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Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
I found a solution to reduce the stuttering in the audio output. It requires having "rootsh" and "Enhanced Linux kernel for power users" installed but not overlocking the cpu.
A part of the problem with the stuttering seems to orginate from the powermanagement and the dynamic scaling of the cpu frequence. Setting the minimal and maximal cpu frequence to the same value helps in reducing the stuttering a lot. simpy type in your xterm: sudo gairoot echo 599000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq to set your allowed frequencies to 599-600 MHz you can check this by typing: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq Since having your cpu always clocked at 600MHz drains more energy and produces more heat than scaling between 250MHz and 600MHz dont forget to revert the setting if you don't need it by typing: sudo gainroot echo 250000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq to you xterm. |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Im not having voice at all when im connected to friends server.
I installed mumble from app manager today. I have set pulseaudio/Default on both audio options but microphone doesnt recieve any voice. |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
@Hext: do you have libcelt0-0 installed? If not see the previous messages in this thread on how to install libcelt. If you are missing libcelt the server should inform your client that you may not be able to comunicate with all the other clients. Also neither you should hear your friend nor your friend you. If your friend can hear you without problems and only you cann't hear your friend there is another problem.
I discovered yesterday that there seems to be some other problem. I joined yesterday in a conversation with two of my friends. Sending to both of them worked, but I was only aviable to hear one of them. From the other one I didn't hear anything wihle he was sending. All of us were using celt as codec. I have no idea were the problem is yet. |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
and when I do audiowizard, the mic indicator doesnt jump at all :/ |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Okay got it working..
Deleted first all the mumble files then reboot reinstall reboot. Run audio wizard default settings, latency 60ms, and default codec setting. I think the codec setting was where i got wrong last time cos it stopped from working when changed to low (speex) mby no lib for it? Well now all works ofc no text-to-speech but its not needed any ways. |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Unfortunately I am out of luck: I got no sound at all and neither does my micro work in Mumble. :( Already during install - using the wizard - I cannot hear the test sound, nor does it get input from my microphone. I can connect to a server. That part works fine, but is pointless without audio input and output. I already reinstalled 3 times and tried various settings but all to no avail. Would anyone please be so kind and help me step by step ? I'd be grateful for any help!! |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
So I can connect to my community's server; I can talk and they can hear me & I can hear them, BUT if I try to configure it in any way it ctd immediately :(
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
sry my bad english =) im used to use locate on linux but n900 gots find and dunno how it tryes to find files.. i feel my self so noob xD |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Hi. Thanks for this package, it works wonderfully (well, took a couple of days until an update fixed the libprotobuf problem but nobody's perfect:D).
As a mumble developer I really like to see the app spreading to mobile devices (we also have Android and I-Phone ports in the making). If I find the time I might give customizing the interface for mobile a shot (it's pretty clunky atm. and apparently the settings dialog has some problems on maemo). Pretty tied up with other stuff though atm. so don't hold your breath ;) Thanks again for the package. |
Re: Mumble Voice-Chat on Maemo
Is anyone else getting about 40% CPU usage even when not transmitting or recieving sound? I have PTT enabled, so it's not even processing volume levels when I'm not doing anything.
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