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cryox92 2010-03-01 08:43

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
HTC HD is going to get WinMo7
Iphone is going to get OS 4.0
Nokia n900...outdated OS with 800+ bugs waiting to be fixed yay!(happy)

But on a serious note,there`s nothing we can do about it,we can make all the e-noise we want but Nokia still wont change their plans,we have to learn how to love our half-baked device,and thats it.If they keep going on like this it` s gonna be their loss anyway,they lost enough already when Iphone took over 30% of the market share,if they are smart enough to make a device but no smart enough to keep their customer,let them have it.

eitama 2010-03-01 08:54

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 549943)
Sit tight. stay the course.

nokia haven't abandoned N900 yet. if they do...we just leaving nokia. simple :)

I agree,
Will have to start saving again - but It won't be for a nokia device.

oldchap 2010-03-01 20:20

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I think that Nokia is going to have loose-loose situation with this Maemo6/MeeGo stuff. But the root reason in my opinion is not that much whether the Maemo6 is available for N900 or not. That is just an implication from the more disaster decision which is that Nokia is stuck with the idea that the new software comes with a new device.

Currently hw is easier - not easy but easier - to make than sw. Therefore the delay for the device launch comes most probably from the sw, not hw. And if your hw does not have anything special then the delay may makes the device look 'old' already at the launch time. That happened with N97. So what Nokia has to do is to try to make the sw ready on time for the next device at any cost, that is put more resources for sw which eventually means less resources for the earlier device's sw - Maemo5.

This situation could have been avoided if the next maemo device 'N910' has been planned to launch with Maemo5. With that approach 'N910' could be launched on time with minimal risk from the sw point of view, the better sw would be available for N900, and eventually there would be much more time to develop Maemo6 and it could be launched with good quality as an upgrade for 'N910'.

Nokia is now trying to convince people that Maemo6 applications run very well in Maemo5 with Qt libraries. On the one hand I tend to believe that but on the other hand I'm afraid that with the current approach there will be two buggy, half-baked Maemo platforms with lot of problems. Ux is not technology, it is just, well, Ux. It took me two years to understand the difference between Gnome and Kde. I was just a happy user wondering why some applications did have so much new dependencies, but I couldn't care less because applications just worked. The same should happen with Maemo, but I think Nokia won't be able to do that.

maxximuscool 2010-03-01 20:38

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 550698)
exactly my point. give the n900 meego and put ALL the work into meego. have a long term plan with the OS not short term.

i dont have to say it anymore but we all know which company has already provd this 2 work.

I'm afraid that MeeGo is not even formed as a solid OS yet. There is no point of moving to MeeGo when everthing is going to be less than 10% baked!

Beside I don't think we would see MeeGo full version any time soon either. MeeGo only just announced like less than 1month a go. Nothing can be done within 1month. The programmers and engineer will trying to fusing the two OS codes (maemo6 QT and Moblin) and fusing code take a long time, it required men power and also time consuming. I think the first MeeGo device will be as buggy as beta version of windows Vista or even worst Windows ME.

I'm happy to stay with Maemo5 as long they finish it up and polish up. Like what they claimed and hyped about from the begining.

So I don't believe that MeeGo will be port officially by Nokia but may be by the Community. Just impropable speculation that is all. The best we can do is to wait and see

dimkit 2010-03-01 20:59

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
i do not care if my n900 will be upgraded to meego or not , as far as i have a support for application and games. I was for more than 5 years symbian user , and i moved the last month to maemo , because i was believing that it was the future of mobile phones.But with pity i noticed that the support for games and application is really really poor and not only this , but after the anouncement of meego the potentials for more application and games in n900 is less .
I have a very good mobile phone , but if i do not have and proper applications and games, is useless. It is like to buy a ferrari and you do not have roads to drive in.

squirreluk 2010-03-01 21:09

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Is there anything on this phone that works as it should? i love this phone and think its great but its not as good as it should be and im starting to relise this. Where is this phone going? is it ever going to be improved? nokia are **** and should come out ant tell us whats going on. Do i love this so much because i hate the iphone? I belive this is the case for half the n900 users.

wmarone 2010-03-01 21:28

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by cryox92 (Post 550732)
HTC HD[2] is going to get WinMo7

Articles posted as recently as today are putting this into question:

Which means users will be dependent on xda-developers pulling together a ROM from various and sundry sources. Of course, if that's cool to you, then maybe you should consider assisting the Mer project.


Iphone is going to get OS 4.0
You cannot state this with more certainty than you can anything about the N900 getting Meego/Harmattan, as Apple is equally tight lipped.


Nokia n900...outdated OS with 800+ bugs waiting to be fixed yay!(happy)
And how many bugs exist in other mobile OSes you are simply unaware of, for lack of a public bug tracker? Not to mention things that are possibly duplicates of others.


Originally Posted by squirreluk (Post 551590)
Is there anything on this phone that works as it should?

Of course not. Or rather, that's what you want to hear. Personally, there are some extremely rough bits but it isn't -broken- as you seem to imply. It also isn't unsupported.

cryox92 2010-03-01 21:43

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 551616)
Articles posted as recently as today are putting this into question:

Which means users will be dependent on xda-developers pulling together a ROM from various and sundry sources. Of course, if that's cool to you, then maybe you should consider assisting the Mer project.

You cannot state this with more certainty than you can anything about the N900 getting Meego/Harmattan, as Apple is equally tight lipped.

And how many bugs exist in other mobile OSes you are simply unaware of, for lack of a public bug tracker? Not to mention things that are possibly duplicates of others.

Of course not. Or rather, that's what you want to hear. Personally, there are some extremely rough bits but it isn't -broken- as you seem to imply. It also isn't unsupported.

Even if you leave out the bugs,there`s the lack of the promised features i`ve mention at least 10 times before.You can try to ignore the truth as much as you want,but trust me it`ll slap you in the face one day.

zwer 2010-03-01 22:01

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by squirreluk (Post 551590)
Is there anything on this phone that works as it should?

Yes, almost everything, why do you ask?

tissot 2010-03-01 22:37

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Imo some here got this it's the grass is greener on the other side thing going.
It's good to remember that the leaked info about Iphone OS 4.0 said that it will drop the support for iphone 2G as it got less memory and already getting sluggish on the latest fw, but they are pretty much arguing the same as we are ;)
WM7 is said not to be coming to any of the OMAP3 devices, but Qualcomm snapdragon "platform" is possible if manufacturer so wants and there's rumour indeed going that HD2 shouldn't get WM7.
And lets not even talk about world second largest phone manufacturer Samsung or LG or SE when it comes to supporting their devices.

Just giving some perspective before it goes to pointless ranting. Just like everbody here i want to see MeeGo running on N900 by Nokia. Apple have showed that you surely can make money by updating the old devices so why not take that step too, Nokia?

Services and support are already pretty much the only reason why people still buy Nokia Symbian phones over much hardware richer Samsung and SE Symbian phones.

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