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GeneralAntilles 2009-01-19 18:54

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by qole (Post 258657)
This of course makes me wonder if someone could do for Gecko what pronvit did for WebKit; basically, replace MicroB's tired old engine with a new Gecko engine.

If somebody could harass the MicroB svn into building and running. . . .

jmjanzen 2009-01-19 19:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 258475)
... It also seems like it is very good at recognizing where i am tapping. I hate trying to tap a link like 4 times before saying screw it and grabbing the stylus.

i wasn't sure if i was just imagining it or not, but i agree. webkit does seem to recognize taps better, which is a very good thing.

meizirkki 2009-01-19 20:22

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 258134)
OK, i decided to do some data collection after jmjanzen's last comment. I wanted to see if webkit made my bookmarks load faster. In my observation it seemed to render them a lot faster, but I wanted to check it out with a simple test. So i started with microb/gecko and loaded each of my bookmarks one at a time, closing the browser after each instance (i will call this a cold start). Then for my second test I went through them with the browser already open to see how much of it was the browser starting up (warm start). Then I did the same with Webkit enabled. Here is what I found. All observations are in seconds

webpage gecko (cold/warm) Webkit (cold/warm) 50/40 55/50 15/10 17/10 20/12 17/12 50/45 28/21 12/8 12/8 30/20 25/22 55/45 35/26

I was a little shocked at the results. Webkit seemed so much faster in my day to day use. Maybe I was going to engadget and other javascript heavy pages more than my bookmarks, as it does seem to make a difference there.

I really think this test does not tell the reality about how fast is the browsing...

Both engines take about same time to download all needed data and "about" same time to get all the elements of the page completely and correctly shown.

But when using WebKit, the page looks complete and itT in classic-theme can be scrolled and used when it's about 70% loaded. Sometimes i found link i was looking for when the page is not fully loaded and i have to wait until it's complete to avoid freezing, that sometimes happens. With Microb, finger-scroll is mostly unusable before the page is fully loaded.

Opening itT main page...

Scales images and puts elements to their places.. the page looks like it's fully loaded when it's really only 70%.

It loads and loads. some of the elements appear at the last second the loading-status thing disappears, like "Custom Google Search". Sometimes i have to wait forever to use that search.

iamthewalrus 2009-01-19 23:24

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I wonder what the difference in speed would be with some speed tweaks enabled for Microb.

buhao 2009-01-24 17:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Here is my latest experience with this package. The problem I described before (post 284)started happenig again. This site was one of the worst to visit. It would partially load and then stop with the background of all of the latest posts orange. I thought about timing how long it did it for, but I knew it was over a minute and made for a terrible browsing experience.

I am now back to using microb and the speed seems OK. What I miss most is thewell implemented kinetic scrolling and the ability to remove the scrollbars. If anyone knows of a way to do this on microb, please let me know. It is nice to have the ability to download and "right click" again. Also I noticed that there is an entry remaining in gconf editor for webkit after uninstalling. Is there a way to remove it? When the next version is available I will make sure to give it a go.

iamthewalrus 2009-01-24 18:51

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 259685)
I am now back to using microb and the speed seems OK. What I miss most is thewell implemented kinetic scrolling and the ability to remove the scrollbars. If anyone knows of a way to do this on microb, please let me know..

The scrollbars can be removed in Microb by tweaking userContent.css. See the ITT wiki. there is no kinetic scrolling afaik.

inoshishi 2009-01-25 14:27

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I'm trying to install webkit-eal (no previous install) but it seems that I just can't get it to work.

As I haven't installed any of the previous versions, I skipped the instructions from

I've downloaded the latest webkit-eal (0.0.10) from the garage project web page and installed it as root, with dpkg

Now I have a webkit setting application that has a dropbox with microb or webkit (none is selected by default, so I'm not sure which one is currently selected), I choose webkit, start my browser but it seems it's still using gecko ( says gecko and acid3 reaches 55/100).

I've tried removing and reinstalling webkit-eal, rebooting my n810 and sometimes, if I do /etc/init.d/tablet-browser-daemon stop, change the settings and then start the daemon again, i get some errors on my console that show that I'm using webkit, but all pages crash so I just can't use the browser. If I relaunch the browser it seems it's using gecko again.

Did I forget to install a package (that would not be listed as a dependency of the webkit-eal package) ?
Is there a sure way to see if we're using microb or webkit (gconf setting, command line parameter to webkit-settings, ...) ?
Any suggestions on how to solve my problem ?

buhao 2009-01-25 16:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
@ inoshishi: Only thing i can think of is making sure you have latest os2008 installed. I have installed and uninstalled many times always by installing from file in application manager and never had the problems you are having. There is no need to be root. I always have to reboot to get it to work though.

inoshishi 2009-01-25 17:22

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 259803)
I have installed and uninstalled many times always by installing from file in application manager

I've just deleted, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted using the application manager (and not dpkg) and it works flawlessly...

I don't know what the nokia app manager does that dpkg does not do, but that solved my problem, thanks.

meizirkki 2009-01-25 18:45

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
oh, i never use app-manager to install this...

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