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bdogg64 2010-03-20 20:58

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 575103)
ok finally an update worthy post :)

we have very close to workign sound on the n810 (n800 sound chip is going to be more challenging due to it being part of the touch screen chip - going to have to backprot drivers from other kernel i suspect)

but yep n810 sound chip is detected by kernel so just trying to sort out persuading android to see it now

Good work ; -) You might want to check out

You have to sift through the posts to find some good information though

Termana 2010-03-20 23:51

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 575103)
ok finally an update worthy post :)

we have very close to workign sound on the n810 (n800 sound chip is going to be more challenging due to it being part of the touch screen chip - going to have to backprot drivers from other kernel i suspect)

but yep n810 sound chip is detected by kernel so just trying to sort out persuading android to see it now

Do you already have Android Eclair (2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.1) running on the n810, or are you just using the old NITdroid rootfs and kernel? I haven't seen any posts saying you have Eclair working, nor has been updated to suggest such. Obviously, I'd rather not duplicate effort in getting it to run :P, so if you do have Eclair running, can you post your rootfs and kernel?


Originally Posted by andoreasu (Post 575009)
Very cool :)

Did you boot from the internal flash, "internal card" or flash?

My boot video was booting directly from external MMC on the n810. The boot animation is obviously from the Nexus One :P

michalurban 2010-03-21 10:12

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Do you think that it would be possible (in the future times, of course) to install android on N900 in that simple way you flash Maemo5 today? Or even better, to flash both systems this simple? Wihout so much messing with config files, R&D and stuff ... ? Just curious, Im pretty satisfied with Maemo ... :)

dj_steve 2010-03-21 16:49

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
flashing is a minor thing that will be sorted once we have a stable build. and no i am still using solca root, (my build system doesn make usuable builds for some reason (probably becasue im using debian not ubuntu).

termana any chance you can post up your root fs? i can provide a ftp for it if needed, pm me

superg05 2010-03-22 06:04

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
i can't wait till you guy make a stable build for the n900 cause i'm having to many problems with meamo 5 and nokias to many over sights this is the first device i have ever had any problems with at all the most ******ing thing being that a soft reset which is suppose to wipe a phone clean fresh slate does not work on the n900 all it ended up doing was wiping all the apns make it a phone that can only make phone calls not text or get on the web or make apns using fanp and i have windows 7 so flasher wont work lucky Microsoft is gonna bail my @$$ out with xp mode that im downloading now so when u guy make a permanent android build you will be like gods among men to me

dj_steve 2010-03-24 20:36

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
right havent made an update in a while :)

i have successfully got my linux kernel to recognise the n800 & n810 sound chips so just trying to persuade android to work with it now. :)

wondering if anyone with a n8x0 could tell me the contents of /usr/shar/alsa if they have it and also of /etc/asound.conf . my n800 is currently minus its maemo kernel so qwont boot and its otu of power for now so need help finding this

rahulg247 2010-03-24 20:48

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by superg05 (Post 576666)
i can't wait till you guy make a stable build for the n900 cause i'm having to many problems with meamo 5 and nokias to many over sights this is the first device i have ever had any problems with at all the most ******ing thing being that a soft reset which is suppose to wipe a phone clean fresh slate does not work on the n900 all it ended up doing was wiping all the apns make it a phone that can only make phone calls not text or get on the web or make apns using fanp and i have windows 7 so flasher wont work lucky Microsoft is gonna bail my @$$ out with xp mode that im downloading now so when u guy make a permanent android build you will be like gods among men to me

Maemo flasher 3.5 seems to work fine for me with Windows 7.

azz 2010-03-24 21:40

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 580971)
right havent made an update in a while :)

i have successfully got my linux kernel to recognise the n800 & n810 sound chips so just trying to persuade android to work with it now. :)

wondering if anyone with a n8x0 could tell me the contents of /usr/shar/alsa if they have it and also of /etc/asound.conf . my n800 is currently minus its maemo kernel so qwont boot and its otu of power for now so need help finding this

I would help you but I don't know how to print a list. I am using mc and am able to navigate to the folder but is there a command to just print the directory to a text file? It would be easier instead of having to hand-write everything.

Or even in xterm. Just tell me what to type and I will do it for you.

dj_steve 2010-03-24 21:42

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
for ls its easy even via notmal xterm

ls -Ra /dev >> /media/mmc1/dev.txt

azz 2010-03-24 21:55

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
2 Attachment(s)
Here it is....I hope it has what you wanted....It does look a bit weird tho....

Edit: I also added the "usr/share/alsa" directory as well. Don't know if you still need it but I will put it here anyway.

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