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DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 19:02

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
how do i remove apache from startup because the method posted above is not working... (something about file not found...)

qwerty12 2008-05-22 19:06

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
update-rc.d httpd remove

Try that.

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 19:14

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
still not working... after the run i get ... exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)

i've used -f parameter but the same thing...

it worked :D just put the -f parameter before httpd :)

update-rc.d -f httpd remove


qwerty12 2008-05-22 19:18

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Hmm, go into /etc/rc2.d folder and find the file that has httpd in it and move it to another folder.

MaemoN00B 2008-05-22 20:20

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 184773)
update-rc.d httpd remove

Try that.

I used the "update-rc.d -f httpd remove" command to remove the apache webserver from startup, now...

How to run the apache server manually to use the gstmjpg?

Benson 2008-05-22 20:21

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
As root,

/etc/init.d/httpd start

MaemoN00B 2008-05-22 20:31

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
This utility has so many uses, thanks !!! :D


ebrindle 2008-05-22 20:36

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Easy install (just installed the deb from app mgr/install file).

MS IE doesnt do the motion jpg - so thought I had a problem.
Then read the README - and on firefox all is wonderful.

Works great!

kepler 2008-05-23 05:50

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
To stop apache you can give a command on terminal:
# httpd -k stop

To start apache again, give command:
# httpd -k start

Please feel free to develop a more ergonomic and elegant way do to this. To learn more about apache command line options give:
# httpd -h

gstmjpg consumes quite heavily cpu, but apache doesn't (if you don't have many visitors on your tablet web). You will see this by giving a command:
# top

That shows how different processes consume cpu and memory.

If you have difficulties with port forwarding to enable access outside your private network (from Internet) to your tablet, you will find good instructions from this site. They provide detailed walkthroughs on how to setup port forwarding in diffrent routers.

As a bonus you will see your external IP address from their site. If you visit their site with your tablet browser, you will see the tablets public IP address (that is the address you have to go from Internet to acces your tablet)


cLin 2008-05-28 01:26

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Is there anyway to save snapshots using the camera motion detector? So if I leave it pointing somewhere, I can check later for photos when there was movement detected?

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