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qole 2008-06-16 22:54

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
I'd be interested in trying something like this, if I knew what was involved in setting up Glade on a development computer and then actually dropping my results into a python app... I'm trying to figure the whole glade-python-tablet thing out right now, since it seems to be the way to go to build a quick UI for tablet apps.

pipeline 2008-06-16 23:04

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
If you've got the interest and time, please do :)

I've installed glade (2?) on ubuntu and used glade in gtk/c# app. Glade is real cool but i dont know how to use from python.

On the desktop side most of what you would do looks like this (ignoring mono stuff) :

Obviously python/glade would be the environment of choice of something like this though.

qole 2008-06-16 23:49

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers

Originally Posted by pipeline (Post 192712)
Glade is real cool but i dont know how to use from python.

I know people here are using it; GrandCentral Dialer's UI was done using Glade and it is powered by Python.

pipeline 2008-06-17 01:22

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
I think zerion's Maqii port has a python/glade launcher if you wanted to look at that code too.

hvacengi 2008-06-18 14:33

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
If you want some one to work on a Glade interface, I can free up some time this weekend to work on one. I'd probably need to coordinate closely with pipeline to make sure I interface with his files well, and I'd have to figure out the whole sudoers thing. But after that, it should just be tree lists.

Really, you could do it without glade. I'd say start out with a tree view populated with each mime type (maybe a button at the bottom to switch between file and url?). Off of the main menu would be options to add/modify the mime types, and an option to modify the apps that launch. Double tapping on an mime type in the tree view pops up a dialog box to change that type's handler (OK, Cancel). At the bottom of that first screen, and on the menu, I'd have options to save and to reset. And closing without saving will prompt "Do you want to save."

Like I said, if you want some one to work on coding it, I'll free up some time. If qole or pipeline is already working on it though, I'll leave it to them.

qole 2008-06-18 16:33

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Hi, I'm not working on it, I've just installed Glade on my PC at home, I'm going to take a while to get up to speed ;)

I would like to have some way to mark multiple handlers for an event, which means a dialog box pops up when a file of that type is clicked. "Which program do you want to use?"

Also, I would like to have a way to mark mime types as, "ask user" even if there's only one program selected.

I would also like a custom mplayer dialog box that asks the user for the aspect ratio if none can be determined, etc, but I think that should be part of this project

pipeline 2008-06-18 23:01

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Thanks all, sure if you find time to mess with a ui front end, by all means please do :)

Without knowing how hard this would be for you, I would think first iteration would be to just keep 1:1 and also not directly update defaults.list. The file format is simple csv format although i'm not keeping them in memory... i created file manually and just stream though it at run time.

Also dbus-switchboard runs as user (as it should) so it can't directly update the defaults.list. Perhaps first iteration could dump association lines to textbox for user to copy/paste? Or append commented blocks to default.list for user to uncomment and comment the existing matching line.

Feel free to pm if you want to coordinate anything.

debernardis 2008-06-19 05:35

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
dbus-switchboard allowed me to associate .odt files with openoffice writer (chrooted as described elsewhere).
In defaults.list put "application/octet-stream=hildon-dbus-switchboard.desktop" as stated by pipeline for files unknown by hildon.
In .dbus-switch-apps.cfg add

Oowriter,cli,debbie oowriter "%params%"
(double quotes were needed in my hands to allow filenames containing spaces).
In .dbus-switch-xref.cfg add

This was enough. Other ooo files should be easy as well, but I have to test yet.

hvacengi 2008-06-26 00:20

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Just wanted to give you a bit of an update: I didn't find as much time as I thought I could this weekend (I had to buy fireworks instead), but I have indeed started on writing a gui for the switchboard. I've kind of gone in a different direction from what I thought initially, and glade quickly became required rather than a choice. I should have something atleast to Pipeline to look at by this weekend. With any luck, it will be available for download shortly there after. Assuming, of course, that I don't run into any major issues when I flash to Diablo...

pipeline 2008-06-26 01:28

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Fireworks should always take priority over any tablet development... you chose wisely... especially if it was a shady deal for the 'good stuff'.

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