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mobilefan 2010-01-18 17:43

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by dongzhe (Post 479565)
man after I instal your app, my n900 got some problems.

1.sometimes mp4 files are not working and they are all working before.
2. after I did about 10 times swtiching from one video to another, the whole media player is dead. it wont play any videos; Plus even the music player is not working.

3. the previous decoder works fine. after i found this problem i have uninstal your app. but it stil **** up my device.

Man what have you done!!!!! please give me some solutions!


I had the same problem as you did. Here is what i did to resolve it without re-flashing the device. First, I uninstalled the Extras decoder support v0.3, and uninstall the ogg support (i think that came with it). Then I switched power off and then power on. Then I switched power off again, and took battery out of phone for 1 min. Then put the battery back in and power on device. Now it was back to (normal) before I installed the Extras Decoder Support v0.3. Some how the Extras Decoder Support v0.3 had adverse affect on my n900, so I am not going to use it on my N900 anymore.

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-18 19:33

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I read some issues with .3 before the PR update, but now with the update it seems even worse.

If you install MPlayer it will play a lot of formats and files that the standard Gstreamer does not and it has not seem to made any negative impact on my device. I recommend SIS for a frontend.

ndi 2010-01-18 21:28

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Oh dear. I've used statistical data from the video list on my PC trying to transcode failed videos.

It just hit me that all the videos that don't play in the 1.1 update all fall into two categories:

a) XVid

Wasn't xvid native to Nokia's player (e.g. - not an extra decoder)?

Also, who's responsible for MPEG?

Nice touch is - my MPEG files still have icons from the 1.01. Pushing them shows a ding and a yellow notification. MPlayer plays them just fine from Morton.

zikmir 2010-01-18 21:45

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
hi guys, iv been using my phone from few weeks, i installed the extradecoder patch...all videos workd...almost all, i added 133 music videos...of various flv..mpeg1, mpeg2., avi, mp4... and i dont know like all i had.... 120 of them worked. no only 2 of the are working after i updadet to extradecoder 0.3..(it gave me a notifacation to update) i also updated the latest nokia maemo update...i dont know its the seond update since i got the phone.. so my point here....wat happen to all my videos..??? did this update screw up my phone? even when i uninstall it... i cant find the old package,....please let me know what i should do, or which other players are avalible that i can download..and not to mention... im not a pro or anything... so keep the language english here !!! lol !

ndi 2010-01-18 22:53

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
a) Leave the phone reindex in peace. Takes a while.

b) There's a bug on about the indexer stuck on one broken video.

c) Clear the cache and rescan. there's a post here, search forum for "rescan media"

d) There's at least an issue on xvid (chapters) and one on MPEG (mine, unknown yet).

e) Clear cache, reboot, let it index an hour. Check back.

Also, using caps and the enter key makes the post easier to read and more likely to get help.

Morphic 2010-01-18 23:07

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
My xvids seem to play fine still after the update. Only broke the tag reading of Flacs which is now working with an update of the Ogg support to 1.06-rc1.

A bit off topic but tried streaming xvids via the upnp from my windows pc and the video won't play just audio. Is this an issue with the N900 or windows?

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-18 23:19

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
XVID works for me too, just did the newest update and tried to play an xvid encoded episode of metalocalypse and all was well.

Man the scrolling is way looser/faster now after the new update, seems my media files load faster too.

g0dzilla 2010-01-18 23:26

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

XB-Maemo-Display-Name: Поддержка дополнительных кодеков
XB-Description: Поддержка дополнительных аудио и видео кодеков для Медиа Плеера

salah99 2010-01-19 00:53

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Does this package help me to play this media format in this link ?

Tomaszd 2010-01-19 10:50

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
If anyone is having problems after the upgrade to the newest firmware (2.2009.51-1) and Extra Decoders Support 0.3, try this solution:

Install the rootsh package using the Application Manager if you haven't already.

Open the X Terminal and execute these four commands:

sudo gainroot
We now have admin rights. Be careful. :)

apt-get purge decoders-support ogg-support gstreamer0.10-rm gstreamer0.10-musepack gstreamer0.10-ogg  gstreamer0.10-theora gstreamer0.10-flac gstreamer0.10-flv gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
When asked, choose "Y" (yes) and hit Enter. We have removed a long list of additional decoders and meta-packages. This is just one command, so pay attention.

apt-get clean
Apt-cache is now clean. You can stop here if you want a pristine device, without any multimedia add-ons. There is really no need to re-flash if your device starts acting up.

apt-get install decoders-support
This command installs Extra Decoders Support 0.3 and pulls in everything you've just removed back from the repository. Give it time.

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