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Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Feature request:
Will you please add a simple "Play/Pause" button (on the left) with a seek bar next to it (on the right)? Sometimes I press the ask me later button (or pressing outside the selections), after a couple phone calls, I have like 5-6 requests to save a file or not. But then I don't remember which conversation it was and if it was important or not. Would be nice to quickly press play and seek to see if the conversation was needed. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
5-6 requests? That's about as many calls as I make in 3 months ;)
There is a simple solution to your request: just say yes, then play back and delete later. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Could anyone with with early access version confirm he has his calls being recorded?
In my case it has stopped recording all calls after the update. The settings are ok and it claims the daemon is running. Do I need to check more or is it broken due to the update? Edit: just saw this: https://github.com/dpurgin/harbour-c...rder/issues/43 it seems it is a general issue and an update of the app is needed :( |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I can confirm it does not work currently.
Previously I had a similar problem when I updated to SFOS v2.0.0.10 but I managed to fix it by removing and reinstalling callrecorder. This time it did not help. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
yep, no longer work on
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Cover icon shows recording is off. (
But if i disable daemon from settings cover shows recording is on but its not recording anything. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Any chance to have this great app working with ?
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Hi everyone,
sorry for not replying earlier, somehow I've stopped receiving email notifications on this thread and didn't see your postings. The reason why the Call Recorder has stopped working is because there was a change to qofono-qt5 library which is used by the Call Recorder to listen to telephony events. The library has been refactored and I missed the moment when a signal we relied on was removed. I've made a small fix to the application but I can't thoroughly test it since I'm not able to make call between my two Jolla phones anymore. Therefore, I've uploaded the updated app to my github page for you to try it out. I tested a couple of outgoing calls and it worked. Please proceed to https://dpurgin.github.io/ and download the version 0.6.2 of the app for SailfishOS 2.0.1 if you want to test it. It is also rather important that somebody tests it on SailfishOS 2.0.0 since I've accidentally updated both of my phones. When we see positive results for both SailfishOS 2.0.1 and 2.0.0 I will upload this version of the Call Recorder to openrepos. Cheers & Thanks Dmitriy |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just tried on 2.0.1, worked fine.
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just tried it on and works great, I think it qualifies to go on openrepos, I do hope the issue of the daemon ramdomly disconnecting has been fixed
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Works fine on 2.0.1. Thank you, Dmitriy !
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I've uploaded the updated version to OpenRepos. Thanks for testing, people!
@dameceno Can you please send me the log next time you notice the daemon has stopped working? The logs are log.txt and log.0.txt located at /home/nemo/.local/share/kz.dpurgin/harbour-callrecorder/. Please send it to my email: dpurgin@gmail.com. The logs contain phone numbers so you might want to strip them from the file if it matters. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Pulled in the new version from github and built from master. Callrecorder works now again perfectly, thanks. :D:D
However I have a question, why did you not push up the version number, it is still 0.6.1-1 as before which makes it a bit confusing...? |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Good. Any change this will pop up to the Jolla/Sailfish Store?
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
However compiling it is very easy, just clone https://github.com/dpurgin/harbour-callrecorder.git and have a go at it :D |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
not really, it was just the version change commit. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Is it only me or the application does not record after the update?
I'm at version 0.6.1. Thx Edit: nevermind, I see there is already an update - sorry Edit2: strange but last update made a bunch of applications fall back to versions before 2.0.1.x update. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Just noticed that all calls are recorded on phone/sd memory, even I choose to have in settings approval for each call. However, only those who have been approved are listed in call recorder application.
It is a bug, but sometimes can be a feature. :D |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
2 Attachment(s)
I have a little problem with Call recorder and Jolla C with 64GB (FAT32) cd card and v2.0.3.14 Inside Settings->Storage, we have option to Browse where we want to save recorded files and for some reasons it not work for me, it just open empty page (see image). Because I can't choose nothing, I just wrote a full path to the folder that I need and it works and records files here, but when we open Call recorder app, it shows nothing on the first page (Recordings - No calls recorded yet), but file already saved on sd card. Is it possible to fix it somehow ? Thanks |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I also have problem with my Nexus5 port, but it is pulseaudio related... |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Could this be caused by the larger screen on Jolla C?
The same page on my Jolla 1 has a control bar at the bottom. This is cut of in your screenshot. |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I still using it , because it auto run in background
The native one I cant save to sdcard and I dont want click the record button everytime I saw there is change in source code, but he hasnt release new version |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
I sure using...I now using JollaC |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Maybe problem because of sailfish version... |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Hi everybody!
The strings are frozen for the upcoming release 0.7 of the harbour-callrecorder. Please update the translations on Transifex (https://www.transifex.com/kzdpurgin/...r-callrecorder) using Translation Guidelines (https://github.com/dpurgin/harbour-c...ion-Guidelines). Translation have been moved to ID-based technology, so please review _all_ the strings, even the translated ones, since they are generated automatically from the old versions using the same-text heuristics. There is a test RPM of harbour-callrecorder 0.7.1 available at my github page (http://dpurgin.github.io/). Please note that this version can be used by translators to test their files as described in Translation Guidelines. Cheers * TMO discussion: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=94089 * GitHub issues: https://github.com/dpurgin/harbour-callrecorder/issues |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
@Schturman is this issue still open for you?
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Fatal error: nothing provides libarchive.so.12 needed by harbour-callrecorder-0.7.1-2.armv7hl
because my device is using 13 :( i have to compile it myself later |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
one more lib you can submodule and precompile to bundle :)
and it seems you forgot to add libarchive to build depends |
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
Re: [Announcement] Native call recorder available now
another bug:
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ harbour-callrecorder-launcher.sh |
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