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excelar8 2010-05-31 11:55

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
when free voice navigation for all nokia smartphones was announced, i remember nokia confirming that n900 will get it as well

Frappacino 2010-05-31 12:37

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
wheres the link ? where they say Ovi turn by turn and voice WAS coming to n900 ? Where is the press release?

Raubtier 2010-05-31 12:43

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 691538)
Actually he never said that. He said there was none available but they were working on it. He suggested getting sygic if it was absolutely necessary

if you can read between the lines then that was exactly what he said.

NokiaRocks 2010-05-31 12:57

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
"Many of you are also waiting for Ovi Maps with free navigation for their N900. You have to be patient: we are doing our best to release new features as well as porting Ovi Maps to new Nokia platforms like Maemo and MeeGo."

anaskr 2010-05-31 13:39

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
life saver :D :D ^^

zfarooq 2010-05-31 13:47

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
isnt the new maps for symbian made with QT 4.6 ? If it is, then it is a matter of time before it we get it...

demos 2010-05-31 13:49

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by zfarooq (Post 691781)
isnt the new maps for symbian made with QT 4.6 ? If it is, then it is a matter of time before it we get it...

With N900, everything seems to be a matter of time.

marktold 2010-05-31 14:01

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by badarnawazkhan (Post 691777)
listen u idiots why dont you all just download sigic maps for free its much better and just dowload the cracked version with all the instructions from www. t h e pirate b a and search for n900 or sygic maps i just typed in nokia n900 and there loads of cracked apps with step by step instructions this post will get deleated so make sure you do this quick

a) because we are not idotes
b) because it is ileagal

Some of us still belive that you should not steal but judging by your wording your are not from that bread :-)

Regards Markus

Raubtier 2010-05-31 14:14

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
can someone who has used both sygic maps and ovi maps (with voice nav) tell me which one of the two is better and why?

pthomas22 2010-06-01 07:22

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
It will not happen
Nokia cannot be trusted to bring this to the N900

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