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dan 2008-03-14 18:15

Re: The noBounds Project
Texrat I saw a version of this at CES in Las Vegas and asked everyone about what adapters they were using to connect the n800 usb to large monitor and no one could explain, now I see. I'm surprised engadget didn't jump all over it back then, they were right next to me. way cool. Hopefully we can use this feature soon. Dan

Texrat 2008-03-14 18:34

Re: The noBounds Project
Man, I cannot tell you how frustrating it's been to clamp down on this coolness.

dan 2008-03-14 18:41

Re: The noBounds Project
I feel for you. I'm in the film biz and I see movies and tech a year before anyone and I can't talk because MPAA would have me sent to Gauntanamo or other such place. What I saw at CES was amazing and I can't believe no one caught on. I completely forgot about it. Just hope we can adapt it to present Nxx. I was discussing yesterday some new ways to use usb port. You guys will be in for a treat in a couple of weeks. heheheh. :)

tekplay 2008-03-14 19:26

Re: The noBounds Project
This woke me up after a sleepless night.

Karel Jansens 2008-03-14 19:39

Re: The noBounds Project
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

mobiledivide 2008-03-14 19:47

Re: The noBounds Project
I would love to use this, the ability to carry a full laptop with you wherever you go is pretty sweet as it is but the ability to output to a large display is very cool. I would definitely use this to type notes etc. As it is my XP tablet is on its last legs and I was thinking about getting a Macbook, but its developments like this that make me think I should just buy a Mac Pro desktop and skip out on the whole laptop thing altogether.

spartanNTX 2008-03-14 20:05

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155196)
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

At the very least, the ITs all of a sudden appear to be getting video out capability. Why wouldn't you find an unexpected new IT feature exciting? :confused:

tso 2008-03-14 20:05

Re: The noBounds Project
hmm, so now we can get full screen video content thanks to 3D accelerated rendering of the movies? or is the bandwidth issue still going to put a wrench in the machinery?

sachin007 2008-03-14 20:08

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155196)
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

The thing is that it can be done with wifi and that too with such a low power consumption really is a wow factor.
I found this very interesting and so did many others.
But why would karel be so special if he went along with the crowd??

YoDude 2008-03-14 20:08

Re: The noBounds Project
Here ya go >> Video <<

Someone convert that^ so we can keep a copy on our tablets. :)

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