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Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Below is what I place in the Google Groups for the NitDroid community:
http://groups.google.com/group/nitdroid Quote:
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Well done on your achievements to far! I'm sure many users of N800 and N810 will be very pleased to be able to extend the life of their devices by loading future releases of your Android rom and as an N900 user, I look forward to what is to come for N900. I believe that your experiences with Android 2.1 on N800/N810 will make the process of porting Android to N900 faster and easier. Thanks! |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
1. download above files to a workign folder. 2. load up your favourite disk partitionign tool and partition the sd card as follows example below is for my 8gb card Code:
primary partition 1 = 1.43gb win95 lba type (vfat) 4. mount partition 3 as the root partition (for me using command mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt ) 5. create the data folder (mkdir /mnt/data) and mount partition 4 on it (mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/data) 6. extract the rootfs to the root and it should place files into the correct folders. 7. unmount both partitions as they are now finished with. 8. if you havent already grab the nokia flasher tool (search the forums for linK) 9. run the command Code:
./flasher-3.0-static -f -k zImage --enable-rd-mode -R also the boot does take time as i have kernel set to boot direct to sd card but the mmc driver in linux-omap sucks so i have to delay boot for 5 secs to let the sd get detected. on the n800 the sd card must go in the ext slot and must be no card in the internal one hopefully thats good enough to understand :) any ideas, suggestions etc welcome, especially on how to get the wifi to work. [/QUOTE] I think I may have done summat wrong somewhere. downloaded the files. created 4 partitions on a 4GB SD card. mounted partition 3 as /media/root mounted partition 4 as /media/root/data extracted the root image and extracted to /media/root flashed N800 removed internal card, inserted 4GB card into ext slot. boots so far, but then I just get repeating errors... init: cannot execve('/system/bin/mediaserver'): Permission denied init: cannot execve('/system/bin/dbus-daemon'): Permission denied I have repeated the process a couple of time, but cannot work out what I am doing wrong! |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Steve, what's the status on some of the Android applications and their functionality? Have you tried out a couple applications, and if so... how well do they run on the N800?
I'm not the greatest with the technical bits of flashing a new OS to my N810, but I'm really looking forward to getting a newer, more polished OS than Diablo or Mer. I'll definitely give this a shot when you can get the sound and wifi working. Keep up the good work! |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
gazza_d, run chmod 755 * in .system/bin that should solve the issue (do it for /system/etc aswell just to be safe :) ) - feel free to throw me a PM if you still have issues as its quite likely just some stupid permissions issue (linux is rather b*tchy in that respect - but it sure as hell makes it bomb proof to run as i found out when i decided to accidently delete the /lib folder on my build box and it still workd slightly :D )
TheHman i have the Gapps inbuild on my donut build but get LOADS of force closes currently (which could just be down to the fact theirs no network connectivity for said apps due to wifi being borked). though considering my n800 is runing android with its normal ram + ~2gb of swap on a class 6 sd card id suspect fairly quick is the word ive gone back to donut for moment since eclair is going to be a achallenge and a half becuase of all the changes and realisticly i think 1.6 is more likely to be usable for the n8x0 series, eclair is more for n900 with its hw3d and the likes. currently building a modded donut which may give me camera support aswell as to try and get the wifi to run again |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
quick update; i have wifi working now but touch screen is not calibrated properly by looks of it so having problems typing my wep key
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
screen calibration should be an android software option no?
*edit any luck with webcam? |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
wbcam no, i do have v4l2 support in android just gotta get indroid itself to work with it (not so easy)
and since android is primarily targeted at capacitive touchscreens(which dont need calibrating) its not a standard part of the os |
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