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Enyibinakata 2009-11-28 16:18

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
Exceeds my expectation. Its like a mini computer. bbc live playing in background as I type. Best in the game in my opinion. oops man utd just scored - Rooney arghhh

Rushmore 2009-11-28 16:37

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
Still great device, but:

Battery life:

Based on just four days of use, the N900 lasts less than the Droid by about three hours. Both devices had all radios on, but I actually used the Droid 3G and it has a 9% bigger display. Droid has a 60mah bigger battery, but should not equate to three hours more life. I do not leave open apps on the N900.

I turned off the N900 3G today, since no 3G from Tmo here, but I had to increase my wifi to the medium selection due to inconsistent signal.


In spite of showing full bars, the wifi connection resulted in videos always stopping dead at about 30 seconds in- in the same room as the router. Changing to medium power settings fixed this, so I guess the "full bars" have nothing to do with this.

FM radio and transmitter:

Receiver is weaker than the N-gage

Transmitter appears to only be usable if adjacent to the receiver.

sadfist 2009-11-28 17:00

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
To the guys with battery issues: What widgets do you have on the desktop? They seem to be battery drainers. Last night my phone survived just as well as the night I described in the battery issues thread except I removed the facebook widget and left transmission running and downloaded an 800mb avi.

chrisp7 2009-11-28 17:04

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
How can ANYONE say they havent had any software problems??? The N900 is RIDDLED with software bugs. Typical Nokia.

chris975d 2009-11-28 17:24

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
I've had the N900 for 2 days now, and I have to say I like the potential of the device, but do not think it's ready for the masses. I've had numerous problems with it, and am going to try to reflash the firmware to see if that helps, if not, I will be selling it in the next few days.

Constant rebooting--stopped counting at 20 reboots over the past 2 days. Doesn't seem related to any specific program or task, although most frequently happens when opening or closing the keyboard.

Will constantly drop connection with my wifi network and unable to connect to internet, when every other wifi device maintains connection and continues to access internet. This has happened on both work and home networks, which have different routers, so it's not a specific brand of router problem. Once it has dropped the wifi connection, the only way to fix it is to go into the settings, delete the wifi network, and set it up as a new connection again.

email/exchange client is slow and almost unusable. Like mentioned above, I just use Gmail in the browser instead of the email client. It's much faster this way.

Random cpu loads near 100%. Again, doesn't seem to be program specific, and can even happen with just the browser running, but cpu load will almost max out randomly, and slow the device to a crawl until the load drops.

Overall, I do like what was attempted with this device, and I think/hope most of this can be fixed with software/firmware updates, but this device doesn't seem to be on par with the software quality I see from my iPhone 3GS or my Motorola Droid. All 3 of these devices have essentially the exact same hardware (cpu & gpu), but the Maemo platform seems SO much slower than iPhone OS and Android 2.0, and the other 2 devices, in my experience, run circles around the n900 and are worlds faster in things like email, browser speed, switching between programs, and running multiple programs simultaneously than the Maemo platform right now. My iPhone is jailbroken by the way, so I am able to see the true multi-tasking capability of this hardware setup, and it's able to do it flawlessly, without too big of an impact on battery life. I don't understand why the same basic hardware in my n900 seems so taxed by mulitple programs, unless it's just very inefficiently code in the software. I would rate the 3 devices containing the same hardware as follows: iPhone 3GS--best overall smartphone for the masses (even for the "power-users" once jailbroken), n900--lots of potential, but right now, just a enthusiasts/hackers "toy/experiment", Droid---best compromise between these 2. Has good usability, but is also fairly "open" out of the box and not locked down. (good for those put off by having to jailbreak their device).

Edit: Forgot to add battery info.
Battery has been a big disappointment so far. Most of my Nokia battery experience has great, as they always seem to somehow maximize battery efficiency. But out of the 3 devices I listed, the n900 and iPhone 3GS essentially tie for the worst battery life. In my experience, the Droid's battery is, so far, amazing compared to my 3GS, it can last a full day with heavy usage and still have charge the next morning on the nights I've forgotten to recharge it. My iPhone and n900 cannot make it a full day with moderate usage without needing to be charged.

MountainX 2009-11-28 17:27

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by Rushmore (Post 397753)
Based on just four days of use, the N900 lasts less than the Droid by about three hours.

Exactly the opposite for me. N900 lasts all day easily with everything turned on. Droid only lasts all day if I turn functions (such as GPS) off.

RevdKathy 2009-11-28 17:27

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by chrisp7 (Post 397771)
How can ANYONE say they havent had any software problems??? The N900 is RIDDLED with software bugs. Typical Nokia.

Cos I haven't had any problems? you want me tlie to you to support your claim that 'everyone' has probles. Not going to do it. Maybe I got lucky.

kanishou 2009-11-28 17:50

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by (Post 394305)
So first off, I love this device :) BUT I have a lot of issues and wanted to know if anyone else has the same problems or if my unit is defective (please let it be defective lol).
So besides all the awesome goodness that is the N900, here are MY issues so far (after about a week of use). I put them in order from greatest frustration onwards...

1. Worst battery life ever lol - Don't get me wrong I love the phone and I did use it way too much when I first got it, but I have purposely not used it very much some days just to test the battery life with "moderate use" and it still goes from fully charged to completely dead in under 5-6 hours... and yes I have the latest firmware and Wifi, Bluetooth, FM transmitter are all off during the entire time. I even turn off the internet connection as soon as I'm done using it. This has got to be my biggest complaint and I was curious if anyone else has this same issue or if my unit is defective (again please let it be defective lol).
Talked to Mugen Power and another company and they are working on an extended battery as we speak, should be ready in about 3 weeks they said, but I'm hoping they have a model that doesn't require a new back cover so my N900 doesn't get any larger than it already is, I like the size).

2. Sometimes tells me I have insufficient memory available when I don't have anything running and my memory monitor widget says only 180MBs are being used of my 1GB... seems to happen if the phone has been on the charger all night and I try to use it in the morning. Have to turn off and on to resolve the issue. And sometimes (randomly) the screen goes blank and I have to click the top button and click End Current Task to get it back.

3. My IMAP email (Gmail) is horribly slow (think I saw someone else report this too so guess its not just me). I actually stopped using it and started using my Gmail in the internet browser instead...

4. When apps are installed and then uninstalled, a lot of their files are left behind. For example, when I install Irreco and create a remote, and then uninstall it and then even FLASH the device using the Nokia Software Updater and then reinstall Irreco, my remote I created appears at start up. So not only does uninstalling an app not remove all the files from that app but even flashing the device doesn't fully erase everything. Other apps have done this as well, I fear this could cause issues later on after you have been installing a lot of apps.
Truthfully though maybe I just don't know how to fully wipe the device (I assumed the flash would do this for me, but it even keeps all of my contacts etc so I cant flash it to start over like I would like). Does anyone know how to COMPLETELY set the device back to out of box state? What files need to be deleted before I do the NSU Flash so I can start from scratch? (Yes I even go into the file manager and click Format on the N900 folder).

5. Media Player skips occasionally - not horrible but happens sometimes.

Another Issue but I think this is T-Mobile and not the phone (they are putting up 3.5 in my area and the phone even pops up with 3.5 in the status bar occassionally, no speed increase, but proof its being worked on).
6. Signal strength is worse than my previous phone on the same network. In places I used to have 2 bars I have zero now and it also seems to jump from 2G to 2.5G to 3G to 3.5G with varying signal bars randomly when I'm even laying on the couch over a period of 30 minutes...

I know that seems like a lot of bad lol But after reading what I just wrote it seems more and more apparent to me that I need to send my device in for a replacement. Just figured Id check here before I do and see if I'm not the only one.

Thanks guys!

Those issues sound a lot more like third party applications / add-ons acting up rather than defective hardware.

The battery issue can't be answered easily, as that depends entirely on how much and what for you use it. Third party applications and especially widgets/plugins might cause issues. With frequent use, a couple of hours sounds about right. In standby, six hours would be completely wrong. But everything in-between is a sliding scale.

Files left behind after uninstalling or flashing should only be configuration files in your user directory. You can wipe those by wiping your user directory (including hidden files), but that shouldn't be necessary at all.

chrisp7 2009-11-28 18:23

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 397799)
Cos I haven't had any problems? you want me tlie to you to support your claim that 'everyone' has probles. Not going to do it. Maybe I got lucky.

I simply dont believe you, sorry. Maybe your tolerance is far below mine but I doubt it.

Enyibinakata 2009-11-28 18:24

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by chrisp7 (Post 397771)
How can ANYONE say they havent had any software problems??? The N900 is RIDDLED with software bugs. Typical Nokia.

I have not had such problems. Apart from inability to stream windows media its been excellent, no single reboot.
Good battery.

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