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jebba 2010-01-06 15:17

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by turist (Post 455551)
How? User can download something in as a pure dictionary file, zip folder with set of files or even the full English wikipedia with cache. How can program know all this? I know an application for iPhone that comes with simple dictionaries and is able to download a lot of dictionaries on demand, but that's paid service and those dictionaries cost money and it's not even possible to upload them anywhere without being sued by Babylon or Abbyy. I don't see a problem to download a dictionary and then unpack it to some specific directory, there is even an option to define several directories to these dictionaries.

One solution that I can suggest is to unpack all zip/tar.gz files found in the defined dirs into the same directory with removal of the archive files.

Well, there are a number of free dictionaries, such as the ones listed on sourceforge. I think you can distribute those no problem.

Then a .deb would just need to be made that simply puts those files into /opt/qstardict/dicts (or whatever your default path is).

I think this will happen (eventually) and will make it easier for all users. If it hasn't happened in a month email me to bug me to do it.


turist 2010-01-06 15:23

Re: QStarDict
I have my concerns about packaging these free dictionaries. Which one should I select as a default one for most of users? For example I don't care about French<->Urdu or Latin<->Spanish, but need Dutch<->English and German<->Russian. Will my choice be appreciated by the majority of users? I don't see it as a problem to have easy access dictionaries for N900, it's just like music - there are no common preferences.

jebba 2010-01-06 15:28

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by turist (Post 455649)
I have my concerns about packaging these free dictionaries. Which one should I select as a default one for most of users? For example I don't care about French<->Urdu or Latin<->Spanish, but need Dutch<->English and German<->Russian. Will my choice be appreciated by the majority of users? I don't see it as a problem to have easy access dictionaries for N900, it's just like music - there are no common preferences.

Ya, the dictionaries would have to be *separate* packages. The qstardict.deb stays as it is today. Then you have a ton of .debs like:


Thanks for your package! I love it already :)

turist 2010-01-06 15:30

Re: QStarDict
Btw, I just recalled that I removed all dict paths except of the ~/MyDocs/stardict/dic from qstardict's path list. I'll restore the default /usr/share/stardict/dic and ~/.stardict/dic/ just to be safely compatible with other packages and stardicts.

attila77 2010-01-06 15:33

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by jebba (Post 455653)
Ya, the dictionaries would have to be *separate* packages. The qstardict.deb stays as it is today. Then you have a ton of .debs like:


Thanks for your package! I love it already :)

Please consider managing these packages from somewhere other than the application manager - it's just such a mess with X hundred packages.

jebba 2010-01-06 16:34

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 455659)
Please consider managing these packages from somewhere other than the application manager - it's just such a mess with X hundred packages.

Well, that's a problem with the package manager that should be solved upstream. Yumex/synaptic/etc can deal with thousands of applications.

If the Maemo application manager can't handle a few thousand packages in it's interface, the platform is dead.

attila77 2010-01-06 17:21

Re: QStarDict
No, no, it can handle them all right, it's the users that can't (and shouldn't). In other words, don't make life of those less interested in your packages miserable. As an example see compris, it's language files add 3-4 extra *pages* worth of packages. Now imagine if every application added it's language-dependent features that way...

Tomaszd 2010-01-06 17:40

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 455812)
No, no, it can handle them all right, it's the users that can't (and shouldn't). In other words, don't make life of those less interested in your packages miserable. As an example see compris, it's language files add 3-4 extra *pages* worth of packages. Now imagine if every application added it's language-dependent features that way...

It was stupid to even bring those language files to the user-visible category to begin with. They should all be hidden, and the application extended to download the appropriate language package based on locale. This might be too much work to do for free of course, but I curse every time I have to scroll through those in HAM.

sorodoros 2010-01-06 17:48

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by turist (Post 455557)
One example you may like :)

Everyone has a big set of mp3 files at home and no one is scared to manually copy music to N900's '.sounds/' directory. Why do you think it's more diffucult to connect N900 via USB and then copy dictionaries from PC's data dir to N900's 'E:\stardict\dic' ?

Understood, and I agree, so maybe this is my particular problem: I cannot get qstardict to see any directory on my SD card or anwhere else. What am I mising here?

feydrutha 2010-01-06 18:21

Re: QStarDict
It's true the process of installing dictionaries is not as friendly as one might like, and having debian packages for the dictionaries would help most users. Even for people who are not scared to do a little command line, it is not trivial to find out which is a good dictionary for a certain language. For instance the german-english dictionaries available from sourceforge seemed to be pretty bad, missing a lot of basic words (even though they are not small in terms of number of entries).

I am currently using two dictionaries.

One is a german dictionary that is freely available (langensheidt deutsch als fremdsprache, available from stardict sourceforge ). It is quite good quality, although not huge and perhaps a bit oldish. This one would be a good candidate for a package.

The other one is german english and viceversa from it is a huge dictionary (700k entries!) and quite good as well. It is freely available but not redistributable, so it would not be possible to package it as a deb. You can download it in tab format from the web site, and then you need to convert it to stardict format using the tabfile tool from stardict (on ubuntu it is in the stardict-tools package). See this page for details. Make sure the tab file is saved as utf8 before running tabfile (I had to open it and save it as utf8 with gedit to get the encoding right).

Anyhow with a little effort my offline dictionary needs on the n900 are now fully met ;-)

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