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Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Information Overload, Do we have a WIKI on this.. Tough to follow up in the thread!!
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
pls any 1 help me......
all desktop r working perfectly.................. but when i changing wallpaper it does not changing...... pls any 1 tell me how can i change wallpaper........ only 1st 4 desktop changing but newly add hildon desktop not changing wallpaper.... but other feature is wok perfectly pls reply me here or mail me kawsarhossain@gmail.com |
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
HI, I was able to add 2 new extra desktop using this method with ease. There is a big problem with this method though [just hope this is not the only way to do it]. If you take out the battery of your n900 and let the phone reset it's settings.
:confused::confused: It will automatically remove the extra desktop you added. Is there anyway to, create a profile which can then be set to default(holding the information of the extra desktops) and will be automatically loaded even when the phone is rebooted completely? |
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
This may have been covered already in this thread, but I'll put it in again. A solidly working way of adding wallpapers to each of the 9 home screens is to add the wallpaper files to
/home/user/.backgrounds and name them as background-1, background-2, etc. One for each screen. Whenever you set a wallpaper through other means, it seems to me that the file gets copied to this folder and named "background-[number]". I too saw the demonstration video of 9 home screens and vertical/diagonal swipes, yet ended up disappointed when I found out that it was a fake. Nevertheless, I made a set of 9 simple black background .pngs, each with a small grid on the top right corner indicating which screen of the 3x3 you are in, mainly to provide an idea on which way to swipe to get to where you are going to. It's not that useful now, but I'll keep dreaming :> The top right corner of home screens isn't used by anything, right? Even widgets can't be put there? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4352287/grid/background-1.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4352287/grid.zip |
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Now i cant re-add them, for some reason they just wont appear after i have executed the command. I also redownloaded the costome hildon once again and tried it. Unfortunately the outcome was the same. No extra desktops. Can you or anyone here help me fix this problem? |
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Are you using the programs that solve this sort of problem? As I recall, they are called Desktop+ and Desktop-switcher.
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
EDIT: Have 9 now but for some reason can only select up to 5 in manage views. Anyway I want 9 so that's fine. WIsh there was an easy way to do this. Thought there was a desktop plus app. What happened to it?
Agghh! I had 9 desktops before but just got a new N900. Can someone point me how to get 9 desktops? I have spent like an hour looking for the answer without success. Is there a wiki or something? I know I have the modfied desktop because I can use the arrow keys to change screens. I have entered this command in xterminal but it made no difference: gconftool-s / t apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/9/bg-image-string "/ path / to / background.jpg" gconftool-s / apps / osso / hildon-desktop / views / active-t list - list-type int [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] Okay for some reason I can have 5 screens now but no more. I also replicated command gconftool-s / t apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/9/bg-image-string "/ path / to / background.jpg" replacing 9 with 5, 6,7,8 each time but still only 5 screens. |
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
1. Download and install WinSCP. http://sourceforge.net/projects/wins...p.exe/download 2. Download and install the Following:
3. Moving on. After you have done all the installing, run WinSCP and Mad Developer on your phone (make sure your Wifi is turn on in your phone, and you are connected to the Internet.). 4. Now run MadDeveloper it should show you, your phone ip. 5. Make sure you turn on your SSH server. Do that by tapping on the status applet on top (just tap the battery icon) and you should see "SSH Server OFF". Tap it and it should turn on. 6. Now when you have turned on your SSH server. Go back to Mad developer and tap on the Developer Password button.Remember this is importent. Remember do not press cancel. Just let it run. Now you can put your phone a side. 7. Go back to Win SCP and you sould see the first text box called "host name". Now just enter the ip (wLan0) you see in your mad developer in to that box. Eg. 8.To the password field. Enter the following : Quote:
10. Once you have excesses to your phone go to the parent folder <root> and go to into following folders: Quote:
13. You are Done. |
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