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marxian 2011-11-06 22:51

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by vlad_dracul (Post 1119246)
I love the player, thank you for developing it.
I have some comments:
- image quality is not the same as the stock player, where the image is smooth in the stock player, it's a little jaggy in OVP. I seems to me that the stock player does some extra post-processing.
- more options for subtitles would be great: and outline and/or shadow would help the text stand-out.
- a "double-tap to pause" option would be nice to have.
Please put it in the store, I'll buy it.

I'm aware of the image quality issue, it must be a bug in QML or QtMultimediaKit. Same goes for the fact that the QML Video element won't play some videos that are playable in the stock video player.

jakiman 2011-11-06 23:23

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Okay, some more stuff since I've used it a bit more now:

1. Yeah, as mentioned before, image quality for lower than native resolution videos is just not the same as the stock video player. But if you encode your own to native res H264, it looks fine.

2. I've noticed an annoying bug. During video playback, the video control bar sometimes gets stuck and either doesn't hide itself (remains permanently visible) or it does hide but not fully. (top half remains visible when it goes down) Only way it to close OVP and relaunch it.

3. Is it possible to make it swipe away like the stock video player? (where it swipes away the video image instead of swiping and sliding the entire video player and the video). It makes it less laggy during swipe.

4. Is it possible to get a refresh videos button? As I had the OVP open and I copied the new videos on it but OVP wouldn't show it until I close and relaunch OVP.

5. Stock video player creates a new thunbnail at the frame where you left off or stopped the video. Is this possible? It makes it easier to visually see where you left off sometimes. (also should make the thumbnails look better as a lot of videos I currently have just shows a black thumbnail - is it configured to take a thumbnail at a certain frame?)

marxian 2011-11-07 16:46

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119274)
Okay, some more stuff since I've used it a bit more now:

1. Yeah, as mentioned before, image quality for lower than native resolution videos is just not the same as the stock video player. But if you encode your own to native res H264, it looks fine.

Interesting. It must be some kind of scaling problem. I will definitely file a bug on this one.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119274)
2. I've noticed an annoying bug. During video playback, the video control bar sometimes gets stuck and either doesn't hide itself (remains permanently visible) or it does hide but not fully. (top half remains visible when it goes down) Only way it to close OVP and relaunch it.

This happened to me once, although I haven't been able to reproduce it since, so it's difficult to know the cause. It's probably related to extra controls that were added. It may be causing some issues with the toolbar layout component.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119274)
3. Is it possible to make it swipe away like the stock video player? (where it swipes away the video image instead of swiping and sliding the entire video player and the video). It makes it less laggy during swipe.

I think what the stock video player does is disable the swipe action during playback, and replaces it with some drawing effects. The video frame does not move as you drag your finger across the screen. It may be possible to emulate this behaviour, but it's not really my top priority.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119274)
4. Is it possible to get a refresh videos button? As I had the OVP open and I copied the new videos on it but OVP wouldn't show it until I close and relaunch OVP.

I'll add this for the next update. :)


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119274)
5. Stock video player creates a new thunbnail at the frame where you left off or stopped the video. Is this possible? It makes it easier to visually see where you left off sometimes. (also should make the thumbnails look better as a lot of videos I currently have just shows a black thumbnail - is it configured to take a thumbnail at a certain frame?)

I'm not sure how the stock player creates the new thumbnail (I'm sure there will be documentation on this somewhere), but until I implement the resume support, there isn't much point in having the thumbnail. The black image is a placeholder (also used by the stock video player) for when no thumbnail is available. If you launch the stock video player after adding new videos, you will see the black placeholders, which are replaced after the thumbnails are generated. The ability to generate thumbnails will be added to OVP at some point.

jakiman 2011-11-08 00:00

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Do you have the Nokia dev contact who made the Video player app on the N9? If so, he/she would be the best person to get some assistance with resume etc. (If that dev is willing to help you that is) Maybe I can find it out for you?

UPDATE: I have emailed a Nokia N9 SW developer I know to see if he can hook you up with the video player dev. I'm not really expecting him to do it for me but hope he is willing to go out of his way to assist us.

marxian 2011-11-08 00:31

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1119721)
Do you have the Nokia dev contact who made the Video player app on the N9? If so, he/she would be the best person to get some assistance with resume etc. (If that dev is willing to help you that is) Maybe I can find it out for you?

It's not that hard to do, I'll just have to do some further reading of the documentation. I should also report a bug against QtGallery. I have something else to finish over the next day or two, then I'll be putting all my time into getting OVP feature complete. :)

jakiman 2011-11-08 01:12

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Yeah, it's not just the coding skills as I have no doubt that you are superb in that area, but he might have some nice tips or tricks up his sleeve which isn't documented. =) Maybe he also had some cool things planned which he never got to implement. Ah well, if I get any response back, I'll let you know.

wow23 2011-11-10 08:41

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
@marxian, how about translations for ovp? (russian for example)?

hotnikkelz 2011-11-10 16:13

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by wow23 (Post 1121095)
@marxian, how about translations for ovp? (russian for example)?

I think the entire community should pitch in for translations, it's open after all, seems very time consuming, and he has his hands full with the app logic anyway.

CepiPerez 2011-11-10 17:13

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
1 Attachment(s)
Hey marxian:
As I said before, I have my camera recorded videos in stock video player. I've added thumbnails generation using dbus. and remove DCIM filter in DocumentGallery.

I think the files I sent you are not updated.
I've attached the files again.

marxian 2011-11-11 00:50

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1121344)
Hey marxian:
As I said before, I have my camera recorded videos in stock video player. I've added thumbnails generation using dbus. and remove DCIM filter in DocumentGallery.

I think the files I sent you are not updated.
I've attached the files again.

Thanks mate. :) I'm back working on OVP now, so I'll hopefully have an update ready at the weekend. I have two or three other features to implement first. :)

CepiPerez 2011-11-11 01:52

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Subtitles doesn't display some spanish characters.
I think it's an unicode problem.
Will you see this? I can do it for you if you want

Also, I I think subtitles font size in portrait mode should be 0,56% of current font size (with a limit to prevent very small size), cause it doesn't fit in portrait screen if the size is too big in landscape

I can do it too, to let you focus in your new features ;)

marxian 2011-11-11 03:26

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1121599)
Subtitles doesn't display some spanish characters.
I think it's an unicode problem.
Will you see this? I can do it for you if you want

Also, I I think subtitles font size in portrait mode should be 0,56% of current font size (with a limit to prevent very small size), cause it doesn't fit in portrait screen if the size is too big in landscape

I can do it too, to let you focus in your new features ;)

The subtitles problem may be difficult to solve as I use a WorkerScript to load them, to avoid a lock-up of the main thread, which sometimes occurred when using my Utils class to load them. WorkerScript cannot access the C++ objects made available to QML via QDeclarativeContext::setContextProperty(), so I moved the subtitles code to JavaScript, and used XMLHttpRequest to load the subtitles. This causes problems with unicode (returns question marks in place of unicode characters), and it seems that it is not possible to decode the resulting characters. I think the only solution will be to use QThread to load the subtitles, so I can move the code back to C++ and gain more control of the character encoding.

I have no objections if you want to tackle this. :D ;)

I didn't spend much time thinking about the font size and such, as the current implementation was designed just as a quick test before putting some improvements in place. I think there are some visibility issues with the subtitles atm. Using raised text or some such will probably improve this. I plan to add some more options in the settings.

On a separate note, I have been testing your changes (whilst working on the other features) and it seems that there is a problem with thread lock if there are a large number of thumbnails that need generating on startup (in my case there must have been about 30-40). I think these processes will also need to be moved to a separate thread.

N770-Freak 2011-11-13 16:58

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Really great piece of software. I'm using it especially playing music videos. Would be great if shuffle function would be added for playlists.

jaeezzy 2011-11-13 17:50

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
hi marxian, thnx for this gr8 app. Though I haven't got to use it yet as I don own n9(50) as yet but this is one of few apps I'll first download along with cutetube as soon as I own one ;)
Sneaking in just to request for one thing that i guess will make it look awesome on top of gr8 things its already doing (sorry if this has already been asked). Will it be possible to switch between thumbnail views just by pinch-zooming in and out like in multitask view rather than going to menu and setting it up? it would b just awesome.. thanx

jakiman 2011-11-14 11:28

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Any updates? =)

Also, any progress on getting the resume function sorted?

Few other things:

1. Sorting by title doesn't seem to go by the filenames? My videos aren't sorted by filenames so it's everywhere for some reason.

2.Also, can sorting by date changed to date modified and not date created? (or another option for this?) This will ensure my videos are listed by when I copied it onto the N9 instead of when the file was created which could be weeks/months ago.

3. When I play a video and if I press the back button to go back to the thumbnail view, the video title shown in the bottom bubble isn't showing the file name but some embedded tracker title. Can this be changed to show the file name also?

helex 2011-11-14 23:25

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
If my humble opinion counts Nokia should replace ASAP the build in video player in the upcoming PR1.2 with this open video player! ;)

As ever, Great work Marxian! :D

Only two suggestions:
  • a additional list view without thumbnail but the possibility to see the full filename would be great. (perhaps only in landscape view - the possibility counts)
  • a possibility to rename a video

jakiman 2011-11-15 00:09

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by helex (Post 1123656)
Only two suggestions:
  • a additional list view without thumbnail but the possibility to see the full filename would be great. (perhaps only in landscape view - the possibility counts)
  • a possibility to rename a video

1. I've requested something very similar already and marxian advised it's coming in the next update. :)
2. As OVP is now made to just the file name, you could easily rename it using a file manager app for now.

helex 2011-11-15 20:50

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1123680)
1. I've requested something very similar already and marxian advised it's coming in the next update. :)

Sorry, haven't read the whole thread. :o


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1123680)
2. As OVP is now made to just the file name, you could easily rename it using a file manager app for now.

Yes, I'm able to... but in this case I have to open a browser and search where the video could be stored instead of renaming the video I've selected, opened or watched just now. ;)
(I used at example to rename a movie to note where I stoped watching - at example "v24 - moviename..." to note for myself, I stoped at minute 24...)

jakiman 2011-11-15 21:14

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by helex (Post 1124060)
Yes, I'm able to... but in this case I have to open a browser and search where the video could be stored instead of renaming the video I've selected, opened or watched just now. ;)
(I used at example to rename a movie to note where I stoped watching - at example "v24 - moviename..." to note for myself, I stoped at minute 24...)

Ahh. Hopefully you won't have to rename them to where you left off soon when marxian gets the resume working. :)

marxian 2011-11-15 21:18

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1123352)
Any updates? =)

Also, any progress on getting the resume function sorted?

I've implemented the smaller thumbnails with full filename, but not much else atm. I have a Symbian project that I need to finish before I can come back to OVP. The resume feature is dependent upon Nokia fixing QtGallery (unless I use another means to access the tracker like libqtsparql, which I don't have any experience with so I'll need to do some reading first.)


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1123352)
Few other things:

1. Sorting by title doesn't seem to go by the filenames? My videos aren't sorted by filenames so it's everywhere for some reason.

2.Also, can sorting by date changed to date modified and not date created? (or another option for this?) This will ensure my videos are listed by when I copied it onto the N9 instead of when the file was created which could be weeks/months ago.

The sorting still uses the embedded title, so I'll change that to fileName for the next update. The modified date is already used (lastModified is the property name), although if you have noticed any anomalies, it would not surprise me if this is another bug in QtGallery (i.e. the wrong property is accessed).


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1123352)
3. When I play a video and if I press the back button to go back to the thumbnail view, the video title shown in the bottom bubble isn't showing the file name but some embedded tracker title. Can this be changed to show the file name also?

That's an oversight on my part. I'll change it for the next update. I'll also add the rename function. :)

thiagoaugusto 2011-11-17 13:39

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Great job man !!!

I converted some movies and not play, just get loading and loading ...
However, when I split the movie into two parts, so they are well played.
Of course, in the native video player that also occurs.

Over time, how long can a video be?

Is this normal?


thiagoaugusto 2011-11-17 15:59

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by thiagoaugusto (Post 1125005)
Great job man !!!

I converted some movies and not play, just get loading and loading ...
However, when I split the movie into two parts, so they are well played.
Of course, in the native video player that also occurs.

Over time, how long can a video be?

Is this normal?


Sorry, I know what happened.
I converted to xvid, and it happened. :eek:
Then converted to H.264, and it was beautiful. :D


Arpa 2011-11-18 13:08

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by thiagoaugusto (Post 1125058)
Sorry, I know what happened.
I converted to xvid, and it happened. :eek:
Then converted to H.264, and it was beautiful. :D

Maybe the size of not working files were over 4GB?

thiagoaugusto 2011-11-18 13:17

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by Arpa (Post 1125483)
Maybe the size of not working files were over 4GB?

The file has only 700MB.
With the H264 codec, it works well. :cool:
With the xvid codec, not open, except under one hour. :confused: :)

jakiman 2011-11-20 20:46

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
@marxian, any possible update soon? =)

N770-Freak 2011-11-20 20:51

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I just noticed that it is not possible to play hidden content (e.g. videos stored in ~MyDocs/Movies/.hidden folder). I have quite a lot of music clips which I added to a playlist (did that in xterm). When I try to play the playlist, I get some error that playback is not possible.

Because these are more than 1,000 videos, I don't want that these are directly visible when I start video player. Any chance to allow playback of videos which are not tracked by tracker?

jakiman 2011-11-21 02:53

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 1126533)
Because these are more than 1,000 videos, I don't want that these are directly visible when I start video player. Any chance to allow playback of videos which are not tracked by tracker?

I have requested this already and marxian is implementing the option to specify folders manually. He told me he already knows how to do this so I expect this to be implemented in the next update. I can't wait!

I currently use the default player for non-native resolution videos (as scaling isn't smooth on the OVP) or if I know I can't watch the whole thing in time (due to lack of resume).

jakiman 2011-11-25 00:36

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
marxian, have you had any progress on the resume support?

N770-Freak 2011-11-27 08:55

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 1126533)
I just noticed that it is not possible to play hidden content (e.g. videos stored in ~MyDocs/Movies/.hidden folder). I have quite a lot of music clips which I added to a playlist (did that in xterm). When I try to play the playlist, I get some error that playback is not possible.

I realized that openvideoplayer uses a different format for playlists (file:// declaration is needed). My playlist is now working with hidden files.

This brings me to the next step: It seems openvideoplayer does not have any commandline arguments. I'm trying to run openvideoplayer from commandline and load my playlist directly. Any hints if openvideoplayer supports commandline arguments?
Do I have to use DBUS to open video files?

Gky007 2011-11-27 09:05

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
i think nitdroid is much powerfull, in my N900 i have some HD videos which is not playable in Default or Open media player:confused::confused: but working fine in nitdroid through MX Video Player:rolleyes::rolleyes:;) without any Codec Update or installation... i think experts should do something like that.:D:D

N770-Freak 2011-11-27 09:10

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
That might be true and that would work for my N900.

But the N9 is the phone I'm using for my daily work, means it just should work (without changing the OS).

Other hints regarding openvideoplayer and cli?

quantumboredom 2011-12-03 11:35

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
The listed download site has been down for a while now (several days?). Any other place where Open Video Player can be downloaded?

olympus 2011-12-06 16:55

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by quantumboredom (Post 1132610)
The listed download site has been down for a while now (several days?). Any other place where Open Video Player can be downloaded?

Yeah, i googled a link for the latest version, here's the link.

Transcend 2011-12-07 07:42

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Anybody knows ho to make Open Video Player my default media video player? :)

marxian 2011-12-07 08:25

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by Transcend (Post 1134337)
Anybody knows ho to make Open Video Player my default media video player? :)

It can't be done yet, because I have not yet added the necessary code. I will do this in a future update. I haven't had any time to work on OVP recently, as I've been working on getting my Symbian application into Nokia Store. That work is finished now, so I'm currently working on updates for the Harmattan versions, after which I'll be resuming work on FOSS projects such as OVP and Open Music Player, which will take a similar approach to OVP and add extra features like landscape mode, scrobbling, EQ etc. :) I will also be porting my Harmattan projects to Maemo5. I have already started this process, and I have MusiKloud running on my N900, although there are a few problems with theming etc.

Niwakame 2011-12-07 10:59

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by olympus (Post 1134084)
Yeah, i googled a link for the latest version, here's the link.

I would seriously not recommend anyone to download a package from anything that's called

Please keep your sources sane. If the original author decides to upload it to a filehost and then post the link here under his name, that's okay.

Remember, you're installing with root permissions and install scripts can do nearly anything...

marxian 2011-12-07 11:28

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I've uploaded the .deb package to my Ubuntu One account:

afaq 2011-12-07 12:02

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Marxian - Tried to install directly from your link but I get error message saying "Installation Failed. Installation Interrupted".

Have downloaded .deb file and tried installing it separately but same result. The App is not in the store anymore either.

quantumboredom 2011-12-08 01:09

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I get the same error message as afaq when opening the .deb file in File Manager. When doing "dpkg -i openvideoplayer_0.0.4_armel.deb" I get:


/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads # dpkg -i openvideoplayer_0.0.4_armel.deb
aegis-loader: Failed loading policy for 'openvideoplayer::/opt/openvideoplayer/bin/openvideoplayer'
(Reading database ... 41752 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking openvideoplayer (from openvideoplayer_0.0.4_armel.deb) ...
mv: can't rename './openvideoplayer.ini': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing openvideoplayer_0.0.4_armel.deb (--install):
subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
aegis-NOT-installing openvideoplayer (from '')

Niwakame 2011-12-08 10:36

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
err...the preinst script is broken
it also uses a relative path for openvideoplayer.ini and I don't know where this is pointing...



mv ./openvideoplayer.ini /etc/powervr.d/

try to do

touch openvideoplayer.ini
dpkg -i openvideoplayer_0.0.4_armel.deb

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