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samipower 2013-12-29 19:36

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
xes , are you tried dragon ball evolution??, are you having freezes??, I am playing in nitdroid without freezes but into maemo yes, other person that can try it.?. thanks.

samipower 2014-01-01 14:42

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
AapoRantalainen ppsspp 0.9.6 for new year???

AapoRantalainen 2014-01-01 14:44

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by samipower (Post 1402762)
AapoRantalainen ppsspp 0.9.6 for new year???

Done. First post updated.

yemko 2014-02-16 09:10

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5 was released, sadly no builds support for MeeGO

Xseba360 2014-11-06 09:11

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Links are down :( Does anyone still have the deb?

biketool 2014-11-06 09:44

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Is there any chance of getting this compiled to run hardware 3D acceleration on the N900?

princefakhan 2015-01-24 10:34

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
is this project dead or what? the links are dead. does anyone have the latest build?

olaolala3 2015-03-12 16:16

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
link of die !
please any man for me ppsspp 0.9.6-maemo1-armel.deb file.

sorry bad english.

olaolala3 2015-03-12 16:29

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
please link 0.9.6 deb file for maemo !!

olaolala3 2015-03-13 00:56

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
please link deb file

AapoRantalainen 2015-03-27 19:56

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Links in opening post fixed.

xiskillo 2015-04-03 19:19

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Any news mate??

princefakhan 2015-04-04 04:40

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by xiskillo (Post 1465719)
Any news mate??

Well, Aapo uploaded a newer version. :D

Sohil876 2015-04-04 09:31

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
@Aapo can you build v1.0.1? this release fixes many bugs also fixes broken compatibility with powervr devices since v9.5.

xes 2015-04-04 11:55

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
The worst issue with previous builds was that they were not built against ffmpeg. (version requirements.. i think to recall)
This causes problems running games containing videos.
I have no idea if this could be fixed.

Android_808 2015-04-04 16:37

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
What version of ffmpeg you after? ;) If it's just a case of requiring the updated libs, there is my version of 2.5.4 for testing:

Needs a bit of testing and feedback before I consider pushing into repos because of the conflict with other headers from the usual 0.5svn version.

Edit: Looks like it might need SDL2 as well, another WIP I have going on. If anyone wants to attempt it I can put up what I've got.

AapoRantalainen 2015-04-06 13:22

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1465766)
What version of ffmpeg you after? ;) If it's just a case of requiring the updated libs, there is my version of 2.5.4 for testing:


Edit: Looks like it might need SDL2 as well, another WIP I have going on. If anyone wants to attempt it I can put up what I've got.

Ffmpeg is needed. (I will check your version)

SDL2 is optional (It is slightly wrong checked by CMakeLists.txt).

And then there are some problems with gles3/gles2 (namely: code is starting to use gles3, but we have only gles2).

Android_808 2015-04-06 15:43

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
I might look at updating to ffmpeg 2.6.x at some stage, but difference should me minimal compared to 0.5 to 2.5.x changes. Any feedback on current packaging much appreciated. It's the reason I've not pushed to extras-devel yet.

SDL2 I have in 3 flavors at the moment; GLES1 only, GLES2 only, and both using a seperate package to patch headers. I'm still working out what patches need forward porting. None apply cleanly unfortunately but I'm wondering if I need to adapt them to deal with matchbox/compositor to improve performance. There's also some stability issues to look at.

AapoRantalainen 2015-04-06 18:53

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
1.0.1.deb ready. Link on first post.

Uses ffmpeg-2.5.4 (from Android_808). ffmpeg is compiled inside ppsspp and filesize is now doubled (this is how upstream deal with it).

Uses Qt. Not SDL at all. (Because ppsspp deprecated sdl1 and sdl2 is not yet for us).

xiskillo 2015-04-06 20:15

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Somebody can try any good game for test the new version?

(im still waiting for a new N900)


Sohil876 2015-04-07 06:56

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1465912)
1.0.1.deb ready. Link on first post.

Uses ffmpeg-2.5.4 (from Android_808). ffmpeg is compiled inside ppsspp and filesize is now doubled (this is how upstream deal with it).

Uses Qt. Not SDL at all. (Because ppsspp deprecated sdl1 and sdl2 is not yet for us).

It complains for many thumb libs missing, is it for thumb only? can you upload a armel version 1.0.1 too? and please tag the current one with "_thumb".

xes 2015-04-08 21:56

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
New version 1.0.1 is working better and seems to manage also the iso/cso containing avi animations and demos.

Anyway, i have to admit that everything is very slow and i'm still undecided about the right setting (if there is one) to obtain an usable setup.
Maybe some kind of gcc optimization could help.

The files inside debian folder of your ppsspp repo seems to have wrong permissions, if you can, please upload also the sources.

Usman4life 2015-05-23 07:57

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
i've downloaded the ppsspp to my phone ( N900 ) and i tried to installed it but due to some missing packages it didnt installed, i tried to download the missing package "libstdc ++6.... 4.7.2 cssu0" but it didnt installed, it wriote "incompactible applicatio package" not only this, most of the application i wanted to install used to wrte incompactible packages, pls i need your help, i didnt knw the solution to it, someone should pls send the solution to my email address below

thanks so much.

xiskillo 2015-08-31 14:49

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Hello guys, i was looking that while play DBZ Shin Budokai 2 on my N900 with ppsspp 1.0.1 the CPU Load never up from 50% in total (and 35% more or less only the ppsspp process)

Any chance to force more cpu load for ppsspp and, of course, improve the fps rate ???

Sohil876 2015-12-02 10:25

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Link on first post is dead, maybe upload new one on openrepos?

homejogger 2018-07-26 11:29

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Hi sir. Thanks for the instructions.
Is it possible you could upload the files for ppsspp again?
I find the following link is no longer available.
Thank you

tcbl50 2018-07-26 17:43

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

always check the Wayback machine

Halftux 2018-07-26 18:11

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by tcbl50 (Post 1546611)

Did you really checked it? It is only the list of files:).

Bobbyters 2018-08-28 10:54

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Did you really checked it? It is only the list of files.
Yeah, was about to ask the same thing.

clort 2020-08-23 12:11

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
The debianization files could be useful to me. Bumping to request anyone who has the debian directory upload it somewhere more permanent.

My build is complaining about missing OpenGL

dredlok706 2022-01-26 13:43

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Hello, anyone has those files to share?
I want PPSSPP on N900 :)
I can play via NITdroid, but I want a native app for Maemo

salahkhani 2022-01-26 13:55

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Hello friend,

I see that you are using Maemo Leste,,,, and this phone is your daily usage.. Can you make calls or do sms on Maemo Leste !!!!!

salahkhani 2022-01-26 13:58

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Hope this link will help you,

dredlok706 2022-01-26 14:16

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by salahkhani (Post 1573379)
Hello friend,

I see that you are using Maemo Leste,,,, and this phone is your daily usage.. Can you make calls or do sms on Maemo Leste !!!!!

First, don't ask here, it's thread about other thing.
So, you can't make calls or smses now... It's still WIP, wait for newer builds.
Secondly, be nicer! You don't need to use "!" in every post :p

But, thanks for your link. It didn't helped me :P, I don't know how to build etc. But thanks anyway)

biketool 2022-01-27 08:07

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1573377)
Hello, anyone has those files to share?
I want PPSSPP on N900 :)
I can play via NITdroid, but I want a native app for Maemo

Do you have extras and extras testing installed?
I recall it being on the software repos.
Follow the instructions in the link below:
Once the repos are installed and the available apps updated you should now see PPSSPP as an option in the software installer app or by installing with apt-get. If you only want stable apps to update and install you might want to disable these unstable and testing repositories.
I am curious if this was worth doing, back in the early days I played a few games with the N64 emulator, native Meamo5 games, as well as a few Palm WebOS hacked games.

dredlok706 2022-01-27 15:58

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
Skeiron repo doesn't work anymore :(

dredlok706 2022-01-27 15:59

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1573399)
Do you have extras and extras testing installed?
I recall it being on the software repos.
Follow the instructions in the link below:
Once the repos are installed and the available apps updated you should now see PPSSPP as an option in the software installer app or by installing with apt-get. If you only want stable apps to update and install you might want to disable these unstable and testing repositories.
I am curious if this was worth doing, back in the early days I played a few games with the N64 emulator, native Meamo5 games, as well as a few Palm WebOS hacked games.

And yes, I have extras and extras-testing, as well as extras-devel.
Added the second repo (, no PPSSPP :(

biketool 2022-01-27 19:01

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1573402)
Skeiron repo doesn't work anymore :(

Maybe that is it, because I remember seeing PPSSPP when I searched for apps on the app manager.
Maybe look in the maemo garage?

biketool 2022-01-27 19:02

Re: [Announce] ppsspp (psp-emulator) for maemo5
and the .debs link is bitrotted...

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