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marmistrz 2011-12-02 11:38

Re: Printing with N900
Please promote to extras!

mase 2011-12-02 20:04

Re: Printing with N900
I cannot promote. Wrong package versions went into extras.
Nobody replied to my bug reports for the repos.

marmistrz 2011-12-03 19:57

Re: Printing with N900
But the version you said to be voting for has already 8 karma of 6
After all you can make it version 8.62.dfsg.1-maemo7 and try to promote this one

PMaff 2012-03-11 01:22

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1060140)
Yes, it is,

I'd like to print from my N900 to the HP Officejet Pro 8100.
Network is ok and should work.

There was some talk about wrong packages in extras.
So which packages do I need and where do I find them?

Thanks in advance.

schokopudding 2012-03-28 21:38

Re: Printing with N900
Sorry for bumping this... but...

is the working Version of CUPS now in the repositorys? Or which one do i have to get? I am really looking forward to this... or what can I do, to forward this?
Many thanks for your work right now. I would really love to see that one working here.


Estel 2012-03-29 01:21

Re: Printing with N900
On the other hand, does anyone have success with printer connected directly to N900 via USB cable and hostmode?


woody14619 2012-03-29 18:48

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1185401)
On the other hand, does anyone have success with printer connected directly to N900 via USB cable and hostmode?


Most of my printing is done via wifi or bluetooth. I've not tried a USB printer dongle though I do have one. I'm not sure there are proper modules in the kernel, but I haven't looked. Is dev_lp being compiled for the N900 as a module? I'd bet not, since it's often not even on by default for desktops these days. Finding a MB with parallel is a challenge these days... Even the PCI boards are becoming rare, and I think there's only 1 or 2 manufacturers of PCIe boards.

Estel 2012-03-29 19:59

Re: Printing with N900
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I wasn't thinking about parallel-to-USB adapter and connecting this way to N900 - I thought about regular printer connected to computer via USB cable, which we would just connect to N900 via hostmode (like we connect it to USB of Debian-powered desktop computer, for example).

Sorry if I'm talking some BS here ;)


woody14619 2012-03-30 00:06

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1185747)
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I wasn't thinking about parallel-to-USB adapter and connecting this way to N900 - I thought about regular printer connected to computer via USB cable, which we would just connect to N900 via hostmode (like we connect it to USB of Debian-powered desktop computer, for example).

Sorry if I'm talking some BS here ;)


Well, then I can tell you good odds the drivers aren't in the kernel tree, since printer device signatures for USB would not be in there. Some printers emulate a standard parallel port, others emulate something totally random and device specific. (A few of the HPs actually do IP over USB... so they may work if you compile/force the USB strings in?)

But out of the box, the answer for that is going to be a definite no. :( Far better off with something that can handle bluetooth or better can connect in some way to the same wifi network you N900 can connect to and give it a perm IP. :)

Estel 2012-03-30 00:32

Re: Printing with N900
Thanks for answer. How it looks in desktop linux distros (ultra-noob question - everyone can laugh at me, but I got zero printing experience on Linux... It's funny, but I do CNC via linux, yet haven't ever printed anything via it :D)? Maybe we can just ask KP team to include necessary modules?

I remember reading somewhere about less and less linux-friendly printers implementation, which would seem odd to me.


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