it'll only pick contacts with the same display label, and either the same phone number or email.

ajalkane 2011-11-07 09:10

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1116267)
I can accept (and even agree) that this is the correct behaviour for the "recent calls"-filter. But on the "Received calls" I don't understand how it can be right to leave out many calls? Hmm. Sometimes I need to know who I have talked to at a certain time, not what was the last time I talked to him/her.

It does work that way in "Received calls" (and any other filter but "Recent calls"), at least it does on my N950 with PR1.1. I just checked and I have two calls received from the same person today, and both calls have their own row in there. It's my recollection that's how it worked in the previous firmware also.

Maybe you were looking at "Recent calls" and assumed it's the same everywhere, try checking again ;). Anyway, this seems to work as you expected at least in PR1.1.

mooglez 2011-11-07 09:28

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1119381)
It does work that way in "Received calls" (and any other filter but "Recent calls"), at least it does on my N950 with PR1.1. I just checked and I have two calls received from the same person today, and both calls have their own row in there. It's my recollection that's how it worked in the previous firmware also.

Maybe you were looking at "Recent calls" and assumed it's the same everywhere, try checking again ;). Anyway, this seems to work as you expected at least in PR1.1.

it works like that on the sales version of N9 also.

chrisp7 2011-11-07 11:16

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
All of my contacts telephone numbers - eg mail for exchange info have disappeared. I tried resyncing, but the humbers arent going in. I tried removing my facebook and gmail contacts to make sure it wasnt giving those accounts precedence. But to no avail.
Can anyone help?
Thanks v much!

sjordet 2011-11-07 12:27

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1119381)
It does work that way in "Received calls" (and any other filter but "Recent calls"), at least it does on my N950 with PR1.1. I just checked and I have two calls received from the same person today, and both calls have their own row in there. It's my recollection that's how it worked in the previous firmware also.

Maybe you were looking at "Recent calls" and assumed it's the same everywhere, try checking again ;). Anyway, this seems to work as you expected at least in PR1.1.

I have noticed that difference, which I wrote in my initial post - but if someone calls me twice in a row, with no other call between, just the last one is saved. Even in "received calls"...

sjordet 2011-11-07 12:30

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mooglez (Post 1119383)
it works like that on the sales version of N9 also.

Not if the same person calls twice in a row, and noone else calls you in between.

ajalkane 2011-11-07 12:59

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1119447)
I have noticed that difference, which I wrote in my initial post - but if someone calls me twice in a row, with no other call between, just the last one is saved. Even in "received calls"...

Works in PR1.1.

mooglez 2011-11-07 13:16

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1119448)
Not if the same person calls twice in a row, and noone else calls you in between.

well, i just checked my missed, dialed and answered calls lists, and it does shows multiple entries for the same person.

or do you have a specific scenario that is not showing up correctly?

sjordet 2011-11-07 13:45

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mooglez (Post 1119467)
well, i just checked my missed, dialed and answered calls lists, and it does shows multiple entries for the same person.

or do you have a specific scenario that is not showing up correctly?

I have to repeat that it's only when same person calls twice in a row, with noone else calling between. And it's only if it's the same number, if same person calls from both Private and Mobile, they both shows up.

I'd be very interested to see a screenshot of the same person twice in a row?

chrisp7 2011-11-07 13:47

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by chrisp7 (Post 1119413)
All of my contacts telephone numbers - eg mail for exchange info have disappeared. I tried resyncing, but the humbers arent going in. I tried removing my facebook and gmail contacts to make sure it wasnt giving those accounts precedence. But to no avail.
Can anyone help?
Thanks v much!

For some reason it started only syncing the gmail contacts in the group 'my contacts' (or perhaps this group got created by the phone). Either way - editing the contacts in that group I was able to sync the contacts I needed via mfe (gmail). Its quite temperamental but seemingly working at the moment.

mooglez 2011-11-08 06:49

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by sjordet (Post 1119479)
I have to repeat that it's only when same person calls twice in a row, with noone else calling between. And it's only if it's the same number, if same person calls from both Private and Mobile, they both shows up.

I'd be very interested to see a screenshot of the same person twice in a row?

You are right, tried this last night, and the phone lists it as: "<name of the person> (X)"

where X is the number of calls you missed.

sjordet 2011-11-08 09:59

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mooglez (Post 1119780)
You are right, tried this last night, and the phone lists it as: "<name of the person> (X)"

where X is the number of calls you missed.

Yes, this is true for missed calls. But not for answered calls. Which has been my point all the time...

babraq 2011-11-08 20:08

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
After upgrading to PR1.1, all my contacts disappeared except those from GTalk (I don't have Twitter or Facebook). So I used backup which I made before updating. Contacts are back, but I missed some texts which I received after backup. Another thing (very important) is that when I open some contact which have address or birthday associated with it, the information is not displayed. When I try to edit them, the informations are there. It's very annoying because I cannot cannot lauch Drive application to navigate me to a home address of someone.

So I tried to edit some contacts and after saving, it works as expected, but it's very dumb to edit every contact separately. Is there way to update them at once? Some command related to tracker or something similar?

Another thing is that additional info is missing too, concretely gender. It isn't anywhere.

Again, contacts are gone. :(

I used backup again and tracker-store process is taking more than 50% of CPU.

unrealdtc 2011-11-11 18:15

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I'm having an 'interesting' problem since I updated to PR1.1 on the n9. I noticed my contacts were lacking Twitter information, so I deleted my twitter account, in order to recreate it. After that, I had to use the trick described on this page to be able to connect to twitter again, and then magic, my contacts had their twitter information back... until I rebooted the telephone... :(

Anyone experiencing this problem with Twitter contacts disappearing from Contacts?

ammar.m 2011-11-16 20:48

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
guys i need help. i synced all my FB contacts and many of them have contacts missing. only a few synced the picture. i deleted the account and redid it but still the same issue.

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