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quixote 2016-04-14 15:54

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Thanks endsormeans and reinob!

Ah yes, explain what I want to do. That would have been a good first step, I guess. :D 1-3 = background. 4=what I want to do.

1) The N900 is my actual phone, so I'm scared to death to blow it up.

2) My level of expertise is, maybe, advanced beginner. Maybe. I run Debian on my main computer. I'm comfortable editing config files or working with the CLI if --if!-- I have a step-by-step to follow.

3) I bought a Tizen phone in an attempt to rejoin the modern world. It's hopeless. Can't recommend it for anyone (no repositories, almost no usable packages, Here maps is nice). But it does mean I have a spare phone, so now I want to do a brain transplant on my dear N900.

4) The reason I want kernel-power is so I can do wifi-tethering. That's all, really. I'd like to be sure everything else I have still runs, especially GPS Track Logger widget, epub reader (Dorian), phone, camera. That relates to reinob's PS which, yes, I used to know how to do but I really need a refresher.

I see checking my installed packages that I have uboot-pr13 installed. ?? I don't see multiboot in the list. How do I check for sure?

My big problem is that it's been 3 or 4 years since I've played with the inner workings of the N900 and I've forgotten what little I knew.

Okay. So, tl;dr. I don't seem to have multiboot. I don't really need U-boot if I just want to run one kernel. I can install kernel-power from extras-testing.

I should figure out how to do the stuff in your PS (!).

How about the crucial packages working under kernel-power? Are the chances good? Or iffy?

endsormeans 2016-04-14 17:56

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Hiya "he-who-tilts-at-windmills" :)

I am not going to answer all your questions ..
reinob can do that far more succinctly on the topic.

(speaking of which....THAT was a fabulous layman explanation reinob...really truly...fill this place with explanations like that and we can then teach "maemo linux and how to use your devices like a pro..." classes to kindergartners without having to teach at all.. A truly excellent way to help new people understand ..layman to pro ...very cool ... 10 stars man...really.....I now need to find every post you've ever done and blanket "thank" them...)

I will however address your biggest concern...
which is a valid concern at that..
roasting your primary daily driver because you fiddled with it...
yes it is possible to roast it...
more likely to happen is the need for a reflash and reinstall which can devastate you temporarily and still leave you phone-less until you get it up and running again.

The solution to this dilemma is simple to alleviate your stress and worry you never have to worry about your primary phone.

A- get a second beater n900 and fiddle with that instead.
and / or
B- get a n800 or n810 and fiddle with them (may wish to wait until you see one on a good price) they are cheaper and almost un-roast-able ....
As you see from my sig I have a number of each of the n900 n800 and n810...for just such purposes..
I have 1 of each.. which is my dedicated daily driver..
I have 1 of each ..for experimentation and blowing-up purposes ( :D )
I have of each...tucked away as backup devices in case anything tragic were to happen to the 1st two.
I have had my n800's and n810's coming up now ...for almost a decade ...
Superman got nothin' on 'em ...Almost freakin' Kryptonite-proof :D

So yeah..experiment with a precursor to the n900 if you are concerned about your daily driver...or get a 2nd n900..
only way you aren't going to ever NOT be worried ...

quixote 2016-04-14 23:05

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
I like the idea of having a whole tribe of nokias :D

I haven't really thought in those terms because my head is still in the past when those thing us USD600.

I'm going to go off and have a look around.

mr_pingu 2016-04-15 06:13

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Don't worry. I have been using Kernel-power for more than 2 years on my daily driver. Installed it without U-boot and just the package 'kernel-power-flasher' it will install the rest without much fiddling and I find kp53 as Stable as the default Nokia kernel.

quixote 2016-04-15 16:14

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Thanks for that, mr_pingu. Reassuring!

quixote 2016-04-18 01:45

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
All's well that ends well. At least I think things have ended well. Some more testing to do, but the main thing is the phone still seems to work. :D

So this is what I ended up doing. I wanted to install backupmenu and get everything all backed up first. After two days of fighting with unmet dependencies -- I even downloaded backupmenu-###.deb and mtd-utils-###.deb and tried to use apt-get install from terminal -- I decided oh-the-hell-with-it and gave up.

I did have the files it says you need for reflashing, but no huge confidence that I would know how to use them.

Started up the Application Manager, hit the button for kernel-power, and got told Uboot-pr13 conflicted. I don't use it for anything, so I uninstalled that, saying "Sure, fine" when it told me this was a scary thing to do.

Then it let me install the power kernel. I rebooted. And everything is there! :cool: :D :D :D :cool:

Major kudos to the geniuses who wrote this package and made it work so well!

tmi 2016-04-18 07:38

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by quixote (Post 1503923)
got told Uboot-pr13 conflicted. I don't use it for anything, so I uninstalled that, saying "Sure, fine" when it told me this was a scary thing to do.

It is still possible to use U-boot with kernel-power, if you happen to need it later. From another thread.

quixote 2016-06-19 06:56

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Thanks for that tip, tmi.

I just checked back in to say that I've been using the power-kernel since April 17th and it's worked like a charm. No problems, no glitches. I've been using it for tethering on a mobile data plan with nary a hiccup.

Once it said something about the USB connection not closing properly, but a simple switch off - and -reboot solved that. (I didn't have to remove the battery or do anything special.) Unrelated to the power-kernel, I'm sure.

Love it!

justmemory 2018-10-18 08:48

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Hi All!

I'm trying to use fcamera on power-kernel v53 ( CSSU-Testing but it does not seem to work for me; maybe it is related to fcam-drivers...

Is there a way to fix it (maybe someone can tell how...?) or is it something wrong on my side?

Any feedback would be appreciated.



Halftux 2018-10-18 14:49

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549456)
I'm trying to use fcamera on power-kernel v53 ( CSSU-Testing but it does not seem to work for me; maybe it is related to fcam-drivers...

Never used fcamera, but the fcam-drivers need the kernel headers for compilation, so there is a chance that it will work when the driver is recompiled against the right kernel-headers.

justmemory 2018-10-18 19:40

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Thanks, I shall try that!

Halftux 2018-10-18 20:44

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
In principle it should be easy. You should have a scratchbox environment with extra-testing repository enabled. Then you need to follow these steps. This package is none maemo-optify and this will save us some steps.

I recommend to check the source list from scratchbox first and maybe skip the related step and look if extra-devel is enabled and disable it.

You could also change the debian changelog to version 1.0.7-3 after downloading the source.


Originally Posted by Halftux own steps
echo "deb fremantle free non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src fremantle free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
tar xfvz fcam-drivers_1.0.7-2.tar.gz
fakeroot apt-get build-dep fcam-drivers
cd fcam-drivers_1.0.7
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b
cd ..
cp fcam-drivers_1.0.7-2_armel.deb to N900

When yourself compiled driver is working, I could make a version jump in maemo extras so that it will get recompiled from the autobuilder.
Then the new compiled package would be in extras-devel.

If you are not able to compile it, I could also upload it that you could test the package.

peterleinchen 2018-10-18 21:20

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Afair, time goes by and there is not much discusiion ongoing, the.fcam drivers just needs to be taken from maemo devel repository. That's all.
So enable devel, (re-)install fcam/drivers and you should be good to go.

oh, and disable devel repo after that. It may not eat your brain but could cause some pain... ;)

Halftux 2018-10-18 21:29

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1549471)
Afair, time goes by and there is not much discusiion ongoing, the.fcam drivers just needs to be taken from maemo devel repository. That's all.
So enable devel, (re-)install fcam/drivers and you should be good to go.

Yeah could be, but extra testing and devel is the same version now. The package got promoted 2016-08-18.

And the package was build 2010-11-10 that means compiled against kernel-power-headers 2.6.28-maemo40. Could be that it also work for other kernel-power. However when it is not working recompile is worth a try.

peterleinchen 2018-10-18 21:32

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Hmm, I am running KP v53 AND fcam well together! :confused:

peterleinchen 2018-10-18 21:36

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549472)
Yeah could be, but extra testing and devel is the same version now. The package got promoted 2016-08-18.

ORLY? Yeah, I remember a round of promotions inspired by freemangordon or palius back some time/years :)

Okay but justmemory only said he is on CSSU testing, not which repos he has enabled.
So wait for more info...

Halftux 2018-10-18 21:38

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Yeah the right question would be which fcam_driver version is installed? :)
[for installing power-kernel v53 extra-testing should be enabled...:confused:]

justmemory 2018-10-19 07:22

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Soooo... thank you guys for the tips; I'm trying to recompile it now.
I do have enabled extras-devel but it is not working which is a bit odd, because BlessN900 do take pictures (it also depends on fcam-drivers) but fcamera, hdrcapture and lowlight just won't start. But BlessN900 freezes after taking the pics, soooo... I forgot that I have custom libc6 installed so that could be an issue... Sorry for not to mention it earlier...

Update1: it is succesfully compiled; I'm trying it now...

Update2: Fcamera app launches but shows grey window (after reboot of n900); I'll try to recompile fcamera itself...

Halftux 2018-10-19 09:53

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549481)
I'll try to recompile fcamera itself...

Best would be to compile with cssu packages and your custmom libc6, do you have the sources of the libc6, from where did you get it? So in principle build=host.

justmemory 2018-10-19 10:05

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549484)
Best would be to compile with cssu packages and your custmom libc6, do you have the sources of the libc6, from where did you get it? So in principle build=host.

Hmm... now that is a headscratcher... I have my n900 and only my n900 so compiling something is only available on this device. That is why I have chrooted maemo sdk image but it does not have cssu testing installed. maybe I should... :D
Or I should install everything for compilation on my main system but I would not do that...

Libc6 is available here; based on Aapo's idea I made it myself... You can read the details there.

Halftux 2018-10-19 12:58

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Btw this seems a known problem:


Originally Posted by Raimu
I'm trying out your compile of libc 2.10 as per your instructions, and everything works fine except some fcamera-reliant apps are suddenly spitting out glib errors and generally bombing out.


Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen
Can you recompile them against libc-2.10-dev? Or libglib must be compiled against newer libc?

So maybe recompile libglib too.

Halftux 2018-10-19 16:12

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
1 Attachment(s)
Something about kernel-power headers is wrong. As I recognized that kernel-power v53 is also in extras. But the headers are not. I guess we should fix that. Same is for kernel-power-source v53 is only in devel.

I would say we should fix our repos and also vote fcam-drivers to extras.

justmemory 2018-10-19 16:56

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549496)
Btw this seems a known problem:

Hmm... I missed that so thanks a lot for that info...


Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549496)
So maybe recompile libglib too.

Oh... my... god... this seems to be a real project for me now... :D Anyway, I will try to make it work...

justmemory 2018-10-19 16:57

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549498)
Something about kernel-power headers is wrong. As I recognized that kernel-power v53 is also in extras. But the headers are not. I guess we should fix that. Same is for kernel-power-source v53 is only in devel.

I would say we should fix our repos and also vote fcam-drivers to extras.

Yeah, that would be great; luckily I have enabled extras-devel on my sdk image so installed all...

Halftux 2018-10-19 17:54

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549500)
luckily I have enabled extras-devel on my sdk image so installed all...

But be careful with extras-devel, only install packages which are known to work and which you really need. To make an upgrade on extras-devel could upgrade packages which are broken. When your host (N900) is on cssu-testing then you should do an upgrade on your build environment with cssu-testing.

Not in all cases this is needed or will harm the environment, it depends on the packages you really need for building or which you have installed. But this is my recommandation to be on the save side. And you need to compile and install libc first then recompile and install libglib, rcompile and install fcam-drivers, after this your are safe to go for recompiling fcam-applications.

justmemory 2018-10-19 18:33

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Thanks for your words I'll try to stay on the safe side. This is going to be a very long night. Or weekend... :D

Halftux 2018-10-19 19:02

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549505)
This is going to be a very long night. Or weekend... :D

Oh yes I know these long weekends and sometimes you do not make a step forward. I wish you luck that no patching is needed or more recompiling like maybe libjpeg62 or libqt4.:)

Koiruus 2018-10-19 19:09

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
I am also using FCamera and BlessN900 with KP53. BlessN900 crashes sometimes, but mostly both of them work. I think I might have had some problems with installing FCamera. Maybe it was about the driver, but can't remember precisely. Anyway I got it working somehow just by reinstalling, without needing to recompile anything.

edit: but obviously I don't have libc6 or other oddities, so that might be the cause.

justmemory 2018-10-20 20:52

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
OK, now I'm a bit stuck...
Tried to compile fcamera but qmake could not be executed. I thought that it could be that all build-deps are cssu so installing cssu could be the next step but it could not be installed because to install cssu enabler I have to verify something that needs the screen which is not available from chroot...

So I tried to compile libglib but dpkg-buildpackage stops and says there is no debian/changelog (which is true... at least with the source I downloaded).

Halftux 2018-10-20 22:01

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549531)
OK, now I'm a bit stuck...
Tried to compile fcamera but qmake could not be executed.

You need probably the libqt4-dev package.


Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549531)
I thought that it could be that all build-deps are cssu so installing cssu could be the next step but it could not be installed because to install cssu enabler I have to verify something that needs the screen which is not available from chroot...

Hmm I don't know about chroot environment:( But in scratchbox a "fakeroot apt-get upgrade" would be the step. Otherwise try without cssu first.


Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549531)
So I tried to compile libglib but dpkg-buildpackage stops and says there is no debian/changelog (which is true... at least with the source I downloaded).

I see that makes it not so easy I guess it needs the configure command before running make?
Try without glib first.

justmemory 2018-10-21 04:46

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549533)
You need probably the libqt4-dev package.

I installed all build-deps including libqt4-dev. Only thing is that this is cssu version and earlier we spoke about installing cssu would be best to compile fcamera with that.


Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549533)
Hmm I don't know about chroot environment:( But in scratchbox a "fakeroot apt-get upgrade" would be the step. Otherwise try without cssu first.

Apt-get upgrade do upgrade some packages but does not install cssu... :(


Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549533)
I see that makes it not so easy I guess it needs the configure command before running make?
Try without glib first.

Configure and make commands completed fine but still no debian folder...

So all in all now neither fcamera nor glib can be compiled... (at least for me and does not have a clue)

Halftux 2018-10-21 13:14

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549536)
I installed all build-deps including libqt4-dev. Only thing is that this is cssu version and earlier we spoke about installing cssu would be best to compile fcamera with that.

When you installed libqt4-dev then you should have in /usr/bin the qmake binary


Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549536)
Apt-get upgrade do upgrade some packages but does not install cssu... :(

Ok but could be enough.


Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549536)
Configure and make commands completed fine but still no debian folder...

That is normal debian folder get not created from configure you need to have the folder before.
So you will find debian folder in the source packages from cssu.
So then compile the sources from cssu.

Halftux 2018-10-21 14:58

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
There is also a libqt4-dev-arm package see this thread.

justmemory 2018-10-22 16:51

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Ohh... thanks (again... :) ); that libqt4-dev-arm solved tha qmake issue but now it throws another error (what a surprise): it does not find arm_neon.h though I do have it in /usr/ilb/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6/include/. I hade to symlink gcc to gcc-4.6 to get compilation work; I do not whether it counts or not...

Btw. I copied the debian folder from glibc source you linket but it does not work either - it has error with the patches...

Halftux 2018-10-23 17:23

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
When a symlink, flag or environment variable fix this header include problem then it is fine.


Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549573)
Btw. I copied the debian folder from glibc source you linket but it does not work either - it has error with the patches...

No take the full source, anyway same version you have on the device because you installed cssu.

justmemory 2018-10-24 09:32

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549629)
When a symlink, flag or environment variable fix this header include problem then it is fine.

I symlinked that arm_neon.h to /usr/include/arm_neon.h and now it finds it but says: "bad type in Neon instruction -- `vhadd.p8 q3,q3q2'

so it seems like I do not have the correct arm_neon.h version - it is gcc-4.6 that I try but gcc-4.2 simply does not have arm_neon.h at all... So now what...? :) :confused: (I'm still trying to compile fcamera 0.1.7)


Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1549629)
No take the full source, anyway same version you have on the device because you installed cssu.

OK, that makes sense... :)

Halftux 2018-10-24 18:02

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1549644)
I symlinked that arm_neon.h to /usr/include/arm_neon.h and now it finds it but says: "bad type in Neon instruction -- `vhadd.p8 q3,q3q2'

so it seems like I do not have the correct arm_neon.h version - it is gcc-4.6 that I try but gcc-4.2 simply does not have arm_neon.h at all... So now what...? :) :confused: (I'm still trying to compile fcamera 0.1.7)

Do you have more than one gcc installed? Maybe now the header get used with a wrong gcc. And check that during the build process you see these gcc compiler flags: -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon
When you don't find them you need to add them. You will find these flags in the project file and normally qmake generates a Makefile or Makefile.release which will use these flags.

justmemory 2018-10-24 19:53

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
Yes, I have multiple gcc version installed but during compilation only gcc command is used and I symlinked it to gcc-4.6.
I do have these flags so I don't know... I have Makefile and Makefile.Release; the latter seems to be some Windows specific stuff but Makefile should be fine from n900 perspective.

Update - 20181127://I only managed to step through the arm_neon problem when I disabled that part of the code in CameraThread.cpp that was using arm_neon.h. In this way fcamera was built successfully but does not work either - starting from command line it says that it cannot initiate the thread that is responsible for the "live image" through the camera... And also has some glib warnings.
My knowledge is way far from the point where I could tell that "I can investigate it" so I leave it as is.

justmemory 2019-01-18 12:56

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing
hmm... I'm not a person who easily says "OK, I'm giving this sh*t up", so I returned to this problem.

I realised that all the time I was mistaken: I did not read Halftux's advice properly and did not try to recompile libglib. Now, after a whole day of... khm... trying I recompiled it succesfully and so was my success at compiling fcam-drivers and fcamera. I installed the recompiled libglib package on my main system then installed the recompiled fcam-drivers and fcamera but still says that it has critical glib warnings (1. "

fcamera[4654]: GLIB CRITICAL ** GLib-GObject - g_object_get: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
"; 2."

fcamera[4654]: GLIB CRITICAL ** Gtk - gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
") so now i do not know what to do...

There are packages which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0 and fcamera depends on these packages (which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0) - should I recompile those too...?



Update - 20190119:// Small step forward: I took the arm_neon.h file from gcc-4.2-4.2.1 source and it worked, the arm_neon issue gone so original fcamera compiled without any issue. But the glib warnings and blank grey screen are still coming...

Halftux 2019-01-20 23:35

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v53 in Extras Testing

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1552959)
There are packages which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0 and fcamera depends on these packages (which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0) - should I recompile those too...?

These glib errors are not really helpful, but I would guess it is some plugin or other library which are used by fcamera, which produces this error. I would say it is not fcamera or the driver itself. So recompiling these packages could help and would be the next step. Could you list the packages which you have in mind?

To get a clue and track down what cause this error you need to debug the application with gdb.

To get a break at the glib critical error use gdb like described here.

You need to install gdb on the device and propably the related debug packages of the packages which are used/linked by fcamera.

The journey continues, don't give up.

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