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P@t 2014-07-22 11:23

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for your quick reply.

About the reboot, I was just reading the description in 'openrepos'. This is where I was thinking you could put the workaround for the first-time user. But anyway, this is not important

See attached for the pebble.log (in a zip as the forum is a bit strict about size of txt files), I believe there is indeed an error when the phone was ringing...

About the profile restore, it indeed seems to work. Maybe the original profile was silent, when I first tested it. Sorry about that.

About the reconnection, I am no way a developer so I am pretty sure you know better what to do. I was having the idea (from skipping stones) that you can select the time before it tries to reconnect. But your way seems to be fine, as long as it does not take too much battery.
Some tests though seems to show a problem when you turn bluetooth off in the phone. In this case, the app manager and the notification is fine (showing disconnected). However while the daemon seems to be active (from the app manager), the re-connection do not seem to happen when you put bluetooth on again.
Other tests are ok (when watch bluetooth is off, or when the phone is out of reach).

Again thanks for the app.

HtheB 2014-07-22 11:28

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1433601)
Thanks for your quick reply.

About the reboot, I was just reading the description in 'openrepos'. This is where I was thinking you could put the workaround for the first-time user. But anyway, this is not important

See attached for the pebble.log (in a zip as the forum is a bit strict about size of txt files), I believe there is indeed an error when the phone was ringing...

About the profile restore, it indeed seems to work. Maybe the original profile was silent, when I first tested it. Sorry about that.

About the reconnection, I am no way a developer so I am pretty sure you know better what to do. I was having the idea (from skipping stones) that you can select the time before it tries to reconnect. But your way seems to be fine, as long as it does not take too much battery.
Some tests though seems to show a problem when you turn bluetooth off in the phone. In this case, the app manager and the notification is fine (showing disconnected). However while the daemon seems to be active (from the app manager), the re-connection do not seem to happen when you put bluetooth on again.
Other tests are ok (when watch bluetooth is off, or when the phone is out of reach).

Again thanks for the app.

I have uploaded Pebbled to openrepos. It sure is strange that the musicplayer has a little workaround, but I'm pretty sure smoku can fix it in the future.

another note: If you thank smoku for his reply, why not using the "Thanks" button...? :)

smoku 2014-07-22 11:36

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
There's an old developer's adage: "A bug with known workaround is not really a bug anymore" ;)

P@t 2014-07-22 11:42

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1433603)
I have uploaded Pebbled to openrepos. It sure is strange that the musicplayer has a little workaround, but I'm pretty sure smoku can fix it in the future.

another note: If you thank smoku for his reply, why not using the "Thanks" button...? :)

Thanks for your useful inputs.
However I have not used your 'openrepos' but smoku. Actually I waited for the developper to consider the apps to be 'ready for install' and not that I distrust you but I prefer own developper version :P

About thanking, I am not bad in thanking usually ;). Indeed I could have thank the post where smoku replied to me but I did not. This is repaired. Thanks HtheB then :P

smoku 2014-07-22 11:51

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1433601)
About the reboot, I was just reading the description in 'openrepos'. This is where I was thinking you could put the workaround for the first-time user.

I don't want to be constantly editing description on OpenRepos. ;-)
But I did the least - I linked this thread on OpenRepos description. Should be enough. :)

Thanks for the reports. I'm noting them, but as these are mostly edge cases, are of less important that main features TODO.
I'll be fixing these once I get all major features working (or during).

Your log indeed does have an error during phone call, but I need to add more logging in that area to get what actually happened. Expect that in next release.

I know this looks a bit like: Your call is important to us, please wait...
but there are only so many hours in day I can spend on working on this, and I'm sure that you also are fine with: more functions with small glitches, instead of less features, but perfect!

HtheB 2014-07-25 13:15

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
1 Attachment(s)
Ancelad has made a wonderful icon for Pebbled :)
Can you change this smoku?

smoku 2014-07-25 13:18

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
meesa no like it

HtheB 2014-07-25 13:52

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1433870)
meesa no like it

Well, at least it fits with the rest of the Sailfish icons.

MaemoUser 2014-08-05 20:23

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
Does anybodyelse have this issue that after reboot, all previous notifications popup if pebbled is installed?

smoku 2014-08-08 08:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
Any hints where I could get some watch apps, to test uploading them to phone?

HtheB 2014-08-08 09:02

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1435209)
Any hints where I could get some watch apps, to test uploading them to phone?

Boxeri 2014-08-08 09:20

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1434964)
Does anybodyelse have this issue that after reboot, all previous notifications popup if pebbled is installed?

I do have an persistent missed call notifigation that always jumps up and I also have Pebbled installed. But how could we confirm that it is because of Pebbled?

wormdrummer 2014-08-08 12:42

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
yup. I installed Pebbled today and now my notifications dont clear. For example if I get an email and view it, the notification remains. Also I now get a mitakuuluu notification for each message received from the same user, whereas normally there would just be one notification icon for each chat not each individual message.

Pebbled is awesome though, apart from this.

smurfy 2014-08-08 13:01

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
Hm i can't reproduce the notifications problem.

if i click on the notification on my phone the for example mail app opens and the notification gets cleared.

I can also restart the phone and don't receive the old notifications again.

Can you provide me with some infos how to reproduce?

MaemoUser 2014-08-09 14:33

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1435228)
Also I now get a mitakuuluu notification for each message received from the same user, whereas normally there would just be one notification icon for each chat not each individual message.

Pebbled is awesome though, apart from this.

This can be reproduced for example with IRC for Sailfish when you get many highlights or private messages. Then the notification icon does not increase the number of events for one user but popsout new ones.

MaemoUser 2014-08-09 22:36

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
Another thing which I noticed is that when one email notification was fired and it's not cleared every new email does not fire notifications to pebble until all notifications are cleared.

wormdrummer 2014-08-10 22:39

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.7
Replication is simple. When pebbled is running, if you get an email and open the email program, the notification does not clear on the phone. It only clears if you open the notification itself or use the pulley menu to clear all notifications.

smoku 2014-08-13 20:57

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Just released 0.10

wormdrummer 2014-08-13 23:04

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I have installed the new version, but am still having problems with notifications not clearing. Any idea how to rectify this problem?

Bundyo 2014-08-14 04:39

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
If someone wants to avoid transliteration, check out - custom firmware for your language needs (Pebble does all communication through UTF-8) :)

Smoku, one request - the ability to fire up the Pebble RK app - the sequence for it should be this (at least it was with 1.0 firmware):
00 1b 00 31 01 00 4d ab 81 a6 d2 fc 45 8a 99 2c 7a 1f 3b 96 a9 70 04 01 00 00 00 02 01 00 01

smoku 2014-08-14 05:33

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1435685)
I have installed the new version, but am still having problems with notifications not clearing. Any idea how to rectify this problem?

I am also experiencing this issue. Very annoying.
But I highly doubt that pebbled is at fault.

MaemoUser 2014-08-14 17:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Is there an issue on TJC which describes the same issues? Maybe it's not pebbleds fault.

MaemoUser 2014-08-14 18:07

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
At least the reappearing bug is known.

cartron 2014-08-14 21:10

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Hi Smoku,

I ordered and just received a Pebble because I saw that the implementation of pebbled just works fine on Jolla - which is true, thanks for your fantastic job !

Just made a donation to support you :)

Will participate on this thread when I can.

Keep it up!


cartron 2014-08-14 21:13

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

any plan to support the stock music player?

Also, QuasarMX seems to be partial only, i.e. only displays the name of the song/artist on the Pebble, but I cannot change tracks, nor control the volume: pushing the buttons does nothing.


cartron 2014-08-14 21:37

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1435809)

any plan to support the stock music player?

Also, QuasarMX seems to be partial only, i.e. only displays the name of the song/artist on the Pebble, but I cannot change tracks, nor control the volume: pushing the buttons does nothing.


OK, answering to myself:
Please try this:
- start QuasarMX
- restart daemon (in control app: deactivate + activate)
- try again media control buttons on the watch

Can't find how to restart the daemon though

cartron 2014-08-14 21:39

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1435812)
OK, answering to myself:
Please try this:
- start QuasarMX
- restart daemon (in control app: deactivate + activate)
- try again media control buttons on the watch

Can't find how to restart the daemon though

Love Jolla/Linux =)
a kill -HUP on pebbled PID made it =)

wormdrummer 2014-08-14 23:16

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Well the notification issue only happens when pebbled is enabled. So I just put 1+1 together.

smoku 2014-08-14 23:42

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1435809)
any plan to support the stock music player?

This is the question to Jolla. The stock music player does not support any remoting.


Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1435809)
Also, QuasarMX seems to be partial only, i.e. only displays the name of the song/artist on the Pebble, but I cannot change tracks, nor control the volume: pushing the buttons does nothing.

This bug should be fixed since 0.9. Which version are you running?

You can restart pebbled in Pebble Manager - set "Active" to off and on again.

smoku 2014-08-14 23:43

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1435823)
Well the notification issue only happens when pebbled is enabled. So I just put 1+1 together.

Doh... :confused:

I can't see why evesdropping DBus could lead to this behavior...

smoku 2014-08-15 06:34

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by cartron (Post 1435808)
Just made a donation to support you :)

Whoa! Huge thanks! :D

smoku 2014-08-15 06:36

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 1435693)
If someone wants to avoid transliteration, check out - custom firmware for your language needs

That's why transliteration is optional and people not needing it, may keep it off. ;)

HtheB 2014-08-15 06:50

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1435828)
This bug should be fixed since 0.9. Which version are you running?

You can restart pebbled in Pebble Manager - set "Active" to off and on again.

I still have this bug too...
it isn't fixed over here using v 0.9 and 0.10

wormdrummer 2014-08-15 06:56

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1435829)
Doh... :confused:

I can't see why evesdropping DBus could lead to this behavior...

Hmm, is anyone else having this issue? If not, I'm thinking about resetting my phone and trying again. It's just frustrating having to manually clear each notification even if I've gone directly in to the app...

HtheB 2014-08-15 07:59

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1435848)
Hmm, is anyone else having this issue? If not, I'm thinking about resetting my phone and trying again. It's just frustrating having to manually clear each notification even if I've gone directly in to the app...

I've tried to clear the notifications on my Pebble just now, and it somehow rebooted.
But the history was cleared.

If you can't clear the history, you can also use the old trick to reset the history as a workaround: hold down the middle button and the back button for like 5 seconds untill the watch reboots.

smoku 2014-08-15 10:26

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1435847)
I still have this bug too...
it isn't fixed over here using v 0.9 and 0.10

Do you have steps-to-reproduce?

HtheB 2014-08-15 10:39

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1435864)
Do you have steps-to-reproduce?

just turn off the phone, and turn it back on.
Then just run QuasarMX.

My pebble connects with the phone on startup, but music control only works when you restart the daemon (disable and re-enable 'active')

smoku 2014-08-15 10:58

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1435848)
Hmm, is anyone else having this issue? If not, I'm thinking about resetting my phone and trying again. It's just frustrating having to manually clear each notification even if I've gone directly in to the app...

This might have the same root-cause as:

MaemoUser 2014-08-15 12:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
According to the IRC chat in #jollamobile there are currently many bugs in the notifications system. So I think it's not the fault of pebbled but the eavesdropping somehow triggers the bug.

w32blaster 2014-08-19 13:52

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Hey guys.

After the last update of Pebbled (currently installed version 0.10-1) my Pebble watch does not recieve any notifications at all :( So, I connect Jolla to Pebble, run the Pebbled app. The phone and watch see each other as usually. I can send testing message to watch by pressing the button "Ping" in the Pebbled interface, but when I get a real SMS or Phone call, Pebble do not react at this event. Does anybody have this issue? Previousely it worked fine.

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