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ebasconp 2010-09-26 14:31

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
We are winning with no possibility of redemption for the Galaxy S... Come one community, make our N900 win and show how great our community is! :)

mece 2010-09-26 15:17

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Ok, voted.
It's still early, If I understood correctly this will end tuesday morning (european time). Exciting times.

ME2g 2010-09-26 15:19

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 824635)
Vote for X10 to be in the safer side.

Finals are here and I voted already.

I guess if you activate India forums for N900 it will be fun.

BigBadGuber! 2010-09-26 15:20

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Voted twice..........we are walloping them now...but the battle just began and its Sunday...I expect a narrow margin at the end

ME2g 2010-09-26 15:20

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 826560)
Can not see the no. of votes now :(

Me neither.

Did someone inform the guy who runs the votes?

BigBadGuber! 2010-09-26 15:22

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Voted twice.......we are walloping them now but its Sunday and I suspect narrow margin at the end........lets mobilize the whole world!

ME2g 2010-09-26 16:00

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 823977)
The next one should appear there. But it's not started yet.

Maybe we should not count countries but continents?

I see Australia, Europe, Asia, South America...who is missing?

dave1010 2010-09-26 16:12

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
The N900 is winning now, but the USA are just waking up. I expect the Samsung to catch up a bit soon. Lets keep the N900 ahead.

The direct link to the post with the poll on is

BigBadGuber! 2010-09-26 16:24

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
let us make it a blowout!

gerbick 2010-09-26 16:28

Re: UPDATED. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
This is just plain sad. Spamming votes to just win a petty poll online. A new low.

Enjoy your "victory".

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