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chenliangchen 2017-09-14 23:10

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by epninety (Post 1534406)
A keyboard as good as a Psion5 would be a very big draw for me. It's very tempting, but between the GPD Pocket and Chens promised 'Lauta' homage, I don't think Gemini are going to get my money.

Thank you! It's an honour!

I apologise we are getting quiet recently - I want to make the Moto Keyboard Mod as good as I can, then I will focus on this successor. I only release the product I am happy with myself.

I am aiming for Mid-October that we can get all the Moto Keyboard business completed with R&D and I will make Lauta back to your hand. ;)

pichlo 2017-09-15 06:36

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
@handaxe, I may be wrong but I believe @gerbick was making an ironic remark about some missing zeroes.

ravelo 2017-09-15 07:38

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Info about linux in the comments:

They were only using the X25 chipset but I saw Linux via chroot from Android and also direct boot to Debian. They are using LK as the bootloader. The benefit of Linux inside Android was that you could use the android modem and wifi drivers and that you could do what you needed quickly without having to reboot. It also used an Android SDL Xserver.

handaxe 2017-09-15 18:28

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1534423)
@handaxe, I may be wrong but I believe @gerbick was making an ironic remark about some missing zeroes.

Ah, quite right - not the actual downgrade but the one reported here. Less haste etc.

rcolistete 2017-09-16 02:21

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
The guy met with the CEO and CTO of the company behind the Gemini PDA last night, and got his hands on their prototypes. Here is the report in his blog:

Digital devices for world travellers
Thursday, 14 September 2017

rcolistete 2017-09-18 03:12

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
MWC America video showing Gemini PDA team :

Checking out a Phone with Android, Linux & a Physical Keyboard
Remember the Psion? I do. It was a pretty awesome PDA for its time and now it's back as the Gemini PDA. We spoke with Davide to find out why they're building it and who it's for.

Venemo 2017-10-15 18:02

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
They now have a video showing their prototype doing some stuff:

I'm looking forward to seeing more of them!

ttmooney 2017-10-18 11:58

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
I played with the production samples at Gitex in Dubai. They look good, and the guys are working on getting Linux on the device.

Some of the problem is down to Mediatek, because their release is Android-only, which means things either have to be rewritten or libhybris has to be used to call the Android kernel drivers — which means, in turn, being stuck on the same release as Android.

The Planet guys are pressuring Mediatek, and we should all do the same. One of the Mediatek guys actually told me that some of the kernel modules are written for them by Google. I’m not sure it’s true, but things are probably more complicated than we would like!

Anyway, progress is being made. I’ll check in with the Planet guys here in London once work slows down a bit.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

kinggo 2017-10-18 12:55

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537188)
I played with the production samples at Gitex in Dubai. They look good, and the guys are working on getting Linux on the device.

Some of the problem is down to Mediatek, because their release is Android-only, which means things either have to be rewritten or libhybris has to be used to call the Android kernel drivers — which means, in turn, being stuck on the same release as Android.

The Planet guys are pressuring Mediatek, and we should all do the same. One of the Mediatek guys actually told me that some of the kernel modules are written for them by Google. I’m not sure it’s true, but things are probably more complicated than we would like!

Anyway, progress is being made. I’ll check in with the Planet guys here in London once work slows down a bit.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

surprise surprise :rolleyes:

they can't even support android properly. Every Android TV (sony, philips, TLC) is based on mediacrap SoC and every update to new android brought a bunch of new problems that were never resolved. They don't use officail android APIs
and bunch of stuff that worked on lollypop was broken with MM and never fixed. And those who did received Nougat still have the same problems.

Venemo 2017-10-19 10:01

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537188)
I played with the production samples at Gitex in Dubai. They look good, and the guys are working on getting Linux on the device.

That's very nice to hear!


Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537188)
Some of the problem is down to Mediatek, because their release is Android-only, which means things either have to be rewritten or libhybris has to be used to call the Android kernel drivers — which means, in turn, being stuck on the same release as Android.

Do you know which are the problematic part? Ie. what works on the mainline kernel and what doesn't?

I personally would be okay with libhybris as well, as long as I can then use my preferred desktop environment and apps.


Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537188)
The Planet guys are pressuring Mediatek, and we should all do the same. One of the Mediatek guys actually told me that some of the kernel modules are written for them by Google. I’m not sure it’s true, but things are probably more complicated than we would like!

I wouldn't be surprised if that were true.


Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537188)
Anyway, progress is being made. I’ll check in with the Planet guys here in London once work slows down a bit.

If you do, please share the story with us. :)

ttmooney 2017-10-19 10:09

Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 1537268)
Do you know which are the problematic part? Ie. what works on the mainline kernel and what doesn't?

Not off the top of my head. But I’m digging into it.


I personally would be okay with libhybris as well, as long as I can then use my preferred desktop environment and apps.

There are options for both libhybris and a chroot environment already on the table, but I’m pushing for mainline. We’ll see how it goes.

More as things progress.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

ttmooney 2017-10-20 18:49

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
FYI — a new video showing Linux environment was released today.

I’m sure this is libhybris based, but it’s a start!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

rcolistete 2017-10-21 02:16

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

I’m sure this is libhybris based, but it’s a start!
How do you know ???

ttmooney 2017-10-21 11:34

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1537380)
How do you know ???

I had a long talk with the guys at Gitex, and the underlying chipset isn’t in mainline. But it’s a WIP. I’ll catch up with them next week and try to get some more details.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Venemo 2017-10-21 12:47

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537371)
FYI — a new video showing Linux environment was released today.

I’m sure this is libhybris based, but it’s a start!

I don't have a problem with libhybris.
If that's what it takes to get it working decently.

Venemo 2017-10-24 05:43

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by ttmooney (Post 1537401)
I’ll catch up with them next week and try to get some more details.

Do you know why they chose not to put the screen in the center? It kinda looks a little weird.

Venemo 2017-11-07 11:26

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Does anyone know what's up with the Gemini? They are not responding to any comments on IGG + they haven't posted any significant updates for a while. :(

endsormeans 2017-11-07 12:01

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Hate to say it...
But it is a common thing to see ...

A- It may be they are busy and haven't yet told everyone interested in their work or their situation. (mind that is hardly an excuse when anyone can write a 2 second blurb to alleviate concern ... stating:
"Don't worry ...we still have a pulse!...and will write more the moment we have a chance!...." )
B- It may be they have folded , moved on, and haven't yet told everyone interested in their work or their situation. (or perhaps do not relish saying so.)
C- they simply do not care enough to mention what is happening. (worse I think than A or B)

I think your inquiry and mention...
say a great deal ..
regardless whether it is A or B or C

pichlo 2017-11-07 12:34

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
D- they scampered off with your money ;)

(I guess you can say it is a variant of C.)

Venemo 2017-11-09 11:13

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1538255)
I think your inquiry and mention...
say a great deal ..
regardless whether it is A or B or C

Not sure why every single crowdfunding campaign fails at communication, though. One or two short updates each week would do the trick, I think.


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1538258)
D- they scampered off with your money ;)

Let's hope that isn't the case!

Jordi 2017-11-09 16:45

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
It seems they are reading TMO, there is an update :)

railroadmaster 2018-01-09 16:51

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
The Gemini PDA is being shown off CES 2018

railroadmaster 2018-01-09 22:35

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

I would really like to get this running on a Gemini pda.

rcolistete 2018-02-02 00:42

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Gemini mass production has started!
Feb 1, 2018 • 2:02PM

rcolistete 2018-02-19 17:36

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Gemini launch - Linux update

We are really excited to say that at the moment we have the following Linux distributions fully or partially running on the Gemini:
* Debian
* Sailfish OS
* Ubuntu 17.04
* Postmarket OS (an experimental version running Hildon UI – may look familiar to MeeGo/Maemo users)
Yes, they are all running on the Gemini today!

We are also now confirming that we will be opening the source code for the Linux kernel and the boot loader for the Gemini.

explit 2018-02-19 17:45

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Lets see.. I don't trust them.... If this item has really the keyboard of 5MX and is capable of running SailfishOS - i will buy it. Bot not until it is on the market....

mr_pingu 2018-02-19 18:15

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
And the userspace drivers? Still vdry skeptical.

Zeta 2018-02-19 18:41

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
We should see in about a week, during the MWC, at which level each of those linux flavors are already running on the device :

Nikita will be joining us at our stand at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Hall 7 stand 7K40) and he will be showing some of the Linux version at out Linux showcase next week.

Kabouik 2018-02-20 10:03

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
I don't know to what extent it's working, but at least looking at the pictures feels good.

The thing is it's more expensive than my 13" laptop with real keyboard and screen, i5, 8 GB RAM, dual SSD and a GPU fully working under Linux, which is admittedly not the same use (I know) but I still feel more comfortable spending this much in a laptop. Of course the price of the Gemini is not shocking when you compare it to Samsung or Apple flagships, but high enough to hesitate. What I don't like is you can only use it as a clam shell, no phone call without opening it (except with voice command but it will likely be exclusive to Android), and no comfortable thumb typing either to type when walking.

However, it's very nice to see that they considered Sailfish and even Postmarket OS (so good to see good ol' Hildon on a recent device; I thought the same when I saw Maemo-Leste) to the point that it seems to run at least partially on the device. I wonder if the Gemini wouldn't be one of those devices Jolla was teasing in some blog posts lately. Both companies know about some overlap between their potential users, so it would be nice to see if this Sailfish is official or a port (unless I missed something, the pictures do not show, I can't see any Android icon on the homescreen). My personal undocumented belief is it's only a port though.

Also, here are some additional information from TheKit (who I assume is the same person as our TMO member) on what is currently working, although not official:


What definitely works is display, sound, Wi-Fi, keyboard, touch. SailfishOS also has calls, SMS messages, 3G/4G data and camera.
I am curious about the drivers and kernel too now.

biketool 2018-02-20 13:39

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
What kind of keyboard switches are they using, those keys look almost big enough to hide some Cherry blues.
(edit) I looked at more pix, I am pretty sure there is no room for mechanical key switches.

suicidal_orange 2018-02-20 13:44

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
No, won't be MX they're too chunky. Probably standard chiclet/rubberdome but hopefully the new kailh choc switches.

British 2018-02-20 14:02

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1541399)
I am curious about the drivers and kernel too now.

And I am curious/worried (mostly the latter) about the BIOS.
I suspect some proprietary binary blob, but couldn't find/search properly on that subject.

TheKit 2018-02-20 14:12

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by British (Post 1541418)
And I am curious/worried (mostly the latter) about the BIOS.
I suspect some proprietary binary blob, but couldn't find/search properly on that subject.

There is no desktop-style BIOS there, as it's an ARM device. The closest to it is little kernel, which they are going to release. But there are lots of other blobs just as in regular Android phone, so I guess it should be the least of worries.

British 2018-02-20 14:17

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Originally Posted by TheKit (Post 1541419)
But there are lots of other blobs just as in regular Android phone, so I guess it should be the least of worries.

The fact that it is built towards being an Android device is the elephant in the matchbox when it comes to worries :rolleyes:

ravelo 2018-02-20 16:13

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Maybe you interested: Someone has seen Kernel version 3.18.41 running:

explit 2018-04-25 11:28

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Gemini PDA is available for buying on their website.

Waiting for my salary.... :(

explit 2018-04-28 12:18

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Talked to the Planet PDA guys.
The Gemini PDA is cheaper on Indigogo, than on the official site, and they will first deliver all indigogo perks and afterwards the shop purchases.

The second batch should cover all indigogo perks, which are not yet delivered.

Purchased on indigogo.

And for people, who want develop SailfishOS on the Gemini PDA - there "might" be special offer.

I can't post details here, but all folks, who want develop or port SF on the Gemini PDA, might contact me on Telegram @explit.
And i will look, what i can do.
Of course, anything is without warranty and only a "good will" act of Planet Comp. Inc.

rcolistete 2018-06-24 13:47

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

meemorph 2018-06-24 15:46

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
you can flash sailfish os community to your gemini pda as 2nd or 3rd boot option. Try it.

PartitionTool on Planet Computers

News on Planet Computers support page

... have fun ...

rcolistete 2018-06-26 11:02

Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)
Oficial partnership between Jolla and Planet Computers will bring Sailfish 3 in late 2018, meanwhile Sailfish 2.2 community edition is already available :


posted by Dr Janko Mrsic-Flogel
Jun 26, 2018 • 7:37AM

Gemini PDA to run Sailfish OS mobile operating system – developed by Jolla

See Gemini in action at CommunicAsia 2018 – Marina Bay Sands, Level 5, Stand 5L4-10

Sailfish for Gemini Community Edition available to download now

CommunicAsia, 26th June 2018: Planet Computers today announces the Gemini PDA will feature Sailfish OS mobile operating system, developed by Finnish mobile company Jolla.

The long-standing partnership between the two companies means Sailfish 3 – the third generation of the open-source mobile operating system, based on the Linux kernel – is to be made available on the Gemini PDA.

The Gemini PDA is a quad-boot mobile device, capable of booting into Android OS as well as a number of Linux distributions – including Sailfish OS.

Sailfish X, the downloadable and official version of the OS, will be available in late 2018 and will feature a suite of advanced functions including: over-the-air (OTA) updates; Jolla Store access; end-user support; and crucially for Gemini users, full support for landscape user-interface (UI), encrypted user data and communications, Android app support and a refreshed user interface, with improvements like redesigned email.

In the meantime, Sailfish for Gemini Community Edition – a community supported version based on Sailfish OS 2.0 – is free and available to download now:

Gemini PDA is being showcased at CommunicAsia 2018 – Marina Bay Sands, Level 5, Stand 5L4-10.

Dr Janko Mrsic-Flogel, CEO of Planet Computers comments: “This is the next stage in our partnership with Jolla and it is an important step in our mission to open up the Gemini PDA to the Sailfish community. Users will be able to benefit from the technical performance provided by the quad-boot features of the Gemini PDA and explore the power of Sailfish OS for themselves.”

Sami Pienimäki, CEO of Jolla, says: “We are excited that Gemini PDA will join the Sailfish X family starting now with the community edition, and followed by the official version later this year. Gemini PDA with its full QWERTY keyboard is a very lucrative device for many Sailfish fans and it also brings back memories of the iconic Nokia N900 device. Gemini PDA with Sailfish OS is a very powerful combination.”

Gemini PDA has raised more than $2.3 million in investment to date. For the latest updates, click here:

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