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emjayes 2008-10-02 12:25

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I just upgraded the sliderotate to match the latest SSU. (seamless my ***)
The version numbering has also been changed to reflect the needed SSU version.
Therefore current version is 4.2008-36-5.28 where .28 is the sliderotate version prefixed with the current SSU.

I had a lot of trouble getting the latest SSU installed because I ran out of space.
My solution was :


mkdir /media/mmc2/archives
mv /var/cache/apt/archives/* /media/mmc2/arcives
rmdir /var/cache/apt/archives
ln -s /media/mmc2/archives /var/cache/apt/archives

and redo the installation.

If you already have sliderotate installed, you may not be able to do the SSU.
remove it, do the SSU and reinstall sliderotate using Application manager.

To make things even worse, this seems to fail sometimes.
If this happens, it must be installed with apt.

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install -f
apt-get install sliderotate

I will look into the installation problems as soon as possible, but this will have to do now.

jmjanzen 2008-10-06 19:23

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 228250)
You should just install sliderotate. It's the easiest way. Choose update/reinstall kernel in the settings that pop up. This will fix any problems.

I'm confused. Is the method on the wiki still the easiest method for a newbie like me, or can i just add "sliderotate" using application manager? (I have applied the most recent feature upgrade.) Perhaps the wiki should be removed, so as to prevent newbie confusion...

lm2 2008-10-06 19:26

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Sliderotate is the easiest way. If you have an n810, it's great because it'll switch to landscape automatically when the keyboard is open. If you have an n800, it's still good, since you can choose to have rotation occur when pressing either the home button or the power button once (or both). Press power button twice in a row to get the normal power menu.

st5150 2008-10-07 04:59

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by st5150 (Post 229414)
I uninstalled slideroate but it didn't completely restore my system to its pre-sliderotate state.... if I hold the home key for one second, it minimizes the open window. I still need to tap the power key twice to bring up the reboot menu. How do I restore these settings as well as anything else sliderotate modified durring its install, but did not restore durring its uninstall?


Originally Posted by st5150 (Post 229419)
Thanks, can someone upload their unmodified /etc/mce/mce.ini from the latest diablo release ? Is there anything else sliderotate modified durring install but did not restore durring uninstall ?

I also noticed when I look under services, sliderotate left a service running. How do I uninstall / remove this service? I have a feeling there is still more I need to do to remove sliderotate from my NIT. What else am I missing?

ps- I still need an unmodified /etc/mce/mce.ini from the latest diablo SSU release.

emjayes 2008-10-07 06:26

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
What service is still running?
Uninstalling should have removed the sliderotate service.


apt-get install --reinstall mce
will give you the pristine mce.ini

or just extract the deb with:

dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/mce_1.7.20_armel.deb /tmp
and copy the file:

cp /tmp/etc/mce/mce.ini /etc/mce

st5150 2008-10-07 07:46

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Thanks a lot for the info! I never knew about --reinstall. I should really read up on apt-get more. Unfortunately the command didn't change the double tap of the power button required to bring up the reboot menu..... but dpkg -x worked great..... thanks for the trick. I've been lazy and never got around to picking up dpkg, thinking rpm would be all I'd ever need :-\

As for the service, I've added the package that allows me to turn on/off services via the control panel Extras menu. The sliderotate entry is still there. I don't see anything listed in ls –l /etc/rc2.d/S* though (actually rc0-6). /etc/init.d/sliderotate is still there. I should zap it.... as well as these:


am I missing anything else here?

Off topic, but should I be worried about anything here?

# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
avahi-daemon canola2 kernel-diablo-flasher libdb4.2 libxml2 xserver-xomap
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.

Seeing kernel-diablo-flasher and xserver-xomap kind of worry me.

emjayes 2008-10-07 08:00

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
You need to reboot or restart the mce to actually use the new config. Then your power button will work as usual.

st5150 2008-10-07 08:23

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Oh, I did reboot after the --reinstall but it didn't seem to work, but manually extracting and replacing the ini file did the trick (after rebooting). Thanks for the tips.

Got any idea on my upgrade output? Any way to know what repository those packages are coming from?

emjayes 2008-10-07 08:51

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

apt-cache showpkg <package-name>
will show where the package comes from.

kernel-diablo-flasher and xserver-xomap are included in the output, since they are newer than the ones provided by the 36-5 update.

If you remove Mikie repository and update the package list, then they will no longer appear as held packages.

fadingdust 2008-10-29 04:56

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Is there a way to use the "back" key to rotate instead of power or home?

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