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whc 2009-12-27 00:53

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
If you got stuck pixel (light pixel), then maybe it is possible to fix it, just simply by running the video below (transfer it to your device).

Run it several times a day, sadly N900 does not support "repeat" in the video player, else it would be nice to run this video all night, so you don't have to manually start it over and over again.

Download video here:

NOTE: No guarantee it will work, on only possible to "relive" stuck pixels, that are light or white (you can see them on the black test above).

whc 2009-12-27 01:03

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Just added Poll, makes it easier to keep track of "defective" screens, please wote :D.

mullf 2009-12-27 01:19

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
A 50% fail rate sucks!

jjx 2009-12-27 01:42

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I don't see any dead or stuck pixels on my screen, but at this resolution it would be possible to miss some types even with good eyesight.

However, I have had it get into a state where the top-left desktop icon is a little bit corrupted. I worried that my screen had developed dead pixels, or that RAM/Flash was failing already, but a reboot fixed that. It only happened once, but when it had happened, entering various apps and so on and returning to the desktop did not fix it - only a reboot did.

zerosix 2009-12-27 02:16

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
i have one stuck on Red. I've tried several videos and websites with patterns to resolve. No luck. It's really annoying when watching movies is all. Otherwise it doesn't bother me too much

9a6or 2009-12-27 02:28

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
My first one had 5-6 stuck pixels so I've asked for a replacement. Second one had more than 15 (!) so I've returned it for a refund. Poor quality screen but at least the Nokia Online Store accepts it back and they don't try to explain to me that this in not really a fault and that it is within tolerance... that kind of explanation just raises my bloodpressure. Referring to an old ISO standard and pulling it all out once the customer had already paid is just nauseating.

The stuck pixel or subpixel is sometimes visible from a certain angle only so tilt the device around gently. I bet that a lot of people simply cannot see the stuck pixels even if they are there.

I would be willing to pay extra if I received a guaranteed pixel perfect device. Some monitor manufacturers do this already.

joshua.maverick 2009-12-27 02:41

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Thought I didn't have any, then I used my phone before sleeping, and in the bottom corner I have one. Going to try this video thing :S

Svengalis 2009-12-27 02:43

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Mine's absolutely flawless. I expected several defects on a screen with such a massive number of pixels at such high density, but I'll take perfect instead!

crail 2009-12-27 03:06

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
ive got a cluster of about 5 making up a dot. cant be arsed to send it back and i think its too late now anyway. im hoping to get the screen replaced at a nokia service center at some point. anyone know if theyl do it for free? they better do as i could of got a replacment for free. nobody should have to put up with dead pixels for 500pounds

jethro.itt 2009-12-27 04:45

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
1 Attachment(s)
I don't have dead pixels but instead a dark spot in the backlight diffuser. It's about one millimeter in length. The pixels appear to hover over the spot and there's a strange parallax effect when I look the N900 from different angles.

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