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dwould 2010-03-25 15:14

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by m165 (Post 581921)
I noticed that my latest @replies weren't there either. But when I scrolled down, I noticed that recent @replies were in the middle of everything, as though they are randomly placed, instead of being sorted by date. I think I'm using the latest version, updated it last night via the app manager.

ah yes, for some reason the assumption that the tweet ID always increment,s and therefore highernumber == newer tweet is apparently not true. It is currently working fine for me, but perhaps twitter re-uses ids or something.
I did some initial investigation into sorting by date, but hit some very annoying issues with python's ability to parse the date string that twitter returns. looks like I'm going to have to write some custom parsing code. which I really couldn't be bothered to do the other day.
maybe later.

dwould 2010-03-25 15:16

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by andresbaggio (Post 581685)
please any one help me when i download ussd pad there is one message comming (application packages missing)
what can i do for get this all please help

I have no idea what this installed how? was this extras-testing/extras-devel? which version did witter claim to be for installation?
it's possible I've just added things which aren't correctly set in the depends info. but I probably need a better description of the problem.

generationally 2010-03-25 15:32

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 581970)
weird, that works fine for me...
what is fast becoming my standard response... could you run it from commandline and see what output you get when it is failing to switch?

It doesn't say anything. It is like the screen tapping doesn't reach witter. If I try many times hiting just at the bottom edge of the icon then it sometimes works and I get:

<hildon.Button object at 0x416f0580 (HildonButton at 0x3a2848)>

as response.

I have had no problems with screen response otherwise. I also tried recalibrating the display input but it didn't make any difference.

dwould 2010-03-25 16:14

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by generationally (Post 582000)
It doesn't say anything. It is like the screen tapping doesn't reach witter. If I try many times hiting just at the bottom edge of the icon then it sometimes works and I get:

<hildon.Button object at 0x416f0580 (HildonButton at 0x3a2848)>

as response.

I have had no problems with screen response otherwise. I also tried recalibrating the display input but it didn't make any difference.

what if you just swipe left/right does that change the views successfully?

generationally 2010-03-25 16:19

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 582050)
what if you just swipe left/right does that change the views successfully?

Nice. I just learned something new :) Yes, that works. I'll be using that option as a workaround for now then.


nosa101 2010-03-25 16:29

Re: witter - a python twitter client
a couple of suggestions/ideas, can a long press on a particular tweet bring up a small dialog box (like in the email app). the box could contain basic options like reply, retweet and direct message.

another one is to make links in a tweet clickable

also, is there a way to view the public timeline of particular trending topics in witter?

ofels 2010-03-25 17:25

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 581549)

what else were you expecting in trends? it tells you what the trending hash tags are and what the urls to them are?

Ah, this is a feature :)

I had expected to have the tweets from those search URLs (which however will produce dozens of tweets) or at least have them as links to click and open it in the search view them. Would come in rather handy.


have you searched for anything? you need to put your comma separated search terms in the input box before you hit refresh on the search view.
it will use those terms to provide search results.
Ah here we go. I thought it would include the saved searches from the twitter site the same way as the conversation plugin does.

Misunderstanding :cool:

dwould 2010-03-25 17:37

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 582065)
a couple of suggestions/ideas, can a long press on a particular tweet bring up a small dialog box (like in the email app). the box could contain basic options like reply, retweet and direct message.

another one is to make links in a tweet clickable

also, is there a way to view the public timeline of particular trending topics in witter?

ha, funny how things come around. originally the tap-n-old was how you got all the options and I was repeatedly asked to change it to double-tap.I'm not intending to revert.

making links clickable in the tweet is a ridiculously difficult thing to do, (unless anyone wants to tell me different) as It involves calculating what position a particular type of text happens to be displayed in right now in a pannable set of data. it's a nice idea, but even if I knew how to do it, I'm not sure it would be worth the processing cost.

you can use the trends view to find out what is trending and the search view to search for the trending #tag or whatever.....or have I missed something?

nosa101 2010-03-25 17:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client
So I tried the double tap thing and it goes to the particular tweet....twice

The trending topic thing was an idea I got from one of those iPhone Twitter apps. The trending topics are viewed as induvidual accounts. Not sure if I'm explaining it right.

dwould 2010-03-25 17:55

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 582145)
So I tried the double tap thing and it goes to the particular tweet....twice

The trending topic thing was an idea I got from one of those iPhone Twitter apps. The trending topics are viewed as induvidual accounts. Not sure if I'm explaining it right.

double tap is a bit weird.. it's actually 'activated' since there doesn't seem to be a double tap event. this basically means if you click on a tweet, then click on it again you open the actions.
so if you are not selected, a double tap does as expected.
if you are already selected, then a double tap is fast enough to trigger the event twice.
if anyone knows a better event handle to use, please let me know

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