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thorbo 2010-01-29 21:44

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
I would love to have those lights off, not because I "want to be creepy" but because I end up taking pictures/videos through windows a lot, and that light DOES show up, and it is quite annoying. Furthermore, for all the things that I do to conserve battery life, it is simply one more way to be more sparing of battery usage.

cb22 2010-01-29 23:05

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by andyph666 (Post 501670)
Any step by step instructions on commenting out the file? Or where the exact location of the file is?

You'd need to compile and flash a custom kernel. It shouldn't take me long, maybe I'll get around to it in a few hours.

Matan 2010-01-29 23:21

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
Probably only replace one module, not flash a new kernel.

cb22 2010-01-30 11:28

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 501787)
Probably only replace one module, not flash a new kernel.

Yeah, correct. Didn't see that adp1653 was loaded as a module.

rooted 2010-02-07 18:47

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
"v4l2-ctl -c indicator_intensity=0" works. If someone needs v4l2-ctl binary, take a look at that topic:

However, it's very unpractical. There is no way to execute this command without camera going into standby and therefore stopping recording. And keep in mind that command has to be executed AFTER the start of the recording.

So I've made a workaround. I've created a shell script with v4l2-ctl entry and put "sleep 7" line in front of it. This delays execution by a few seconds (yeah, it should be 7 seconds, but it's not, however it is enough). So I execute this script, switch to camera and start recording. Then I wait a second or two as script executes v4l2-ctl command as well. This disables red light.

My idea how could this be simplified is integrating command into Flashlight application or making similar application which would control the red light. Because power key menu is the only menu accessible while recording, it has to be there.

EDIT: I added it as a feature request in Flashlight's garage page.

Renesis 2010-02-25 04:59

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
Having to disable it by hand would work, but get annoying quick. How about something like the headphone daemon? It'd sit in the background waiting for the activation of the red LED then automatically disable it. It's just another bandage, but at least it doesn't require you to activate it manually.

Edit: Here's a video I shot awhile ago with the n900. Demonstrating, among other things, the annoying red light.

afaq 2010-02-25 12:10

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Need this implemented if possible. The light is a huge nuisance.

cjard 2010-02-25 12:15

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
Just put your finger over it if it's reflecting on glass or spoiling your dark video..

steev182 2010-02-25 12:57

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?

Originally Posted by romanianusa (Post 494367)
We're not from UK, we're from US and we like to film people secretly without showing off your toys with unnessary red light and shutter noises on as if to beg them to give you some unnecessary attention.

So I guess you don't mind being filmed secretly either?

Psy-Clone 2010-02-25 13:17

Re: n900 Camera red light - ways to disable?
...Im from the UK and would also like this feature please :)

- I have quite a few cameras, and think that pictures from events and parties I attend, and pics of friends having a laugh always look 100% better when the people involved are acting natural, and not 'posing'. I have a similar red light on my better camera, and It causes anoyance.. the only way to turn off is to manual focus, but then i cant snap the shot quick enough, and miss the 'moment'.

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