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damagedspline 2012-07-11 19:24

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
bad news. Waze have started changing thier server so parts of the old code no longer works.
i will start futureporting what I am able to find. I found a way to log some problematic requests so I will ask you to use it for a couple of days and report the logs that contain my marker so I can fix.
This means that the UI change I wanted to do will be further postponed.

As I said, I have started fixing some of the issues I've found. Hopefully I'll release a testing deb next week with some of my overrides and ginggss' N9 color scheme. Since I'm also having some difficult personal time I really hope to release the deb next week and not postpone it too much.

em28 2012-07-12 21:21

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

האם יש דרך נוחה להעביר את האפליקציה לרקע בגרסה הנוכחית או הבאה כדי למשל להפעיל אפליקציה אחרת ?
אני מוצא את עצמי סוגר את האפליקציה לגמרי כדי לחזור לדסקטופ.

Is there an easy way to move waze to background in order to get to the desktop ?

Schturman 2012-07-13 01:12

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by em28 (Post 1236774)

האם יש דרך נוחה להעביר את האפליקציה לרקע בגרסה הנוכחית או הבאה כדי למשל להפעיל אפליקציה אחרת ?
אני מוצא את עצמי סוגר את האפליקציה לגמרי כדי לחזור לדסקטופ.

Is there an easy way to move waze to background in order to get to the desktop ?

Simply swipe...

PdxDoug 2012-07-13 02:40

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Maybe on the N9, but on a N900 the only way is the Ctrl BackSpace task manager key combo. And, this is difficult while driving!

Really would be nice to get the standard task button in the upper left corner. Having the "About Waze" icon in the upper left corner is pretty useless.

impeham 2012-07-13 07:22

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by em28 (Post 1236774)

האם יש דרך נוחה להעביר את האפליקציה לרקע בגרסה הנוכחית או הבאה כדי למשל להפעיל אפליקציה אחרת ?
אני מוצא את עצמי סוגר את האפליקציה לגמרי כדי לחזור לדסקטופ.

Is there an easy way to move waze to background in order to get to the desktop ?

use camkeyd

damagedspline 2012-07-17 20:58

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1236901)
use camkeyd

I also used camkeyd for that. I can add a visual button as well, but since it will be in the upper toolbar it will be small so again its the unconfortable to be done while driving.

When I will finally get to write the new UI, I will change that as well, but for now I am doing some big rewrite to the network layer of the application.
Regarding that, my current blocker bug is that the map tiles download queue is being clogged by 2 tiles that does not exist on the server and that kinda break the draw of the road if the map was not previously downloaded. I think I know the cause and if I am right it will take a few more sleepless nights and atleast one test drive to my workplace (which is now 1hr instead of merely 5 min) before a new release.

So far it feels that my rewrite gave another preformance boost with much less screen freeze - but I will let you decide on that once released.

For all the people that are starting to be frusterated by the time its takes me to release the new version: see the changes I'm doing to the code here - if it looks like a gibberish to you, imagine like what it feels like diving into it... :p

damagedspline 2012-07-18 20:41

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Status updates:
1) Map tiles issue fixed.
2) New issue - the alerts are only updated if the map is on the current GPS location ("Show Me")
3) Old issue (finally happens here so I can fully reproduce) - "Unable to contact routing server" - that is a good thing as now I can test it.

damagedspline 2012-07-24 20:30

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Update status:
Just found the cause for the routing issue and it is a nasty nasty bug in Qt:
1) Using the recommended QNetworkAccessManager, I get status code 0 and remote disconnection error.
2) Using the deprecated QHttp, I get the response header OK (statuscode 200 && good content length), but in the finished slot I get a failure (statuscode = 6365312 with "Invalid HTTP response header").

EDIT: I have created QTBUG-26672 & currently Waze port is on halt until solution is found.

EDIT 2: QTBUG-26672 was closed as a server bug instead of being treated - Qt ppl failed to understand that I do not have any access to the Waze servers as I am just a whitehat hacker. The good news is that they had pointed me to exact problem with the server and so I have made the ugliest workaround yet! Now it is... well... kinda working but still needs some bugs fixing. Phew... that was a nasty bugger! :)

damagedspline 2012-07-28 15:43

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
We have come to the moment where I prerelease packages so you can assist me in testing the network fixes before I upload the new release to the repositories. I simply can't test such a massive change by myself.

The changes:
* "Failed to connect to navigation route server" fix
* Massive network rewrite
* AMOLED theme (not set by default)
* Small performance improvements

If you install the packages below, please report anything that has stopped working since the last release. Please understand that it is still ALPHA release...

N900 -

N950 -


ZogG 2012-07-28 16:39

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1244199)
We have come to the moment where I prerelease packages so you can assist me in testing the network fixes before I upload the new release to the repositories. I simply can't test such a massive change by myself.

The changes:
* "Failed to connect to navigation route server" fix
* Massive network rewrite
* AMOLED theme (not set by default)
* Small performance improvements

If you install the packages below, please report anything that has stopped working since the last release. Please understand that it is still ALPHA release...

N900 -

N950 -


n950 is n9 as well right? just to be clear

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