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oenone 2020-11-10 15:30

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Stupidly tried to update on reasonably functional Pro1 using:


pkcon refresh
pkcon update

Alright, cool, got some updates. But I think it did not work correctly.

Went to upgrade to using:


ssu release
version --dup


Error: Unit home.mount failed to load: No such file or directory.
Finished transaction (status-2, runtime=0ms)
Waiting 1 seconds before retry.

This carries on ten times and it fails.

Ok, how about using zypper?


zypper ref
zypper up

A large group of updates are found, but running the updates keeps spilling an error for each package:


Applying delta: ./package.drpm........[error]
applydeltarpm failed.

Ok, how about PackageKit?


pkcon refresh
Failed to contact PackageKit: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PackageKit: Unit home.mount failed to load: No such file or directory.

Odd. Do I have PackageKit installed?


zypper install PackageKit
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'PackageKit' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'PackageKit-1.1.13+git9-1.14.5.jolla.arm7hl'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.

Huh, it is already there. Maybe the service needs to be started?


systemctl start PackageKit
Failed to start PackageKit.service: Unit PackageKit.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

How about trying to find PackageKit?


find /home/ -name 'PackageKit-*'
Find yields no result.

Folks, I'm not entirely sure of what I should do next to resolve this issue. Any advice would be great.

epninety 2020-11-10 18:24

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Having reread the thread on the sfos forum, it seems that Battery Overlay was the source of the problem for me.

Just enough time to uninstall it on boot :)

Camera no longer works, otherwise everything seems normal.

Oddly, the camera not functioning at all makes it less irritating than usual trying to take pictures :o

oenone 2020-11-15 03:24

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Reinstalled using the image from the F(x)tec forums, and then upgraded it to using the command line


ssu release
version --dup

The upgrade seems to have worked.

However, the issue of three-dozen partitions appearing in the storage settings has returned, and none of the partitions is the microSD card so restoring the backup taken is not possible.


pkcon ref
pkcon up

doesn't do anything as everything is already up to date.

The device is fantastic, but it seems like the adaptation needs to be polished a bit, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to contribute financially to the porter to allow them to spend the time to polish the port of SailfishOS to the Pro1 to prevent such issues as what I am encountering.

EDIT: The way to contribute financially to the port is actually simple and easy and I just wasn't paying attention to the first post.

Kabouik 2020-11-15 12:48

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Actually all three porters have donation links if you want to support them:


I don't have the partition issue but I still haven't updated to 3.4.

oenone 2020-11-15 17:25

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1570198)
Actually all three porters have donation links if you want to support them:


I don't have the partition issue but I still haven't updated to 3.4.

Thank you kindly.

I am in agreement that indeed, staying on 3.3 is the better course of action for now. Had to reinstall again, but I'd rather a stable system with usable microSD storage.

mosen 2020-11-16 00:10

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Sorry for repetitiveness.
The port is not ready to be updated to 3.4 for daily drivers according to the porters.

I promise to get really loud here as soon as indication of a change happens.

And since Kabouik seems to be shy, i promote our feature in netmans "In-Depth Review" Video.

A 40 minute long dive into the details of the Proš by netman. Plus Kabouik and me playing around with the sfos port and lxc a little since it was "underrepresented" during the Proš-X campaign.

The video is hilarious, thanks again netman for the feature parts :D

EDIT, WOOW, missed the Backlog. Sorry Kabouik :D

piggz 2020-11-16 18:44

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Ill just chip in here....

What @mosen says is correct, its best not to update to 3.4 prior to me releasing it, as I want to make the build LVM based, including encryption. I cant do this as an update from the old layout without (soft) bricking the device, so, ive chosen 3.4 as the time.

All ports are still waiting on Jolla to add 3.4 to OBS, this is taking longer than usual.

We use patched plugin for the paritions, so, if you manually udpate to 3.4, likely you would get the non-patched version, and that will cause this issue.

As always, im best contacted on telegram as @adampigg, and join the SFOS Pro1 Users group at

Fellfrosch 2020-11-16 19:05

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Do I understand it right, that updating to 3.4 will bring encryption without the necessity to reflash???
If so I think about to wait for 3.4.

I have already plans to reflash my pro1 because I'm not really happy with it's actual state. It eats by far to much battery and bluetooth compatibility with my car multimedia is lost since I bricked my device when I decided to update, while being on unstable release and you started to implement encryption.

This is by the way absolutely no critic! I'm absolutely impressed and grateful for this port. Keep up your great work !!!!

piggz 2020-11-16 19:17

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1570206)
Do I understand it right, that updating to 3.4 will bring encryption without the necessity to reflash???
If so I think about to wait for 3.4.

I have already plans to reflash my pro1 because I'm not really happy with it's actual state. It eats by far to much battery and bluetooth compatibility with my car multimedia is lost since I bricked my device when I decided to update, while being on unstable release and you started to implement encryption.

This is by the way absolutely no critic! I'm absolutely impressed and grateful for this port. Keep up your great work !!!!

No, 3.4 will require a re-flash (unless you already flashed the devel version and have the encryption)

What do you mean the BT is lost since you bricked?

Fellfrosch 2020-11-16 19:23

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
OK, than I will do the reflash in 2 weeks, when I have holidays.

I haven't lost BT. I just can't connect to my car anymore. I'm still able to connect to some bluetooth speakers.

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