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Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Yeah and if there is one device in non - local mode, could I pull the image from it to install on the others? Some nice dd command or so
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Luckily it is probably not easy to accpmplish, and you probably will brick the device totally if you try it. :D If you have a device prototype with beginnings of a completely new OS not seen anywhere, why would you want to trash it by installing something that already is found on many other devices? |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Flasher -i is not dangerous no? just to know what OS version... I want to exit Local mode but how? |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
About "Local Mode", difficult to say really. It is possible you need some different flasher for example to set that mode (if it is a device mode and not whole package which is in Local Mode) |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Hmm "Medfield", that is weird
In properties: "Device USB\VID_8086&PID_E004\5&ecb7860&0&1 was configured." https://dl.dropbox.com/s/t1jfyu8sp66i0jx/Lauta.JPG Where can I download the correct flasher to do the -i command? |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
WinFlasher_3.12.1.exe http://www.fladnag.net/downloads/telephone/n900/tools/ It's better with Linux distrib like Ubuntu. No drivers needed. For Linux: flasher_3.12.1_i386.deb Turn OFF device Put command flasher -i connect the device to your PC and it will show you OS version (if device compatible with flasher app). nb. Intel Medfield perhaps :p http://www.intomobile.com/2011/01/31...eld-smartphon/ EDIT: Medfield drivers i think are not really installed. Better to try ubuntu. |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
This keeps getting more curious. Intel Medfield perhaps? You have a piece of history if that's the real case. Already a rare device. But that is... just wow.
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
shows up during logs when connecting usb
https://dl.dropbox.com/s/hyow4f8avx4ka4y/lauta_usb.jpeg flasher does not find the phone in windows nor ubuntu, shows up as medfield in usb list on both AHA! same i2c error as this article |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Any chance of some video? Be nice to see the thing booting, plus someone may be able to glean something from the output.
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
About local mode for some Nokia device you can hard reset and come back to full OS.
the question is how to make hard reset on Lauta? perhaps like on n9/50. Or Is it possible like on this topic? phoenix or nss pro? https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=85351 EDIT: When dirk connect lauta to pc with nss pro he got that: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/18...0415WA0007.jpg |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Lauta battery LWH is 3,4 x 1,06 x 0,19 inches
What other battery have same size please? Lumia900 is: 3 x 2 x 0.9 inches |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
I doubt the device sent to Dirk is a Lauta/RM-742. All of the leaked information has always suggested that the Lauta was basically an N9 with a keyboard. The story of Nokia MeeGo article seems pretty adamant that the Lauta is a Harmattan device with a TI OMAP3630 SoC. With all of the pointers that it uses a Medfield SoC and that it has Ilmatar installed, I'd say it's more than likely the device in Dirk's possession is actually a Soiro prototype. The same article also states that the Soiro uses the same design as the Lauta. I'm guessing that this is a very early Soiro prototype and they just took the casing from a Lauta. It's possible that the Soiro board doesn't fit properly inside the Lauta casing and was forced in which would explain the damage. Maybe you could open up the other 3 devices to see if they have a TI or an Intel chip and see if they show another RM-XXX or RX-XX codename? If my theory is right about the damage, they are probably also Soiros.
I don't know about the Soiro but the Harmattan flasher should at least have some support for the Lauta. RM-742 references can be found in an early version of the Harmattan flasher: Code:
$ strings flasher | grep RM-742 |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Hmm i coul pull one of the shielding caps from the pcb, but don't know if n950 will like it if i pull out my heat gun :p
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Here is the words from nokia engineer:
"You get away from local mode with MeeGo flashing tool. If there is only ENOSW installed it means there is no SW with UI installed and device cannot be used further. ENOSW is EngiNe Operations which means it's preloaded to get device started and just before it's packed for sales all other software will be installed." Where can i find Meego flashing tool? |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Meego (Harmattan) flasher 3.12.1 |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Re: Nokia Soiro
Good read, wonder what his sources about the soiro are... |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
I wonder how much of the flasher/bootloader is tied specifically to ARM ? Here, we have an Intel x86 device, not an ARM based one like all previous Nokia (If I am not mistaken). The flasher program is really low level - at least from what I remember when using it for Symbian, where we could flash a dead device through USB. That means, there is a bootloader of some sort in the device, separate form the OS. What I don't know is if this bootloader is part of the chip (like DfuSe in STM32 devices, which would then likely be different/incompatible when switching to x86), or if it is simply a part of firmware (like U-boot or Grub) which could then have been implemented in a compatible way in a x86 device ? Is there any master who would knows more on this ? |
Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Re: Nokia Soiro
There are some quite fundamental things yet unclear with the prototypes presented here.
The deciding question is what is the hardware platform, is it intel or arm? That has not fully been cleared yet, as I think the SOC's are under a welded shielding cage as @dirkvl noted. Hence it would need a bit of meddling to actually eyeball the chips. Something could be deduced from the boot display, as I think the devices (or one/some of them?) are in a mode that shows up the startup messages on screen. It scrolls probably too fast for human reading so it is advisable to make a video recording of the bootup messages. However, the OS by itself doesn't necessarily tell anything about the intended HW platform since it is fairly common to run first development releases on an existing platforms when the "Real HW" is not yet made in sufficent quantities so that all involved R&D people would have their own development environment. Hence, it is possible that the HW platform is arm but the OS in the device is Ilmatar. (This is a very common R&D pattern in Nokia, and I believe also in other design houses.) As for the flasher; I believe that the base protocol between the flasher and NOLO is most probably same whether the HW platform is arm or intel; it is designed to be fairly insensitive for the underlying architecture. Flasher has two different modes; an inquiry/setting mode where device operation parameters can be read and tweaked and the actual flashing mode which is implemented by separate extension for each device model. In the flashing mode the flasher utility reads a specific part from the image file called "APE Algorithm" which is a self-contained rescue-OS image which is sent to device and which therein performs the actual device-dependent actions of the flashing. This way it doesn't make any difference what HW platform is under flashing. The trick here is now to find a good image file to be flashed to the device. (pro tip; you won't find one :p) |
Re: Nokia Soiro
Maybe there is some sw expert that can do these investigations better than me?
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Hello everybody,
Dirk can't progress with the devices he is busy. I wait he try to boot 2 others devices. I would like two things: - 3 batteries fitted inside and connected to the device. - 3 3D printed rear covers for 3 deviced. If anybody can do this work let me know here and Dirk can send to you the 3 devices. |
Re: Nokia Soiro
I'm student of university of telecommmunications here in Russia. We have IoT labaratory founded by Intel and we were working w/ Medfield platform. We can take a look for some hardware and software, if it's needed.
Re: Nokia Soiro
If you have my 3 devices what you will do? Please activate your email or PM. |
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Would you really send three unique devices to someone who joined 5 days ago? |
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Now you can send E-Mail.
What we can do here: we can contol booting of device with development kit by Intel; kernel debug, to make it boot up; 3D-print, if it's still needed; raw access to eMMC, to get more info about this proto; I clearly understand, that I have no credibility here. But I just suggested some help. There's no reason for me to steal this protos, I don't collect Nokia protos or something, but I was watching for Maemo/MeeGo community just out of curiosity. If it's necessary, I can give all needed info about me, like phone number etc |
Re: Nokia Soiro
While he has no credibility you could also only send one.
Spreadinf the risk. That said I am not saying he is not a creditable person. I mean we don't him but I like to approach people as people with good intentions but also keep in mind they might have bad intentions... Nonetheless this seems a very good offer to get a step forward... |
Re: Nokia Soiro
Re: Nokia Soiro
Hi Dirk, I try to contact you without Luck. Since 2019 you are not online. You have my devices. Can you send them back. Anybody know where Dirk is? |
Re: Nokia Soiro
Try messaging him on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/dirkvanleersum |
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