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Estel 2013-02-27 08:51

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
For some reason, Pali decided, that bq27x00_battery doesn't export some (full charge, current charge) *at all*, when "need calibration" (more than 32 cycles since last calibration, or never calibrated) flag is present - no matter if calibration data were lost, or not.

It's very irritating, to be honest, as every 32 charging cycles you need to re-calibrate battery, as you get 0/0 mAh readings from battery applet (despite fact, that bq27x00 hardware still have pretty correct calibration data).

Sticking more precisely to your question, removing battery for too long + having "clock battery" dead (itms the case for 90% of devices), may result in bq27x00 losing calibration data + setting flag "need calibration" to 1.


ahmadamaj 2013-02-27 10:53

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
running kp v52.

Status menu applet shows phone only charging to 74-75% (950mAh) but battery capacity is shown to be 1300mAh. while on concky capacity is shown to reach 100%.

Estel 2013-02-27 18:04

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
About shutting down device with kp52 and bme replacement bits, from today's IRC:


<Pali> now default is edv1
<kerio> Estel_: you're not supposed to shut down on EDV1 though
<Pali> before it was edvf
<Estel_> Pali, but edv need to be for 15 seconds plus
<Estel_> or no calibration
<Estel_> so shutting down on edv1 = no calibration, ever
<Pali> really?
<Estel_> yes
<Estel_> it calibrates after 15 sec of being on edv1, witohut jumping above limit
<Estel_> jumping above resets timer
<Pali> ok, I will add some timeout
* Estel_ nods
<Estel_> thanks
<Estel_> and what about my request to make it user configurable like charging current?
<Estel_> shouldn't be too troubling to code?
<Estel_> you know, like charge current ot termination current
<Estel_> it's 70-100 mAh gain for big battery users, being able to set it lower
<Estel_> OTOH, some people may experience instability of gsm modem in certain situations even above edv1, so they could set it higher

seanmcken 2013-02-28 02:19

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
when the kp52 is gonna officially release?

pali 2013-02-28 08:53

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
see first post: when somebody fix extras-devel

pauloedani 2013-03-01 11:57

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
I have installed kp2.6.28.10v51r1 and then installed kp2.6.28.10cssu3.
how can I install the kpv52? gives a message of incompatible version.:o

panjgoori 2013-03-01 15:02

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Installed KP52 today and gave a restart but after that my phone gives Guru Mediation error. Tried twice but still no luck. What im doing wrong?

seanmcken 2013-03-01 16:41

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Instead of Developing Something else on KP, i guess much developement needed on DSP, iam sorry im noob but this is really needed. And It'd be better if we could run n9's kernel on n900, i knw thats funny ****, but i dunno its possible or no

Estel 2013-03-02 11:15

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
no. ten chars

thedead1440 2013-03-02 11:38

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1326243)
And It'd be better if we could run n9's kernel on n900, i knw thats funny ****, but i dunno its possible or no

I thought only N9 owners are a fickle bunch but you are in a league of your own :p I would be pleased x100 if kernel-power made it to the N9 and you want N9's regular not-of-much-use kernel to power the N900 and restrict things like H-E-N etc?

Thanks to Jolla, Nemo and Mer there might be a replacement kernel for the N9 in the future but you have got to thank Pali for his amazing work which every N9 can only dream to have... He pushes out updates to improve stuff while the N9 is using a kernel that if the replacement project doesn't work out well has nobody else looking to improve it...

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