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postphotos 2009-12-29 10:11

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by bluemajik (Post 443745)
I would be willing to alpha/beta as well if needed with my N800.

I'm also willing. I know command prompt well enough that I think I might actually be useful :p

late666 2009-12-29 10:35

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Somebody needs to get this guy an n900..

twoboxen 2009-12-29 14:36

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by late666 (Post 444980)
Somebody needs to get this guy an n900..

No kidding. There are lots of us wanting to dual boot android 2.x on our n900s.

mrdally204 2009-12-29 17:40

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I'd just like to post some encouragement to the porter. I have been contemplating selling my N810 for an Archos Android tablet. I was not interested in the size or video playback, simply the android platform. Please oh please continue your work so that I might be able to someday use this on my tablet! If other readers are just as excited about this as I am, please speak up so that Bri3d can see the amount of people who are going to benefit from his wonderful work!

qole 2009-12-30 01:47

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Please, please, please post your code somewhere, especially if you're stuck. You made some breakthroughs that would be a shame to lose. Perhaps another crack kernel coder can help solve another one of the problems...

bdogg64 2009-12-30 02:43

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 446083)

Please, please, please post your code somewhere, especially if you're stuck. You made some breakthroughs that would be a shame to lose. Perhaps another crack kernel coder can help solve another one of the problems...

I second that. Most times someone makes a breakthrough, and then they dont post the process anywhere and it falls in the black hole

bdogg64 2009-12-30 02:52

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I have been trying to use the kernel 2.6.28 patches from nitdroid for the n8x0 and apply them to the n900 2.6.28 kernel to build a bootable android kernel and filesystem.

I can get it to boot the kernel, but I always get stuck trying to set the root, and root filesystem options to boot from a partition on the micro sd card.

I'm willing to help out, or test things out.

Any tips, or clues would be great. If I'm completely off track, that would be good to know also. I just want to get some dialog started to get back on track.


GeraldKo 2009-12-30 05:09

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Glad to see you rocking this forward for the N800/N810 Tablets!

Luke-Jr 2009-12-30 08:03

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
FWIW, latest Linux-OMAP is nowhere near usable on N8x0 even without Android patches. See
Feel free to ping me on IRC if you want to coordinate efforts (I'm sticking to mainline Linux for Mer/Gentoo, though, so you're on your own for Android-specific things)

twoboxen 2009-12-30 16:46

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 446083)

Please, please, please post your code somewhere, especially if you're stuck. You made some breakthroughs that would be a shame to lose. Perhaps another crack kernel coder can help solve another one of the problems...

Thirded! I can try to help if you make this public and let us know what needs to be worked on.

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