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olighak 2010-01-18 23:24

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by Strive_Masiwa (Post 480901)
Anyone recieve the rebate card yet? Any number we can call for status?
THis form doesnt work:

I got a rebate for a BH-905 bluetooth headset from Nokia in December (different promotion) but so far none of the 4 rebates for N900's/N97's that I know of has received a card or any acknowledgement of submission.

gregc2009 2010-01-18 23:29

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I received a letter requesting my Ovi Store user name. I sent it back on Saturday. So at least they are moving along in the process.

syncdot 2010-01-18 23:30

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by Strive_Masiwa (Post 480901)
Anyone recieve the rebate card yet? Any number we can call for status?
THis form doesnt work:

On the rebate form it said to call 1-800-436-6394 for status of order. But the automated speaker directed me to to check.

When I went into the "Order Status Lookup" under "Where's My Submission?", it said it couldn't find my data. So I guess I'll give it a couple of weeks more.

I wonder if anyone's done it and received some info?

x61 2010-01-18 23:31

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I am yet to receive words from the Ovi store regarding the rebate.

hcry4 2010-01-20 02:02

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I just got a letter today saying that my phone is not valid for the rebate. Then it goes on to say that I should return the letter with all the missing info by January 25th. WTF, Nokia?

N900FTW 2010-01-20 23:09

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
yip me too. And the date on the letter is Jan 4th. But I literally
just got the letter today. I got 2 $50 card(n900 and 553) and
it loolks like i won't get it.

arpwatch 2010-01-20 23:24

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I received an email from Nokia today basically telling me to keep my eyes peeled for my card in the mail.

Yay me!

jessi3k3 2010-01-20 23:28

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
When did you guys purchase your phones? Were they preordered before Nov 15th?

syncdot 2010-01-21 00:15

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by hcry4 (Post 483376)
I just got a letter today saying that my phone is not valid for the rebate. Then it goes on to say that I should return the letter with all the missing info by January 25th. WTF, Nokia?

What sort of missing info were they requesting?

hcry4 2010-01-21 02:55

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by syncdot (Post 485615)
What sort of missing info were they requesting?

The only bullet of info was "This mobile phone purchased is not valid for this offer."
I ordered from Amazon on Nov. 20th and got the phone a week before Xmas.

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