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sviox 2013-05-18 15:20

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1344144)
Too lucrative app:)
at least think about the n900:( in some point of time:)
it will breath a fresh air into it:)

I'll let someone else think about that after I manage to open source the app at some point. I have no experience nor access to N900 so I think I'll skip that and concentrate on N9 (and perhaps on other modern platforms).

sviox 2013-05-18 15:26

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Good news. I'm going to post the update to the Store today. It should be available within a week if everything goes well. Since there were quite a lot of changes, I decided to release it as 1.4.0. Here is the final (hope so!) changelog:
* Changed default device pixel ratio to 1.5
* Implemented widget settings view
* Implemented a widget setting to use device pixel ratio of 1.0
* Implemented support for viewport meta tag
* Implemented support for update discovery and installation for packaged Firefox OS web apps
* Implemented window.matchMedia() to support Marketplace browser detection of mobile device
* Implemented support for loading widget icons from data URIs (only works inside manager for now)
* Implemented navigator.mozApps.getSelf()
* Implemented support for locked screen orientation via tizen:setting element
* Fixed Firefox OS Marketplace widget to use UA string not detected as an Android device
* Fixed trying to install newer versions of packaged Firefox OS web apps saying it's already installed
* Fixed widget details page to show it's header text with same color as other pages do
* Fixed update description document ETags to support broader character set via base64 encoding
* Fixed installing packaged Firefox OS web app from Marketplace when temp directory does not exist
* Fixed widget update description document being downloaded when server return 304 status code
* Fixed docked view mode viewport being slightly bigger than the shown area

nokiabot 2013-05-18 17:05

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1344566)
I'll let someone else think about that after I manage to open source the app at some point. I have no experience nor access to N900 so I think I'll skip that and concentrate on N9 (and perhaps on other modern platforms).

thanx for the kind words:)

Hariainm 2013-05-18 17:35

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Woah! Looks like a big changelog! Impatient for trying the new version, many thanks for your work!

sviox 2013-05-19 17:57

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1344569)
Good news. I'm going to post the update to the Store today. It should be available within a week if everything goes well. Since there were quite a lot of changes, I decided to release it as 1.4.0. Here is the final (hope so!) changelog:
* Changed default device pixel ratio to 1.5
* Implemented widget settings view
* Implemented a widget setting to use device pixel ratio of 1.0
* Implemented support for viewport meta tag
* Implemented support for update discovery and installation for packaged Firefox OS web apps
* Implemented window.matchMedia() to support Marketplace browser detection of mobile device
* Implemented support for loading widget icons from data URIs (only works inside manager for now)
* Implemented navigator.mozApps.getSelf()
* Implemented support for locked screen orientation via tizen:setting element
* Fixed Firefox OS Marketplace widget to use UA string not detected as an Android device
* Fixed trying to install newer versions of packaged Firefox OS web apps saying it's already installed
* Fixed widget details page to show it's header text with same color as other pages do
* Fixed update description document ETags to support broader character set via base64 encoding
* Fixed installing packaged Firefox OS web app from Marketplace when temp directory does not exist
* Fixed widget update description document being downloaded when server return 304 status code
* Fixed docked view mode viewport being slightly bigger than the shown area

Forgot to mention a random issue I discovered and ran into a couple of times. Sometimes when installing a packaged app (whatever type) the manager app dies to 'Killed' message right after the installation. If this happens, don't worry, the app still gets installed perfectly without any corruptions or such.

This happened so rarely and with the installation practically complete (you may need to create the launcher entry from widget settings if you encounter this) that I decided to postpone fixing it to the next version. If anyone knows what causes this kind of process death, please let me know.

Lucazz990 2013-05-22 13:30

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Just installed version 1.4!! It seems way better, thanks :)

sviox 2013-05-22 14:09

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1345938)
Just installed version 1.4!! It seems way better, thanks :)

Thanks! Was about to write that it should be available any hour now - but it's good to know it's already available :)

P@t 2013-05-22 15:06

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Thanks for the update.
I saw an update for the firefox marketplace from 0.01 to 0.02. I hit 'update' but it seems the installation is not done properly: it is stuck with the bar filed (as if download complete) but nothing else happening and the market place seems to be still at 0.01?

sviox 2013-05-22 17:00

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1345954)
Thanks for the update.
I saw an update for the firefox marketplace from 0.01 to 0.02. I hit 'update' but it seems the installation is not done properly: it is stuck with the bar filed (as if download complete) but nothing else happening and the market place seems to be still at 0.01?

That's weird. If that keeps happening, you should always be able to get it installed by removing the installed version and installing the new one cleanly.

Or if you have developer mode enabled and are willing to help, I could assist you in taking some logs from the case and check if I can find out what's causing that.

abufaisal.o 2013-05-22 18:23

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
1 Attachment(s)
hi sviox.. Thanks for your app.
I think there is a bug. In the firefox market there is grey rectangle hide what is behind it. A screen shot in the attachment.

thedead1440 2013-05-22 18:30

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

That happens to me while scrolling; its a momentary "lag" which is fixed by scrolling over that area again...

P@t 2013-05-22 19:46

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I have developer mode enabled, so i can try to help debug the issue. I can at least confirm that the problem persists and each time i launch hydra, the update is available and the same issue arises.

sviox 2013-05-25 17:56

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
This is weird.. it seems that Nokia's HERE maps has disappeared from Firefox Marketplace. I wonder what's going on behind the scenes.. Anyway, if you have it installed, hold on to it in case it's not coming back!

sviox 2013-05-26 07:05

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1346040)
I have developer mode enabled, so i can try to help debug the issue. I can at least confirm that the problem persists and each time i launch hydra, the update is available and the same issue arises.

Big thanks to P@t for sending me logs about his issue. I found the bug and fixed it into 1.4.1 which I will shortly be releasing with a few other bug fixes.

In a nutshell, if any of you have similar problems installing updates, it is caused by non-existing temp directory used by Hydra's installer component. You can force this directory into existence by installing any application package. After that the update should work.

thedead1440 2013-05-26 07:20

Bought v1.4.0, its pretty nice however the old issue of Microsoft office 2007 and later format don't open.

Hope there is a solution for it someday :)

sviox 2013-05-26 09:13

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1346879)
Bought v1.4.0, its pretty nice however the old issue of Microsoft office 2007 and later format don't open.

Hope there is a solution for it someday :)

I'm not really an expert on MIME matters, but this is an example of how Office 2007 MIME type is set by MeeGo platform in the platforms MIME definition file (


  <mime-type type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation">
    <comment>PowerPoint 2007 presentation</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="ara">عرض تقديمي PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="bg">Презентация — PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="ca">presentació de PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="cs">Prezentace PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="da">PowerPoint 2007-præsentation</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="de">PowerPoint-2007-Präsentation</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="es">presentación de PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="eu">PowerPoint 2007 aurkezpena</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="fi">PowerPoint 2007 -esitys</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="fr">présentation PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="hu">PowerPoint 2007 prezentáció</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="id">Presentasi PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="it">Presentazione PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="ko">파워포인트 2007 프리젠테이션</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="lt">PowerPoint 2007 pateiktis</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="lv">PowerPoint 2007 prezentācija</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="nl">PowerPoint 2007-presentatie</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="pl">Prezentacja PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Apresentação do PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="sv">PowerPoint 2007-presentation</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="vi">Trình diễn PowerPoint 2007</comment>
    <comment xml:lang="zh_CN">Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 演示文稿</comment>
    <glob pattern="*.pptx"/>
    <glob pattern="*.pptm"/>
    <alias type="application/"/>
    <sub-class-of type="application/zip"/>
    <!-- Meego specific replacement (was x-office-document) -->
    <generic-icon name="icon-m-content-powerpoint"/>

And this is how I add one of my own types:

    <mime-type type="application/widget">
        <comment>W3C Widget</comment>
        <sub-class-of type="application/zip"/>
        <alias type="application/x-opera-widgets"/>
        <generic-icon name="icon-m-content-application"/>
        <magic priority="50">
          <match value="PK\003\004" type="string" offset="0"/>
        <glob pattern="*.wgt"/>

If there is a MIME wizard hiding among us, please let me know if there is something wrong with my declaration :)

sviox 2013-05-27 16:20

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
New version focused on bug fixing coming up shortly, here is the changelog:
* Implemented geolocation support for Firefox OS apps requesting 'geolocation' permission
* Fixed Geolocation API watchPosition() calling error callback with maximumAge option and no valid value
* Fixed installing an update when temp directory does not exist
* Fixed installation responsiveness by moving zip extraction into a dedicated thread
* Fixed virtual keyboard forcing incorrect automatic scrolling when using scaled viewport
* Fixed domain names starting with www. to be shown without *. prefix in details page

Lucazz990 2013-06-04 16:01

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Update now available in store :)

sviox 2013-06-05 17:24

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1349525)
Update now available in store :)

Let me know if you catch any bugs with it. Also, please let me know if the crash-after-installation still happens since I've tried to optimize it out.

Hariainm 2013-06-05 17:46

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Now updates are integrated with the OS, great! But updating apps do not work very well, HERE Maps was upgraded from 1.8.58 to 1.8.61, after loosing the icon (now only a green quircle) Also updating lasts forever, have to swipe down to close.

And seems we can't get apps in the background, it keeps closing when i swipe away :(

sviox 2013-06-05 20:19

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Hariainm (Post 1349806)
Now updates are integrated with the OS, great! But updating apps do not work very well, HERE Maps was upgraded from 1.8.58 to 1.8.61, after loosing the icon (now only a green quircle) Also updating lasts forever, have to swipe down to close.

And seems we can't get apps in the background, it keeps closing when i swipe away :(

Updating takes quite long because HERE Maps is a big package and the installation consists of downloading it, extracting it and encrypting the content. I might add a more information on what's going on to the installation sheet. You can safely swipe the sheet to away or even close it, the installation will be finished in the background.

The green squircle is a weird issue, I think I encountered it once too. I'll have to investigate that further. Might have an idea or two on what's causing it.

And the part about closing when swiping away - that usually only happens for drawing intensive apps, and is caused by some weird issue within QtWebkit. Not sure if this can be fixed without Nokia support unfortunately.

Vromoth 2013-06-06 03:56

Is it possible for Web apps not to be full screen? Its kind of annoying.

sviox 2013-06-06 13:29

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Vromoth (Post 1349875)
Is it possible for Web apps not to be full screen? Its kind of annoying.

Good point. There seems to be a bug in retrieving the view mode for Firefox OS apps. I'll fix this for the next version.

matimilko 2013-06-07 15:44

Gmaps - search
Search on Google maps doesn't work for me!
I'm doing something wrong or it is just not available?


Qiansumo 2013-06-08 18:18

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
can you released it to the Chinese market?I very love the app,but I could not find it in Chinese market.

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1349978)
Good point. There seems to be a bug in retrieving the view mode for Firefox OS apps. I'll fix this for the next version.

sviox 2013-06-09 05:47

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Qiansumo (Post 1350587)
can you released it to the Chinese market?I very love the app,but I could not find it in Chinese market.

Chinese regulations are a bit problematic. Enough that if you select "global" for an app's distribution, it goes everywhere except China. For example, advertising is completely forbidden, and game content require some extra disclaimers. I'm not sure if this kind of platform for other apps is accepted and also some of the URLs my apps and widgets in general use might be blocked.

I'll see what I can do about this. I could write a few questions to Nokia about China.

thedead1440 2013-06-09 07:40

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
The main issue IIRC is that Nokia have stopped selling apps for Harmattan to the China market. Only free apps are listed while paid apps are not listed there.

sviox 2013-06-09 10:07

Re: Gmaps - search

Originally Posted by matimilko (Post 1350295)
Search on Google maps doesn't work for me!
I'm doing something wrong or it is just not available?


I'll fix this and also do some other improvements to the Google Maps app for next version.

sviox 2013-06-09 16:15

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1350665)
The main issue IIRC is that Nokia have stopped selling apps for Harmattan to the China market. Only free apps are listed while paid apps are not listed there.

Really? From what I have understood, it's just a limitation that you need to use lower price levels because some Chinese operators don't support billing for higher prices. No experiences on the subject though so I'm just theorizing.

sviox 2013-06-09 16:32

Re: Gmaps - search

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1350680)
I'll fix this and also do some other improvements to the Google Maps app for next version.

Actually, if you want to give it a try already, I've uploaded the version I worked on today to Google Drive and it can be downloaded from this link

Let me know if you find anything out of the place.

Lucazz990 2013-06-09 18:33


Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1350742)
Actually, if you want to give it a try already, I've uploaded the version I worked on today to Google Drive and it can be downloaded from this link

Let me know if you find anything out of the place.

I got "Failed to connect to google maps API please ensure you have a working connection RELOAD"

sviox 2013-06-09 19:57

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1350761)
I got "Failed to connect to google maps API please ensure you have a working connection RELOAD"

With a working internet connection? I did a couple of tests while I took a walk outside and it seemed to work fine both when a connection already existed and when the connection was initiated by it.

EDIT: Oh wait, seems I forgot to declare the new API URL for access request policy. Try turning off the access request policy from the manager's settings and it should work.

Lucazz990 2013-06-09 21:47


Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1350769)
EDIT: Oh wait, seems I forgot to declare the new API URL for access request policy. Try turning off the access request policy from the manager's settings and it should work.

Yes it does :)
New version is much better thanks!

sviox 2013-06-19 17:15

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I'm finalizing a midsummer update (1.4.2) and I'm quite excited to tell you that I *think* I have successfully fixed the crash issue that has randomly occurred in graphics heavy widgets when swiping them to launcher. It was caused by MCompositor's (Meego's windowing system of a sorts) incompatibility with QtWebkit, but I found a fix that seems to have bypassed this issue. Here is the full changelog so far:
* Implemented possibility of choosing a preferred view mode for a widget
* Implemented progress bar and status text to indicate download and extracting progress during installation
* Implemented help text when starting app binary from shell without parameters
* Implemented mechanism to lock widgets while updating, installing and uninstalling
* Implemented cancel functionality to download phase of widget installation
* Added multiple improvements and fixes to Google Maps application
* Added version of available update to details page
* Fixed Firefox OS apps being shown in fullscreen by default
* Fixed launcher icon changing to green placeholder icon after updating a widget in PRO version
* Fixed graphics heavy apps crashing when swiping out of them
* Fixed running out of /tmp/ disk space by downloading packaged apps and updatesto /var/tmp/ instead
* Fixed local update packages being copied to tmp directory before being installed from
* Fixed downloading icons for Mozilla web apps when manifest URL contains query and/or fragment

Also, if anyone gets "Failed to extract" or "Invalid configuration file" errors while trying to install a widget, it might be caused by full /tmp/ directory. Rebooting the phone will automatically clear that directory so please give it a try. I'll implement a better model for storing temporary install files for a later version.

EDIT: Updated changelog with some new items. I discovered that Firefox marketplace changed the way it refers to app resources, which caused some issues with downloading and displaying icons for apps installed from there. Also got rid of the /tmp/ issue mentioned above.

sviox 2013-06-28 14:21

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
1.4.2 should be out any minute now. Let me know if you find anything weird or have any other thoughts on it.

hw9xx 2013-06-28 15:50

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
File mixup in the store?

I've got the PRO version installed. Store shows there is an update but it only offers me the install-button. However the regular version is shown as installed and offers a start button.

sviox 2013-06-28 16:36

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by hw9xx (Post 1355378)
File mixup in the store?

I've got the PRO version installed. Store shows there is an update but it only offers me the install-button. However the regular version is shown as installed and offers a start button.

What the store considers 'installed' is actually based on your account history, not actual status. You have likely had the regular version installed before.

You should try to force update checking using the actual Debian package manager tools that come with the device (i.e. settings / application / manage applications / updates). Otherwise the device will check for updates about once per day automatically. You can also use MeeCatalog ( to refresh the package catalog (including updates).

It might also be that the update is not yet available - the Store only reports to me that it's be available "within few hours" and that was about 5 hours ago now.

Lucazz990 2013-06-28 16:51

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
It's available :) updated from the store, not from the application manager! :)

hw9xx 2013-06-29 05:10

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1355388)
What the store considers 'installed' is actually based on your account history, not actual status. You have likely had the regular version installed before.

Thank you for your suggestions. The issue somehow has sorted itself out in the meantime.

sviox 2013-06-29 13:09

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by hw9xx (Post 1355478)
Thank you for your suggestions. The issue somehow has sorted itself out in the meantime.

If I remember correctly, there is a bug in Store that prevents installing a package immediately after it becomes available, due to some checksum mismatch between package and it's meta-data caused by digital signing. If the Debian package list gets updated at exactly this 'gap time', it takes some time before the meta-data is corrected (unlike conventional Debian repository package lists, meta-data for packages installed from Store are not always refreshed when doing 'apt-get update').

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