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HtheB 2016-04-14 19:28

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1503569)
I'm rejigging the notification part a lot right now to support replacesId, and I don't think we're doing anything if the notification already exists so it doesn't get sent. I'd wondered when that would be the case, but you've just told me. Skype messages?

Yes, Skype (Android) messages somehow comes through, but only replaces the last notification without a new one...

I've also noticed that some other apps, just stops receiving ANY notification at all once it has received 1 notification of that app... (Like "KakaoTalk" also for Android)

P@t 2016-04-15 07:38

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
After a week or so of use, some comments of what seems not to work:
- timeline: I am not sure how it works. I have the option enabled in the parameters and it did sync at first but now I am arriving at Friday and I have a 'end' after appointments of today while I still have entries for tomorrow and next week in the phone?
- misfit: i have regular error messages of 'sync failed'...
- during the night i usually put my phone and watch in flight mode. Sometimes it does not reconnect in the morning and I have to use the 'disable service' in the developer tools...

no big problems anyway
thanks again

Feathers McGraw 2016-04-15 07:59

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Why not use quiet time instead of flight mode?

P@t 2016-04-15 10:18

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1503629)
Why not use quiet time instead of flight mode?

No big reasons except that I feel better that my body receives less waves during nights + misfit is not working in quiet mode afaik

Fuzzillogic 2016-04-15 10:34

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1503629)
Why not use quiet time instead of flight mode?

Better yet: standby-mode. It disables bluetooth when the watch is motionless for half an hour (i.e. when not wearing it), and reconnects when picked up. Works well, saves battery, and since rockpool can automatically switch profile based on whether it's connected, my phone automatically enables the ringtone when not wearing the watch.

abranson 2016-04-15 11:46

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Thanks for these. Very helpful.


Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1503626)
- timeline: I am not sure how it works. I have the option enabled in the parameters and it did sync at first but now I am arriving at Friday and I have a 'end' after appointments of today while I still have entries for tomorrow and next week in the phone?

Hmm, the calendar should sync after every calendar change, and I thought that happened quite often whether you edited your calendar or not. It's possible that these events aren't being triggered. The logic we inherited from RockWork only syncs events that started less than two days ago, or in the next 5 days. The watch itself then restricts your view to the today, tomorrow and the day after. Would be good to see a startup log, as it should always sync then.


Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1503626)
- misfit: i have regular error messages of 'sync failed'...

Are you on the latest version? Misfit syncs should have been fixed in 0.8-3. It works on my phone, but then I was messing about with the JS to debug it.


Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1503626)
- during the night i usually put my phone and watch in flight mode. Sometimes it does not reconnect in the morning and I have to use the 'disable service' in the developer tools...

I've noticed this too, Rockpool is unable to connect after the bluetooth is disabled and re-enabled needs to go in the issue list I think.

P@t 2016-04-15 12:14

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the reply.
Regarding the timeline, do you mean the logs available in 'developer tools' ? I have opened it but is not meaningful to me ;). Anyway I have attached a shorter version (because tmo is restricting the size) so I have kept only what has happened today and the last line of other 'generation'... let me know if you need something else.

Regarding Misfit, I have tried to uninstall it and reinstall it (to make sure I have latest version because i am not sure how to check the version of the app I have) but it is still failing at sync, it reports 'Sync initiated - Wifi required' and then 2s later 'Sync failed - network error'. If I go to settings of the app, I can see that 'your pebble is connected to Misfit account successfully [...]' and all i can do is close or switch account.

abranson 2016-04-15 12:26

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1503654)
Thanks for the reply.
Regarding the timeline, do you mean the logs available in 'developer tools' ? I have opened it but is not meaningful to me ;). Anyway I have attached a shorter version (because tmo is restricting the size) so I have kept only what has happened today and the last line of other 'generation'... let me know if you need something else.

Wow I haven't seen those before - they must be the watch logs that ruff fixed last time! It's the rockpoold logs we need, but I don't think they're part of that yet. We'll have to add something to pull those out of the journal and include them. Log extraction would be very handy.


Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1503654)
Regarding Misfit, I have tried to uninstall it and reinstall it (to make sure I have latest version because i am not sure how to check the version of the app I have) but it is still failing at sync, it reports 'Sync initiated - Wifi required' and then 2s later 'Sync failed - network error'. If I go to settings of the app, I can see that 'your pebble is connected to Misfit account successfully [...]' and all i can do is close or switch account.

'About' on the pulley menu of the RockPool main window. Version should be at the top. Occasionally I've forgotten to update it when building a new package, but not very often :o

P@t 2016-04-15 14:02

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Using latest version of everything I think:
rockpool 0.9-4
firmware v3.11.1

abranson 2016-04-15 14:22

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Hmm ok. Maybe I should reset my Misfit to see if I'd left any changes in. It's quite nice seeing the graphs of your activity on their website once the upload works.

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