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qgil 2009-10-31 22:09

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Andrea, don't make me laugh. You are a PyMaemo contributor, isn't it? If that doesn't count as proof of Maemo development knowledge... Besides, you are 400km away from BCN. It would be different if you would be in Valencia (Venezuela).

Of course it would be better if you have an app kind of working by December so you can benefit directly from the UX guys sitting next to you.

andy80 2009-10-31 22:17

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 362664)
Andrea, don't make me laugh. You are a PyMaemo contributor, isn't it? If that doesn't count as proof of Maemo development knowledge... Besides, you are 400km away from BCN. It would be different if you would be in Valencia (Venezuela).

Of course it would be better if you have an app kind of working by December so you can benefit directly from the UX guys sitting next to you.

Quim, really, I wasn't bothering about it :)

Yes, I'm a PyMaemo contributor and yes I'm developing a library to get credit/sms informations from mobile carriers (I'll use it in my application) and I'm even working to qmediashare, a qt4-based library to allow sharing/uploading of pictures (just like the actual Maemo sharing plugins, but qt based and LGPL).

But... to be honest I don't have coded the UI part (yet), even if I've to code it as soon as possible, and I was just saying that maybe there are other people before than me deserving to come.

Anyway, as you can read from my first reply, I requested to come and I'll do my best to start working to the UI of my application, so stay tuned :)

lcuk 2009-10-31 22:24

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Andy :D
if you haven't coded the UI yet and have a backend, surely there is scope to discuss and talk about tying your code with a nice front end!

really, if you are happy in the bowels, stay there, keep with your mockup UI and talk about it.

andy80 2009-11-01 15:58

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
At the moment, only 13 people (counting Quim) have expressed their interest in coming to this hackfest.

Maybe we're still not enough to make Quim/Nokia confirm this event.

I wonder if this thing has not been advertised in the right way or if simply there's no interest from people.

Quim: could you wait 2-3 days more to take a decision and we'll try to spread/advertise this thing better?

Texrat 2009-11-01 16:08

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 361540)
This is COOL! Nice idea.

Wish I could, but I'll be tied up during that time. Unfortunately. :(


I'll go for you! :D

VDVsx 2009-11-01 16:19

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by andy80 (Post 363024)
At the moment, only 13 people (counting Quim) have expressed their interest in coming to this hackfest.

Maybe we're still not enough to make Quim/Nokia confirm this event.

I wonder if this thing has not been advertised in the right way or if simply there's no interest from people.

Quim: could you wait 2-3 days more to take a decision and we'll try to spread/advertise this thing better?

Yeah, same feeling, but I think the 50 participants limit also includes the Nokians and partners (correct me, if I'm wrong), so perhaps we're already with a good number of participants ;), of course more participants should be welcome.

thp 2009-11-01 16:34

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Very interested :)


UX-related posts @
Screenshots of different gPodder versions @
Applications: gPodder (Extras, OS2008), Panucci (Extras-Testing, OS2008), Tennix (Extras-Testing, OS2008)

anidel 2009-11-02 12:12

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 363040)
Yeah, same feeling, but I think the 50 participants limit also includes the Nokians and partners (correct me, if I'm wrong), so perhaps we're already with a good number of participants ;), of course more participants should be welcome.


Originally Posted by qgil
We are lining up the right UX professionals from the Maemo team, Forum Nokia and developer partners.

So yes, there should be some Nokians

qgil 2009-11-02 21:04

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
The number 50 is an approximation. We can include Nokians or not.

I was hoping for a wider response, indeed. Maybe the TENTATIVE makes some people wait, but it would be good to know whether there is other developers interested even if it's also in TNTATIVE mode as well.

I would email the developers with apps in Extras / Extras-testing if I would have the time. Then again, I believe most of them are in maemo-developers... but perhaps not following that close?

And what about the locals? What are you up to? Today we had a call with Nokia Spain and I was selling them the idea of doing something with a more local focus in combination with the UX/Code "global" meeting...

opengeek 2009-11-02 21:31

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
What about a maemo5 development masterclass? IT students in Barcelona would be pleased to go ^^ it's only an Idea i cannot ensure quorum.

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