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maverick788us 2012-07-13 12:37

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I would love to see tablets replacing physical books. I am an IT professional half of my rooms if filled with books and it is difficult to dispose old books. Once all these Microsoft press and other publications start selling iBooks it will be fun to read it in iPads. I think iBooks provide more description with videos and voices. Hate to use physical books

Den in USA 2012-07-13 13:08

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
In my town, the school district is loaning out tablets that contain the text books used by the high school students. No more heavy back-packs!

Dave999 2012-08-14 21:15

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

True or not...

Kangal 2012-08-15 03:54

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
For $199, it will be interesting and possibly change the "tableting" world.

But what would be more controversial/drastic is if they priced it at $299 and had a very revolutionary ecosystem.

Dave999 2012-08-27 11:07

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Seems that samsung has nother kick *** tablet to et some market share.

Dave999 2012-09-05 20:50

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
The tblet world will change. Putin building a tablet :D

Kangal 2012-09-06 00:24

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
He's putin his money where his mouth is....

(PS it aint an iPad, or a tablet at all. Its an eBook or a eTextBook for the masses)

PMaff 2012-10-09 14:28

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by MINKIN2 (Post 1224387)
Heck, even removing that bloody OS and all traces of its damn bootloader from my win7 dualboot resulted in a full format of my HDD :\

If you don't need Win:
What is wrong about a full format of any HDD with Windows on it? :D

Since I have to use Win at work (which is a pain in the a...) and since some games are only there, I always have the pleasure to minimize
Windows on my HDDs with the corresponding Linux partitioners. :D

Dave999 2012-10-19 20:30

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
The RT version is up for pre order. I'm waiting for a pro version windows 8 to my collection.

Still not sure I get the surface. But a full desktop environment is on my mind. And As I understands it, not yet confirmed or denied, and you can also load your favorite Linux distribution if you wants to.

I think the world will change. The change will be that desktop and tablets,running the same os and applications. That's great devices gets more powerful.

Dave999 2012-12-02 19:16

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Damn it, that pro version was a bit overpriced I think. Ativ smart pc was a better choice :D

GeraldKo 2012-12-03 07:44

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1300719)
Damn it, that pro version was a bit overpriced I think. Ativ smart pc was a better choice :D

Think I'd be more interested in the Asus VivoTAB TF810C. First Amazon reviewer has a lot good to say and is credible to me:

But for me it would be a replacement for my primary PC and my tablet, replacing my ThinkPad X-series subnotebook and my firesaled HP TouchPad. (That is, it would replace everything except my media PC, which is attached to my television.) I wouldn't need much power nor built-in storage, but an 11.5" IPS screen would be nice.

And for pocketable stuff, heck, in the right circumstances, like for foreign travel, I'll still carry my N800 and bluetooth GPS transmitter!

Dave999 2012-12-03 07:56

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Seems to be a nice device. But does it have a keyboard? kickstand?

kinggo 2012-12-03 09:17

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
as I predicted at the begining of this thread.........

Dave999 2013-05-30 16:20

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Anyone own a Surface Pro? Seems like a KICKASS peace of tech.

I think I will buy one soon if nothing cooler arrive...

Akkumaru 2013-05-30 16:25

I heard there are surface next-gen in the works, rumoured to be revealed in June? Can't wait honestly :)

mikecomputing 2013-05-30 16:33

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I realize that I prefer a GOOD laptop (in my case Lenovo X230) over some crappy Tablet.

The reasons are I can:

* pornsurf
* read/write mail
* develop apps because it has a keyboard
* watch films
* real linux OS
* Read news

With a tablet I can only:

* pornsurf
* Read news
* Watchj clips

the rest is just crap on a tablet especially because todays tablet OS:s sucks bigtime.

Dave999 2013-05-30 16:40

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1348087)
I realize that I prefer a GOOD laptop (in my case Lenovo X230) over some crappy Tablet.

The reasons are I can:

* pornsurf
* read/write mail
* develop apps because it has a keyboard
* watch films
* real linux OS
* Read news

With a tablet I can only:

* pornsurf
* Read news
* Watchj clips

the rest is just crap on a tablet especially because todays tablet OS:s sucks bigtime.

Dude, you can do everything above on the pro version. THAT'S Why It's Called PRO. Read my link above!

nokiabot 2013-05-30 17:10

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Yup win8 there btw just win8 only

Dave999 2013-05-30 17:21

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1348096)
Yup win8 there btw just win8 only

Yes, and all your favorite linux distributions.

Kangal 2013-05-31 09:10

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I'm actually interested in the Lenovo Helix.
Just need a decent pricetag and Haswell.

Oh, and dualboot OpenSUSE (or in my words "susey").

Dave999 2013-08-11 11:56

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
I just got my Surface Pro 128 GB...My already retina Ipad collecting dust and my new Nexus 7 is like a cheep toy compared to this bad boy!

You can do stuff that other tablets only dream about :D Wohow

If you can afford one, Get it ASAP!

jellyroll 2013-08-11 13:18

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366373)
I just got my Surface Pro 128 GB...My already retina Ipad collecting dust and my new Nexus 7 is like a cheep toy compared to this bad boy!

You can do stuff that other tablets only dream about :D Wohow

If you can afford one, Get it ASAP!

Is it possible to install linux on it?

TheoX 2013-08-11 13:35

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by jellyroll (Post 1366376)
Is it possible to install linux on it?

I don't think so, as Microsoft locked up the bootloaders on all their mobile devices. Previous MS Surface users just managed to break the registry on the tablets, they didn't quite find a way yet to install other OS than the Win8 on it.

Dave999 2013-08-11 13:41

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366378)
I don't think so, as Microsoft locked up the bootloaders on all their mobile devices. Previous MS Surface users just managed to break the registry on the tablets, they didn't quite find a way yet to install other OS than the Win8 on it.

They also might been Noobs :D

It's possible to install Ubuntu, but I haven't tried it yet. But it seems like the Wi-fi has some problems ATM.

TheoX 2013-08-11 13:51

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366381)
They also might been Noobs :D

It's possible to install Ubuntu, but I haven't tried it yet. But it seems like the Wi-fi has some problems ATM.

I never said that this is not possible. I was just saying what I last read about these tablets on XDA forums. Maybe they even found a way to remove Windws and install whatever.

So what is tablet offering better than the competitors, and why would you buy this instead of any competitors. I am asking this because I was interested in buying a Sony Vaio 10" Windows 8 tablet.

Dave999 2013-08-11 13:56

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366384)
I never said that this is not possible. I was just saying what I last read about these tablets on XDA forums. Maybe they even found a way to remove Windws and install whatever.

So what is tablet offering better than the competitors, and why would you buy this instead of any competitors. I am asking this because I was interested in buying a Sony Vaio 10" Windows 8 tablet.

No tablet is better than others at everything. It depends what you looking for an planing to do. What model are you looking at duo 11?

TheoX 2013-08-11 14:00

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366385)
No tablet is better than others at everything. It depends what you looking for an planing to do.

Have all the functions of a laptop, but with a wacom/capcacitive touchscreen, not under 10". The current one I've got it's a 12" but it's getting old... So soon it would need replacing. 2.0Ghz CPU, 1.5GB ram, Windows 8 Pro, 12" wacom touchscreen, convertable.

Dave999 2013-08-11 14:05

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366386)
Have all the functions of a laptop, but with a wacom/capcacitive touchscreen, not under 10". The current one I've got it's a 12" but it's getting old... So soon it would need replacing. 2.0Ghz CPU, 1.5GB ram, Windows 8 Pro, 12" wacom touchscreen, convertable.

LOL, you doesn't make sense. What model are you talking about and what's your main requirements?

TheoX 2013-08-11 14:07

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366387)
LOL, you doesn't make sense. What model are you talking about and what's your main requirements?

Dave, what was not to be understand. I want to run advanced applications like you would run on a laptop/pc not on a iOS or Android Tablet. I need it to run apps like Visual Studio 2012, Photoshop CS6, Sony Vegas PRO, Sony Sound Forge, Sony ACID and so on.

herpderp 2013-08-11 14:10

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366389)
Dave, what was not to be understand. I want to run advanced applications like you would run on a laptop/pc not on a iOS or Android Tablet. I need it to run apps like Visual Studio 2012, Photoshop CS6, Sony Vegas PRO, Sony Sound Forge, Sony ACID and so on.

On 1.5GB RAM with Win8? Good luck with that...

Dave999 2013-08-11 14:11

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366389)
Dave, what was not to be understand. I want to run advanced applications like you would run on a laptop/pc not on a iOS or Android Tablet. I need it to run apps like Visual Studio 2012, Photoshop CS6, Sony Vegas PRO, Sony Sound Forge, Sony ACID and so on.

If that is your main req, you should not look for a small tablet. Get a powerful smart-book/ultrabook instead. Much more powerful, more power for the money. Better to work with.

You can run VS,PS on the Pro, but its pretty small :D Performance is OK.

TheoX 2013-08-11 14:16

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1366390)
On 1.5GB RAM with Win8? Good luck with that...

Yes, and it's running fine with no problems on my current tablet. But as I said I need an upgrade. I am running all of my apps and still have absolutely no problem.

Win8 have a fantastic resource management system.

Here is the proof.

I even compared it to a friend with 6GB (4gb available because we need 32bit version) and it was absolutely no difference in the way the OS was running. The only problem is that I can't run games and he can, and trust me, I ain't no gamer.


Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366391)
If that is your main req, you should not look for a small tablet. Get a powerful smart-book/ultrabook instead. Much more powerful, more power for the money. Better to work with.

You can run VS,PS on the Pro, but its pretty small :D Performance is OK.

Dave, I also need a touchscreen. That is my main problem. Laptops don't have touchscreen, and if it does, it's very hard to operate since you can't flip the screen (I was interested in such models until I saw I can't operate them right).

Dave999 2013-08-11 14:20

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366392)

Dave, I also need a touchscreen. That is my main problem. Laptops don't have touchscreen, and if it does, it's very hard to operate since you can't flip the screen (I was interested in such models until I saw I can't operate them right).

there is laptops touchscreens, but if you want be able to go to tablet style you have to pay more. check at duo 11 or duo 13. they are really nice and powerful, but will cost you a bit more.

jellyroll 2013-08-11 14:29

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366392)
Yes, and it's running fine with no problems on my current tablet. But as I said I need an upgrade. I am running all of my apps and still have absolutely no problem.

Win8 have a fantastic resource management system.

Here is the proof.

I even compared it to a friend with 6GB (4gb available because we need 32bit version) and it was absolutely no difference in the way the OS was running. The only problem is that I can't run games and he can, and trust me, I ain't no gamer.

Dave, I also need a touchscreen. That is my main problem. Laptops don't have touchscreen, and if it does, it's very hard to operate since you can't flip the screen (I was interested in such models until I saw I can't operate them right).

I found this IBM workpad on the the net it's fast and stable.

TheoX 2013-08-11 14:29

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366393)
there is laptops touchscreens, but you have to pay more. check at duo 11 or duo 13. the are really nice, but will cost you a bit more.

Yes, they are nice, slim but I will have to sell my kidneys to get one of those. What I saw was something similar, in a local store. A little more bulky and a little more cheap (around 600$). It came with Win8 preinstalled so it was pretty much what I needed.

How much was your Surface. Who is the actual producer of the hardware?

Dave999 2013-08-11 14:33

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366398)
Yes, they are nice, slim but I will have to sell my kidneys to get one of those. What I saw was something similar, in a local store. A little more bulky and a little more cheap (around 600$). It came with Win8 preinstalled so it was pretty much what I needed.

How much was your Surface. Who is the actual producer of the hardware?

$600 sounds ok, just make sure it comes with windows Pro, not RT.

Don't know the price exactly, got it from my employer but I guess the price is around $800 is US. It's Microsoft that is the producer, but I don't know who they hired to do the actual job.

TheoX 2013-08-11 14:40

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1366399)
$600 sounds ok, just make sure it comes with windows Pro, not RT.

Don't know the price exactly, got it from my employer but I guess the price is around $800 is US. It's Microsoft that is the producer, but I don't know who they hired to do the actual job.

And there is no official information about this? I am really interested who is the actual producer behind this.

This is just like Beats by Dr. Dre. On all the hardware and headsets it's Beats logo, as the main producer Microsoft is featured, but the actual producer is Monster.

mrsellout 2013-08-11 22:15

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by PurpleXS8 (Post 1366378)
I don't think so, as Microsoft locked up the bootloaders on all their mobile devices. Previous MS Surface users just managed to break the registry on the tablets, they didn't quite find a way yet to install other OS than the Win8 on it.

AIUI the RT devices with an ARM SOC have a locked bootloader, the Pro tabs with the Intel CPUs are unlocked. The issues that can arise are due to poor hi-res tablet UIs (maybe Plasma Active be ideal) and the usual lack of drivers in exotic hardware[1], so do your research before you commit.

MS haven't done well at all with their Surfaces, and are offering various deals on them ATM, if the Pro versions come down further, they'll become very tempting indeed.


Edit: Wiki has the Taiwanese former Asus subsidiary Pegatron as the mfr.

javispedro 2013-08-11 23:13

Re: Will the tablet world change now?
Double the battery life (increase weight, thickness, whatever) and I'd buy it.

Dave999 2013-08-12 10:15

Re: Will the tablet world change now?

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 1366522)
Double the battery life (increase weight, thickness, whatever) and I'd buy it.

It's already pretty thick. The battery life is OK, when you think of what you can do. Other tables can't even do half of what this can.

Anyone else got you hands on one?

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