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geneven 2011-01-15 08:34

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
This missing desktop+ is the worst thing that has happened to any of the Nokia tablets, I think. I feel lucky that I already have it installed on my tablet, but I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have it.

gerdich 2011-01-15 09:04

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
I am very happy about my 9 desktops.

But I would like to scroll up and down and not only left and right.
I want my deskop to be a torus.

When I'm scrolling up the desktop of 3*left should appear and when I'scrolling down the desktop of 3*right should appear.

etuoyo 2011-01-15 09:09

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Getting 9 screens is easy enough once you can find the instructions. Just install Matan's modified hildon home and enter this code in terminal (as root):

gconftool -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/active -t list --list-type int [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

See more instructions in this link (seems overly complicated but at least you get some pictures of some really hot desktops).

Also I seem to remember the maker of Desktop + this week posting where to find the app now. Don't know which thread it was, maybe search for the Desktop + thread.

IsaacDFP 2011-01-17 08:32

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Desktop+ has been re-released by its developper, look for the official thread on this site.

But I have an issue, now that I have my 9 screens, from time to time a lot of my widgets will stop responding to touch. Meaning I could click on them and nothing at all would happen. I have tried a "killall hildon-home" but that just removes most widgets from my desktops. I am forced to restart all the time. I wanted to know, is the command killall hildon-home the equivalent of ending task Explorer.exe on a Windows system?

IsaacDFP 2011-01-17 08:36

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Also, for those who can't change background and/or are lazy like me, just assign whatever wallpaper you want on desktop1, then open a file manager app (I use CuteExplorer since by default it will open home/user and you just have to click on Show Hidden), copy the background-1.png file, paste it, and rename it to 6 or wtv desktop you want that wallpaper on ;)

IsaacDFP 2011-01-18 19:30

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
so...Nobody else is having problems with their 9 homescreens? I also have to reassign at least half my widgets at every restart :(
Do you think it's actually one of my app that is causing the issue? I haven't really installed much since I tweaked hildon-home/desktop

Nyx 2011-01-19 18:19

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 923244)
so...Nobody else is having problems with their 9 homescreens? I also have to reassign at least half my widgets at every restart :(
Do you think it's actually one of my app that is causing the issue? I haven't really installed much since I tweaked hildon-home/desktop

Desktop Execution command Widget causes the hildon-home to crash. If you have it running, remove it.

lookatbowen 2011-01-22 10:05

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 920715)
Getting 9 screens is easy enough once you can find the instructions. Just install Matan's modified hildon home and enter this code in terminal (as root):

gconftool -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/views/active -t list --list-type int [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

See more instructions in this link (seems overly complicated but at least you get some pictures of some really hot desktops).

Also I seem to remember the maker of Desktop + this week posting where to find the app now. Don't know which thread it was, maybe search for the Desktop + thread.

The application you are looking for is MaeModder by Dany-69 (, and it now does the multiple desktops automatically, and allows one to select the backgrounds for each desktop setup. That is just one of many things this brilliant application can do.

ericsson 2011-01-22 10:33

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
Why? For me, fewer is better. I have three now, seems OK, but two would be even better.

lookatbowen 2011-01-22 11:38

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by Aonsaithya (Post 881527)
Nevertheless, I made a set of 9 simple black background .pngs, each with a small grid on the top right corner indicating which screen of the 3x3 you are in, mainly to provide an idea on which way to swipe to get to where you are going to. It's not that useful now, but I'll keep dreaming

No need to do this, just download from the APP Manager on your N900 an application called Active Desktop Statusbar Icon. It sits next to your ISP signal icon or WIFI icon and tells you which desktop you are on. It is very discreet and does the job perfectly.

Note: The background does not belong to me. I got it from this forum thread, so thanks to iceman600 for sharing it.

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