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ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-23 02:27

Re: Movie Trailers
Here is one for you guys, I'll do some more soon if I can find any more good trailers that have not been posted already.

Sorcerers Apprentice

*Sonic* 2010-01-23 10:23

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by mikec (Post 489590)
The codecs were refreshed especially for PR1.1

Thanks, I get sound on avatar now but I still cant play mkv's

mikec 2010-01-23 10:28

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by *Sonic* (Post 490248)
Thanks, I get sound on avatar now but I still cant play mkv's

Not sure if its MKV per se or the encoding of the vid. Bug in PR1.1 cant play files with chapter markings. Have you tried to re-mux using avidemux. V quick so is pretty painless.

*Sonic* 2010-01-23 10:30

Re: Movie Trailers
I havent tried anything other than a couple of different mkv's not even sure if they have chapter markings in them

Media player just says it cannot play that format, its no biggie though

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-23 13:03

Re: Movie Trailers
If your encoding something for the masses you should be doing it in a manner that it works with the device out of the box. A format that is supported and a codec that is supported.

In other words these should be in a .MP4 container encoded with .H264 & .AAC

Let me know what trailers are not encoded that way that were already posted and I can redo them so they play properly without you needing to take a risk installing the extra codecs package, I dont have it on my device I have read a few too many post about issues caused by it.

slender 2010-01-23 13:32

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by ViciousXUSMC (Post 488429)
It would be a pretty quick and painless process to convert anything from the apple site to N900 format. I can do a batch process and cook out like 20+ super high quality trailers while I go eat a sandwich.

So do it. Search here and wiki and be amazed how difficult its to some people even install some program to pc and try to find out what settings they should put there.


thing is who really puts these on there device? I watch a movie trailer one time to see if I like a movie and only because I want to check if I like it or not, I dont tote it around to view multiple times for no reason.
That´s nice. Do I care about your habits? Nope.


Well downloading your Ironman 2 trailer now to see what it looks like and what kind of codec settings you used.

I agree on using 800px wide if you want max quality, its the native for the N900 screen. No need for 30fps though, cinima is not run @ 30fps and recoding an original source that is only 24fps to 30fps is rather barbaric and pointless, infact you may lose quality there since your not going to create any new frames just by increasing the frame rate and the interpolation between the frames could get jarred up. Even in a best case you just keep the same quality but made it harder to render and the file size larger.
Hmm. Have to check that out, but I do not remember that he encoded it 30fps. And this threads point is to find and demonstrate maximum quality. If you wan optimum size&quality then there is threads and wiki for that.


I assume you just used baseline 3.0 H264 profile? or have you found the N900 can handle some of the more advanced features of the codec?
Search here and wiki.

I did following with dark knight
-> Demux audio to wav with mplayer (binary codecs included)
--> careful here because we have to downmix 5.1 or 6.1 proprely to stereo. Have to listen carefully wav because explosions might clip.
-> Open video and external audio in avidemux 2
-> Resize with msharpen
-> Unsharpen mask to sharpen picture (because of resize)
H.264 settings from wiki.
->made mp4 file
--> goto start if result doesnt satisfy

Unfortunately i have found that kmplayer plays video files smoothly when default media player sometimes gets jerky. I do not know why because both use same engine but there is bug report already about this issue.

Ironman2 and dark knight and couple of other trailers have worked for me from first firmware trought both firmwares. I have not yet tested avatar

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-23 13:43

Re: Movie Trailers
no need to worry about audio slender, just demux and remux the original. Remember AAC is a lossy format, so it already lost some of its original data and quality. If you transcode from lossy to lossless (AAC to WAV) you only increased the file size and then when you code that again to a lossy codec your going to lower the quality even more than it was originally.

Since all the Apple trailers are just using AAC LC at an acceptable bitrate its going to play on the N900 as is without any transcoding or additional loss of quality.

I have no problems contributing to your little thread, but your attitude is way off base, this stuff is not hard so no need to toot your own horn for knowing how to do it and infact you still have a lot to learn.

slender 2010-01-23 13:45

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by ViciousXUSMC (Post 490453)
no need to worry about audio slender, just demux and remux the original. Remember AAC is a lossy format, so it already lost some of its original data and quality. If you transcode from lossy to lossless (AAC to WAV) you only increased the file size and then when you code that again to a lossy codec your going to lower the quality even more than it was originally.

Since all the Apple trailers are just using AAC LC at an acceptable bitrate its going to play on the N900 as is without any transcoding or additional loss of quality.

I have no problems contributing to your little thread, but your attitude is way off base, this stuff is not hard so no need to toot your own horn for knowing how to do it and infact you still have a lot to learn.

I have found SOME trailers with 5.1 or 6.1 sound and downmxing is broken with current handbrake. Search doom9 for downmixing and normalizing audio.

About attitude. You just said that you do not understand why someone would watch trailer from small screen again and again. Excuse me but how about if you chek your attitude first.

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-23 13:59

Re: Movie Trailers
I stated that I dont know why somebody would put a trailer on there phone, a simple statement and not directed at anybody. You can drop your childish he said she said drama act now and move on and make this a worth while thread. If you need to take it further send a private message.

You started the situation upon yourself by coming in here claiming the title of encoding god when really your just another normal user and reliant on the real experts to make a GUI for you.

So from your original post being the "quality control freak" you should know basic things like each time you encode a lossy format that you lose quality and since you have these "standards" you wouldnt be doing that.

Why do I need to know downmixing is broken with Handbrake? I dont use it. I compile my own custom x264 binary for 64bit encoding its 20% faster than the x86 binaries you can download and I run all the other tools directly from the command line so I can keep the leading edge on all the binaries with any dependency on a GUI.


Thats most of what I use, hardly ever do I need something else.

I like GUI's its a great way to start and to learn, but once you get past that you start to do things yourself and learn a lot more.

Edit: Slender I thought you were the OP :D had you two mixed up. I cant load anything on this forum right now its moving slower than free dial up service from my sega dreamcast 8 years ago.

I felt the OP had a really bad attitude, and then you kinda jumped into the same game. We can collaborate and learn from one another the goal of a forum like this, or we can go at each other throats and I never start the attack but I am always willing to counter attack like I just did at you.

slender 2010-01-23 14:15

Re: Movie Trailers

Originally Posted by ViciousXUSMC (Post 490474)
I stated that I dont know why somebody would put a trailer on there phone, a simple statement and not directed at anybody. You can drop your childish he said she said drama act now and move on and make this a worth while thread. If you need to take it further send a private message.

Well fact is that generalizations do hit somebody eventought you try to not direct them to specifically to anybody.


You started the situation upon yourself by coming in here claiming the title of encoding god when really your just another normal user and reliant on the real experts to make a GUI for you.
I´m far away any encoding god. I´m just trying to say that things are not easy as you might think. Firstly there is different kinds of trailers on apples site. They are not all encoded with same profile.


So from your original post being the "quality control freak" you should know basic things like each time you encode a lossy format that you lose quality and since you have these "standards" you wouldnt be doing that.
Hmm. Only reason I´have messed with some trailers audio was that:
- Just copying aac didnt work
- Trancoding aac to aac with handbrake broken downmixing (speak was coming from left channel only)
- demuxed with mplayer but noticed that explosions were clipping/distorted ( noticed only when listen on high volume)
- and after finding some Mplayers settings about downmixing i found that downmixer seems to use correct algorithm when combaining all surround channels and there was no clipping.


Why do I need to know downmixing is broken with Handbrake? I dont use it. I compile my own custom x264 binary for 64bit encoding its 20% faster than the x86 binaries you can download and I run all the other tools directly from the command line so I can keep the leading edge on all the binaries with any dependency on a GUI.


Thats most of what I use, hardly ever do I need something else.
Useful tools. So we can iterate optimal settings here.


I like GUI's its a great way to start and to learn, but once you get past that you start to do things yourself and learn a lot more.
This is true. No hard feelings but posts before you where some people also said that they do not understand and wondered why would someone encode with highest quality already made me little pissed.

Hmmm. And i´m quite sure that hydrogenaudio forum has some other toughts about aac goodness. But transcoding is generally bad that i agree.

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