![]() |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
BR jOERG ps: Many thanks anyway for informing us about the fact that mailing of tokens for vote actually seems to work. since I only now realized that benefit of your rant, I'll offer you a special service: send an inquiry to techstaff@maemo.org from the email account you got that token mail, and I'll try to find a way to remove your karma so odds are you won't ever again get vote emails. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
cheers jOERG |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Silly question ... how do we close old accounts?
I've just spent 20 minutes trying to find something but all I can do is edit things. If there was any real point in voting it would be that Nokia should carry on supporting people who have paid them lots of money over the years and simply don't want the CRAP they are currently peddling? SO I would vote NO and force Nokia to accept they still have a responsibility for product they have sold! I'm still using my N900 phone which is currently doing it's job, and I've bought a spare just in case but if Vodafone stop supporting handling traffic from it I'm stuffed anyway. So I am probably going to have to switch to an piece of Android crap instead :( So lets get behind a single standard that is independent of the likes of M$ or G+ ... something which will not happen because the phone manufacturers will never produce a flat platform to program for ... |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
To put it straight once more: this referendum is about "Yes, I appreciate what council does and want a future for maemo vs No, I think you should better stop what you're doing, I want maemo to vanish. It's NOT a poll to decide A or B alternatives, it's to get community's approval for fixing broken stuff and NOT about whether we like or don't like that it's broken and we need to do these changes. If you like to be a partypooper who ruins it for everybody then vote no on this referendum (and don't forget to brag about it publicly here). If you have *any* other objections why you wouldn't feel like voting "YES, please fix it" - come up with them here so we can address your concerns and act accordingly see Woody's post And vodafone will never stop supporting traffic to N900, what they might do is switch the bands they operate services on, so old phones that don't support new bands might get obsolete. I suggest you switch operator when that happens (unlikely for any location on earth except USA) Please see http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU for support of N900. Also see the many threads here in tmo related to cssu-testing and cssu-stable, and yes even cssu-thumb - awesome things happening there, driven by THE COMMUNITY :-) I will look into the close-my-account issue. Are you talking about tmo account, garage account, or even both? Please open a new thread for it, it's off topic here. cheers jOERG |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=89843 |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
On a personal sidenote: I never was happy with that particular phrase anyway, since aiui MCC will not get transformed into anything new, rather it stays what it ever been and would just eventually and possibly accept additional responsibility and role. Also "it's main function is to communicate with Nokia" is not, and never been, exactly to the point. Communication with Nokia is just one of MCC's responsibilities (now kinda obsolete though still applicable if needed), and not even major one. MCC's main function clearly is - and always will be - "proxy of community", whatever that involves. /j |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Nokia already abandonded Maemo. They also stopped supporting N900 hardware support long time ago (E7, N8)! THIS referundum needs to be answered by YES and is just to keep TMO, maemo.org, ... alive by means of community! No chance to get Nokia into their "responsibility". To make it absolutely clear: Nokia is out, Maemo is not part of their product folio anymore. I hope you (and possibly other blockheads out there -sorry, may be moderated and is not meant as offence, just related to your post and posts/thanks amount) got it. Please inform yourself before spreading FUD. Sorry for OT. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Referendum Voting Open!
ballot/token mails all sent, if you're missing your token mail, please check your garage account for correct email addr (editing that email addr will not propagate to voting database automatically, you need to send a mail to council to let us know!) check your email account (set in garage) for mail, particularly spam folder- We missed to set proper date in that mail, so it may show up as "date: unknown" and appears at a location in sorting collation you wouldn't expect it. check if you are supposed to have gotten a token mail (accounts younger than 3 months need to apply via mail to council, same for those users with too small karma) check if you can trigger resending of token mail on voting page http://maemo.org/vote/vote.php?election_id=30 "get token" (this will re-send a mail to your mail addr in garage as it been at time of token creation) if all that fails and you think you're entitled for voting (you usually are), please send a mail to council@maemo.org, subject "election token mail missing", preferrably from your mail account that also is in your garage settings, and add your garage account ID. We will try to sort it out for you. Allow for 2 days processing time. Please use your right to vote on maemo future /j |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Token received and voted.
Negotiations with Nokia - done. Setting up new infra: done. Whole migration: done. Stable repos online: done. Constant maemo development: all the fcuking time! Looking at all this work done and putting all those fights and bickering aside, I think it`s not much to ask: please do Your part and vote too. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
But the rest (mainly done by Council & Tech Staff) is all true and a huge accomplishment. Do get out there and vote! :) |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Hey guys heck of confusion:( garage and talk acc are diff right i forgot my old garage acc created back in 2009 after that i reregesterd in again but coudnt log to talk so made a heck of maemo.org acc probably 10 then accidently once created a testing acc nokiabot in talk hurray it works and m using it damm username though.
Now you guys demanding a garage acc so i got hold of one 1 month old but too late to ask to get my token mail. Pls i want to vote |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Garage acc name openbot
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Mailing them
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
voting on referendum: done!
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
If I'm not mistaken, elections are still open today till 23:59 UTC.
There have been downtime issues with the voting site but it seems resolved. Go use your token and vote now if you haven't already! |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
any forcasts of the outcome?
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
10 chars |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Right now, predictions are same as todays' forecasts:
YES Use your token and vote NOW! Last call for referendum-elections! Only 2,5 hours to go... |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Only 82 people voted, seriously!!!
What is the state of democracy today, come on people, we have, what, 40k registered users so voting percentage is something like 0.2% :mad: |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Only 82 voters? :( :mad:
But what did you expect? As long as ''community'' can download and get answers like 'read first post' they are not interested in such things. And of course 40k registered means maybe 20k writers and maybe 10k active. This would make 0.8% :( But I am 'proud' that my vote now has a weight of more than 1% ;) |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
I didnt got my ballot mail
i wrote em no answers:( |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
I think 82 is much for this way of voting. I thought max 29 would vote. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
welcome to the "keep it simple" open source world :rolleyes:
pretty much the next best thing to removing your account as the only way to contact you will be to e-mail you directly which, if you disallow vcard download would only be possible if site admin queries the database for your e-mail address. can't help wondering how rotten iPotato was ever able to sell anything... doesn't matter it does not do anything, if it only looks good, huh? :rolleyes: |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
vote for one thing, get something else :rolleyes: well, hopefully the community won't get yet another council :D besides, the referendum is only a declaration of intend; only once the council/s is/are elected may it be translated in some form of action, if any. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Will write em again
btw this voting system is really awkard why not a strict poll typ way?? Really need a dense explanation on it |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
joerg_rw has replied to your mails. Check your spam folder
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
i accidentally sent token mails a second time today. Sorry, this been not planned like this, but honestly, how many SPAM do you get besides those election token mails, from google and yahoo and dunno whom ;-)
Thanks to everybody who bothered to VOTE and thus take care about maemo future, instead of B*TCH about one (now two) mail(s) in 6 months, with something important shipped to you. If you're not interested in elections, then you're not interested in who's making this very forum possible for you, or how they accomplish that. Then why the heck are you here anyway? |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Thanx jeorge for reply
will read it shortly pwd somewhere:) |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
The most voted on election (election 1) had 905 voters. The referendums held just weeks after that, making the election rules and requirements, had less than 100 votes each. If you care enough to vote, your vote really does count. That should be something to be happy about. Quote:
There's no command line involved. Logging in and posting on TMO has more steps than voting. It's really not at all complex from the perspective of the voter. It doesn't have pretty eye candy, or title bars and cruft. But it's not about browsing and finding things. It's about voting, which is a pretty quick and non-branching thing. Mind you, there's a lot behind the scenes going on that is complex. An open ballot system, single-use token tracking, verifiable vote tokens, using OpenSTV, all to make a fully transparent, yet still anonymous election. But form the voters perspective, it's a log-in and few clicks to choose/confirm your choices. |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
One "problem", is that the voting app doesn't confirm your vote... Pressing "next" at that screen (which I did by accident) will register your vote and there's no going back. :(
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Same on referendum vote. Maybe there's no explicit "<< back" button, but you're free to abort and restart whole process from beginning. cheers jOERG |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
well, we could find out about used up tokens, though the current system doesn't support it. It would need to get hacked, but the info about used tokens needs to stay in the database to block double votes (actually that info is stored in records NOT existing anymore for used tokens, but that's as good an info as any other form, since the still existing records are for the tokens that aren't used up yet), and since your token mail can get resent, we have also a table which relates tokens to mailaddr. So in principle there's a way to tell who (not) voted. But not for what. /j |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
You guys are genius :)
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
And some user like me aren't interested by useless political fight in open source community ....
We have better things to do ... |
Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Care to elaborate what those better things are, and if you already started doing them? |
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