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christexaport 2009-12-10 14:18

Re: N900 RSS reader
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 420736)
Chris, mate what kind of dog do you have? Mind sharing a pic?
I'm only curious cause you talk about your talk about as much as you talk about phones :-)
I love it

I have an American Staffordshire Terrier, aka Pit Bull. He's a former APA weightpulling and agility athlete and Texas State Champion. He can pull well over 7300 lbs. He's been with my for just over 3 yrs, and was with me for my record breaking 3000 first posts at Symbian Freak, which were all done from my N95 while walking or training him. Since I got the N95, I've only used mobiles as my primary computing device, except in the recording or production studios, where a PC is necessary.

Raki (ROCK-ee) by definition is a big mobile freak, since he's never far from a high end device. My streak of posting with him along has ended, since now I'm missing a decent RSS reader, automatic screen rotation, one handed operation, and T9. (I hate QWERTY, but I'm pretty quick on the N900, but nothing close to the 38 wpm I get with T9...) I'm praying Nokia returns to form soon and brings those features back so my dog and I can spend more time together.

Here's some pictures of my baby boy, Raki. He's the most valueable thing I own since I sold my car. (Paid $3200 for him as a three week old puppy.)

stobbsc 2009-12-10 15:04

Re: N900 RSS reader
Wow He is awesome :-)
and beautiful too :-)
I'm pretty impressed with the training and achievements well done to both of you :-)

Chapbass 2009-12-10 16:52

Re: N900 RSS reader
Hey all, quick question.

Can the N900 RSS reader get updates from forums such as vbulletin forums?

As an example, I would like to get the Anandtech forums on my soon to be N900 (just placed my order today!).

Can the RSS reader do something like this, or should I start a new thread for a dedicated forum reader?

Rob1n 2009-12-10 16:58

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by Chapbass (Post 421184)
Can the N900 RSS reader get updates from forums such as vbulletin forums?

The RSS reader reads RSS feeds - if the forum has an RSS feed then it'll work, otherwise not. You should see the standard orange "broadcast" logo in a desktop web browser (the N900 broswer doesn't seem to show them) if it does (it shows in the URL bar here, for example, on both Firefox and Opera).

klinglerware 2009-12-10 17:10

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by rgoble4 (Post 419137)
You are correct Andre, you can save individual posts for later. I poorly described the feature that I would like to see, and that would be a batch download for all new posts when you have an internet connection so that you can read them later without a connection.

Yes, this is exactly what Feed Circuit did so well for the earlier tablets. It's too bad that the author isn't planning to port it...

stobbsc 2009-12-10 17:13

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by klinglerware (Post 421212)
Yes, this is exactly what Feed Circuit did so well for the earlier tablets. It's too bad that the author isn't planning to port it...

Where did you get the idea that the author isn't going to port?

I wrote to him yesterday and this is what he said:


Sure. I'm going to start porting it to Maemo 5 soon. I just want to ensure I have enough time because I suspect with N900 I'll get wider audience and, therefore, more bugs and suggestions.


klinglerware 2009-12-10 20:18

Re: N900 RSS reader
Never mind, I re-read your earlier post

christexaport 2009-12-10 20:38

Re: N900 RSS reader
Thanks for the compliments, Chris. I love him like a son, and he's never away from me since he was 3 weeks old.

I'd be happy to provide George with some UI ideas, and I'm sure joshua.maverick can provide the artistic touches, that's if he wants the help. I've never seen his app, but I'm an avid RSSer, reading hundreds of sites a day. I haven't done much since I got the N900, so I'm itching to see a great reader for Maemo5, preferably with ASR so I could work out Raki while I study, keep up with news, and research. I never realized how important a good reader was until now. I'm an RSS addict.

suheilunneen 2010-01-15 21:06

Re: N900 RSS reader
if any of u like google reader, try the iphone optimized version. works really well on the n900, especially with the latest firmware, since browser can work in portrait mode.
enter the address

and for gmail
by the way i just joined the community today. i got my n900 4 days back. i ditched my one year old iphone for it. so far i dont regret it. great phone

nMIK-3 2010-01-15 22:16

Re: N900 RSS reader
I had a really bad experience with the build in RSS reader.
My RSS list on my PC is really big but is organized in categorized folders.
When I import the .ompl file to my N900 the RSS reader just imported everything with NO FOLDERS. Now I have a mess of tones of uncategorized RSS feeds and NO OPTION to delete them all...

A complete disaster :mad:.

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