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sla_erick 2009-03-17 02:38

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

Originally Posted by rattking (Post 269526)
I compiled todays svn snapshot of aircrack.. I only had time to test it a few times and it seems to work

this was compiled with UNSTABLE=true so it includes easside-ng and wesside-ng..

i cant get it to work, i installed it under red pill mode and the run the xterm, then sudo gainroot --> airodump-ng wlan0 but nothing happened, it said "airodump-ng: not found".
Ive also tried airmon-ng and same result. How do i get it to work?

rattking 2009-03-18 18:38

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
I think I see the problem
my packages install the executables to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin
I have been getting root threw the command

so it seems that sudo gainroot doesnt add /usr/local to the path or set /root as home
try the command 'root' to gainroot and see if that helps otherwise i can rebuild packages that install to /usr/bin

but I do feel that /usr/local is the proper place for this package to install to

sla_erick 2009-03-20 01:36

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

Originally Posted by rattking (Post 272742)
I think I see the problem
my packages install the executables to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin
I have been getting root threw the command

so it seems that sudo gainroot doesnt add /usr/local to the path or set /root as home
try the command 'root' to gainroot and see if that helps otherwise i can rebuild packages that install to /usr/bin

but I do feel that /usr/local is the proper place for this package to install to

thanks, i just did that, it worked but the when i type

airmon-ng start wlan0
i got this message

Interface      Chipset        Driver

wlan0          Nokia 770              cx3110x (Enable/disable monitor mode not yet supported)

on the chipset it says im using Nokia 770 but i dont, i have a Nokia N810
whats missing?:confused:

tcfx44 2009-05-21 08:22

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
The links for download on the first post don't work. Does somebody know where I can find aircrack-ng for OS2008?

I get "Unable to install aircrack-ng. Incompatible package." error when I try with the link from this post:


qwerty12 2009-05-26 15:15

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
OK, I needed this one so I set up my Scratchbox target with gcc 4.0 again...

Latest SVN, exported from trunk today. Used some extensive opts.

dpkg -i them. Install wireless-tools from Extras.

aircrack-ng does not have a slow loading time anymore.

cheetos316 2009-08-28 18:12

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 290489)
OK, I needed this one so I set up my Scratchbox target with gcc 4.0 again...

Latest SVN, exported from trunk today. Used some extensive opts.

dpkg -i them. Install wireless-tools from Extras.

aircrack-ng does not have a slow loading time anymore.

I'm having some trouble installing from the links you provided onto my N810 with OS2008. I downloaded them and tried to use dpkg -i. In XTerminal I went to the directory with the saved files and typed:


dkpg -i libn11_1.1-5_armel.deb
It returned:


dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege
What does that mean and how can I install the program onto my tablet?


JayOnThaBeat 2009-08-28 18:15

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.

Originally Posted by cheetos316 (Post 317385)
I'm having some trouble installing from the links you provided onto my N810 with OS2008. I downloaded them and tried to use dpkg -i. In XTerminal I went to the directory with the saved files and typed:

dkpg -1 libn11_1.1-5_armel.deb

It returned:

dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege

What does that mean and how can I install the program onto my tablet?


Did u type "-1" or is that a misquote? That could be a problem.

Also/OR, did you try it as root?

cheetos316 2009-08-28 18:21

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
Opps I meant to type i. Changed it in original post. What do you mean by try as root? I am pretty new to linux but loved the good old days of DOS...

JayOnThaBeat 2009-08-28 18:33

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
hold on, i was writing instructions............

Hey, does anybody know where I can acquire wireless-tools ???

|||EDIT nvm, i found it... hold on..........

|||EDIT ok, maybe i didn't... i need to find where i can get the wireless-tools package thingy.

|||EDIT Hazaa! I figured it out. instructions coming....

JayOnThaBeat 2009-08-28 18:56

Re: [announce] aircrack-ng: latest, svn, full set of tools.
1. Download both of these files (thx qwerty12) and save them to the 2gb internal card.

2. Open Application Manager and install rootsh. (Make sure you have Extras repository enabled.)

3. In Application Manager, goto Tools > Application Catalog....

Click New and enter the following:
Catalogue name: diablo tools
Web address:
Distribution: diablo/tools
Components: free non-free
Disabled: leave unchecked
Click OK
Exit Application Manager.

4. Open a terminal and type root.

5. Type

apt-get install wireless-tools
then type yes if prompted.

6. Type

cd /media/mmc2
7. Then type dpkg -i l
then hit [TAB] and it will fill out the rest of the package name (neat, right?). [thats a lowercase L btw]

Hit enter and it will install the libnl package.

8. Type dpkg -i a
then hit [TAB] and it will fill out the rest of the aircrack package name.

Hit enter, and you'll have aircrack.

If all goes well, you wont see any errors.


At this point you want to go back into Application Manager > Tools > Application Catalog and disable the tools repository.

Now you're all set!

(i still havent figured out how to run it, but ill work on it.... at least it's installed properly ;))

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