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maxld 2012-02-27 12:45

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1170454)

you also using central europe flash image?

Yes, I had the same image for an european product code, flashed by winflasher. So I think that here is the reason you cannot update.

slansr 2012-02-27 12:45

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
facebook app was supposed to change a little, we'll see!
29% for me taking ages but im happy to wait as long as needed!
Oh jumped to 37% while writing this haha!

Btw i have a made in finland, cyan, with "rest of the world" pr1.1 installed

TMavica 2012-02-27 12:45

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I go try now

F2thaK 2012-02-27 12:49

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
It wont be on Navifirm for at least a few days

Muzimak 2012-02-27 12:55

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Skype Video Call :D ?

Watergate 2012-02-27 12:56

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Bought N9 White in Finland, located in Denmark and is getting the update :)

slansr 2012-02-27 12:59

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
somebody please tell me whether the ui is now faster in general? i cant wait wait for my instalation to finish! :)
Im afraid if it still as slow ill have to stick to my lumia.. although i wouldnt want to..

jberezhnoy 2012-02-27 13:00

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by SaQ (Post 1170394)
It gave me error when download was complete, something like
"error while updating"

I will now reboot the device, and try again

Anybody else have same problem!

I had the same problem with PR1.1 with 2 different N9s, so I had to use navifirm to update them

afaq 2012-02-27 13:01

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Creating new folders but every new folder is called "Folder" by default. Anyway to rename them?

Update: Figured it out- Press and hold once in the folder to rename it.

rooster13 2012-02-27 13:03

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Any updates on the Drive app?
Can you save favorites and your home place?

8% done and waiting...

slarti 2012-02-27 13:05

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 1170492)
Creating new folders but every new folder is called "Folder" by default. Anyway to rename them?

Update: Figured it out- Press and hold once in the folder to rename it.

...or just tap it once right after creating it.

Kozzi 2012-02-27 13:09

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by rooster13 (Post 1170493)
Any updates on the Drive app?
Can you save favorites and your home place?

8% done and waiting...

Yes you can

slansr 2012-02-27 13:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
just got notified for a new facebook friend request! now my n9 finally notifies me of things like a normal phone!

the background for the updates menu is black aslo and looks awesome!

afaq 2012-02-27 13:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Is there an appetite to start a new thread on the new features? with Q&As?

bigfatdeal 2012-02-27 13:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Can someone post the new version numbers of Drive, Music and Maps applications? I want to confirm that I have the latest version.

bmate 2012-02-27 13:12

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Quick question: When I went to update the phone there were a couple of updates for some apps too...these updates are included in PR1.2 too right?

I gonna go read the bug tracker now for all the fixes/improvements. N9 <3

edit: @afaq do it. But it would be nice to include all changes in the first post for easier access once we figure out the differences(it would be a waste of time to read pages of replies). Plus we should mark those we can with a link to the bug tracker entry.

Iipe 2012-02-27 13:17

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by SaQ (Post 1170394)
It gave me error when download was complete, something like
"error while updating"

I will now reboot the device, and try again

Anybody else have same problem!

I had the same problem. Rebooting didn't help. Removing the entries for SDK and community repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* solved the problem.

AndyNokia232 2012-02-27 13:17

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Nothing for my Malaysian cyan variant yet here in the States. I'm patient though! ;)

Enjoying reading the comments from those who have updated... keep 'em coming please

Hakki_01 2012-02-27 13:19

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1170468)
Other than having their feeds showing up on the homescreen and lockscreen, nope.

doesn't seem to work for my facebook..
Twitter did work..

aironeous 2012-02-27 13:21

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by tebsu (Post 1170461)
i managed to change my code from 059L7R7: N9 RM-696 Country Variant Denmark DK Black 64GB_COLOR to
059J187: RM-696 NDT NORTH EUROPE BLACK 64GB and it still doesn't show up any updates.

I did the same thing and I have the same model as you. I changed it to that in order to get the pr1.1 a while ago.
I did not have a firmware update notification until i stuck my phone on wifi and went to the applications menu and went to the updates and hit the refresh button in the upper right. It came back with no updates then 5 seconds later i got the update notification.

slansr 2012-02-27 13:22

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
go to notification, feeds on home screen and you can see some new features like how often it updates and which of rss feeds to include, very easy to use now!

coopere 2012-02-27 13:24

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Gonna wait til I get home to download over wifi. I remember mentioning that we might get this update early and was laughed at. Now am laughing. LOL.

Sniper_swe 2012-02-27 13:25

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
one great thing in pr1.2 is that when u scroll down feeds it does remember were you were if u open a feed or swipe to homescreen and back.

admiral0 2012-02-27 13:26

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
no update for me: n9 from denmark, location italy

Bernard 2012-02-27 13:29

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Has anybody seen a change log?

On Wikipedia there is a list:

But I doubt all of these point are true.
I am mostly interested in the following:
- DLNA support
- DropBox account support

Are these really included in this final PR 1.2 update? An how are these implemented? Are there limitations in the dropbox implementation? Only syncs specific folders/files/file/sizes ? How would USB OTG work if the N9 does not have a USB OTG connector? Does DLNA support all three options included in the spec? ("server", "renderer", "controller")

If anybody that installed PR 1.2 can answer these questions, that would be very helpful.

aironeous 2012-02-27 13:30

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Sniper_swe (Post 1170515)
One great thing in pr1.2 is that when you scroll down feeds it does remember were you were if you open a feed or swipe to homescreen and back.

Holy crap finally! That was annoying me and making me basically ignore the feeds screen.

aironeous 2012-02-27 13:32

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by admiral0 (Post 1170516)
no update for me: n9 from denmark, location italy

I have a Denmark black 64gb too and I waited at the back of the line too last update (PreaseRait1.1) I think I waited 5 days before I finally took the chance and used that program to change it to north central Europe product code and then tried the refresh on the apps update screen and then I got the update.

aironeous 2012-02-27 13:34

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1170519)
Has anybody seen a change log?

On Wikipedia there is a list:

But I doubt all of these point are true.
I am mostly interested in the following:
- DLNA support
- DropBox account support

Are these really included in this final PR 1.2 update? An how are these implemented? Are there limitations in the dropbox implementation? Only syncs specific folders/files/file/sizes ? How would USB OTG work if the N9 does not have a USB OTG connector? Does DLNA support all three options included in the spec? ("server", "renderer", "controller")

If anybody that installed PR 1.2 can answer these questions, that would be very helpful.

Got to
USB OTG is being worked on by one person and it looks like it's going to take a while.

raptor2k7 2012-02-27 13:37

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Just one quick question... How are the new fonts?

narzix 2012-02-27 13:41

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Does 1.2 feel laggy for anyone?

For example, I use swipe manager and the screen has to refresh when I am swiping to change screens.. it never had to do that or it was very seamless when I was on 1.1.

raptor2k7 2012-02-27 13:45

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I know it will still take a while to observe battery performance, but it's important to find out if the idle consumption issue got fixed already.

vitaminj 2012-02-27 13:46

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
The Maliit VKB now supports arrow keys! Hurrah!
Edit the VKB XML yourself manually, or use MesInput from the store to download a VKB with arrows.
Even shift+arrow works for highlighting!

UCOMM 2012-02-27 13:48

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by narzix (Post 1170528)
Does 1.2 feel laggy for anyone?

For example, I use swipe manager and the screen has to refresh when I am swiping to change screens.. it never had to do that or it was very seamless when I was on 1.1.

i actually feel its faster, but maybe its the sound effects helping out.

Bernard 2012-02-27 13:50

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Is Video calling supported in Google Talk or Skype?

Watchmaker 2012-02-27 13:53

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Hi all, I have a swiss country variant. I want to change product code and try to update OTA. Can anybody please suggest which product code should i change to, to be able to update now AND having Italian language installed in the phone (system, swype and all)?

Also, here it says that NSS is discontinued, and that there is a NSS Pro. Which one should I use? Is there a way to do this on linux?

Many many thanks :)

TMavica 2012-02-27 13:58

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Watchmaker (Post 1170544)
Hi all, I have a swiss country variant. I want to change product code and try to update OTA. Can anybody please suggest which product code should i change to, to be able to update now AND having Italian language installed in the phone (system, swype and all)?

Also, here it says that NSS is discontinued, and that there is a NSS Pro. Which one should I use? Is there a way to do this on linux?

Many many thanks :)

You can change the product code to northorn europe, but i tried, no OTA update, I think need a variable northorn europe image, so i downloading through navifirm now, and give it a try..

aironeous 2012-02-27 13:59

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by vitaminj (Post 1170533)
The Maliit VKB now supports arrow keys! Hurrah!
Edit the VKB XML yourself manually, or use MesInput from the store to download a VKB with arrows.
Even shift+arrow works for highlighting!

Holy crap awesome thanks.

Note: guys don't forget to hit refresh in the software updates after you change your product code. It's the circular arrows in the upper right.

F2thaK 2012-02-27 14:01

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
someone who has got OTA update please share product code, thx

TMavica 2012-02-27 14:03

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1170550)
someone who has got OTA update please share product code, thx


a member share this in previous pages, but I tried, nil help
and he has flashed a same image as the product code.

so i now downloading and go a try

romain65 2012-02-27 14:04

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Bloodymirova (Post 1170448)
Stuck at 91% for over an hour - should I just reflash PR 1.1? Or wait another hour? Anyone else with this problem?

I've got the same problem; does any one have an idea ?
Trying to update OTA from PR1.1

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