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sierrafoxtrot 2010-01-15 12:23

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
i have the same problem and the only way i can get them to play is to reboot and open the file via file manager (bypassing the built in media player completely). it might have something to do with the video thumb caching process.

let me know if opening via file manager after a reboot plays anything. quite interested to follow this up

slender 2010-01-15 12:25

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
Ok. Someone search the thread where they guide how to reset tracker and scan your media again. I cant find it right now.

starman 2010-01-15 12:27

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback

Originally Posted by sierrafoxtrot (Post 473867)
i have the same problem and the only way i can get them to play is to reboot and open the file via file manager (bypassing the built in media player completely). it might have something to do with the video thumb caching process.

let me know if opening via file manager after a reboot plays anything. quite interested to follow this up

been trying that, I even used the xterminal command

tracker-processes --hard-reset

to kill the media indexer and did a N900 reboot - sill the same problems with video and the media player

Stupid Nokia :(

sierrafoxtrot 2010-01-15 12:29

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
darn, sorry dude, i also tried killing the tracker but that didn't work either. i can still watch stuff, i just can't ever open via media player. it's annoying

sadfist 2010-01-15 12:33

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
I get the following error on the 9 trailer with gst-launch:


ERROR: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20/GstQTDemux:qtdemux0: GStreamer encountered a general stream error.
Additional debug info:
qtdemux.c(2645): gst_qtdemux_loop (): /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20/GstQTDemux:qtdemux0:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.

I may be doing something wrong because I'm pretty stupid at xterm though.

EDIT: Rebooting seems to have fixed playback for the 9 trailer and N900 ad, still endless white dots on the m4v files. Also it seems I just can't get gst-launch to work at all, maybe someone can help with the syntax.

starman 2010-01-15 12:36

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback

Originally Posted by sierrafoxtrot (Post 473885)
darn, sorry dude, i also tried killing the tracker but that didn't work either. i can still watch stuff, i just can't ever open via media player. it's annoying

Yes very annoying, but at least kmplayer seems to work

Its my pride thats in harms ways, the guys I work with are all iPhone girls, so when I sold mine to get the N900 i got a lot of stick, and now when theres problems like this i gotta listen to their gloating ..... now thats annoying.. lol

wonder if this is something the community can fix or whether we will have to wait for nokia...??

starman 2010-01-15 12:48

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
wonder if the n900 uses Quicktime for decoding h.264 codecs, if not could we put it on there???

uris 2010-01-15 12:59

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
VLC uses same codecs as mplayer I believe, but you could give it a try as well

starman 2010-01-15 13:13

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
hmmmm vlc?? would be a gimmic really if nothing else, what we need is a solution to another Nokia omission....

WTF is up with the N900's movies playing capabilities, and why does it get worse with every update?? (well the last 2 (only 2) updates, at least)



sadfist 2010-01-15 13:25

Re: Getting tired of Maemo/N900 movie playback
I put a bunch more movies on my device to test out subtitles. Getting super flaky playback of what I think are mostly h264 videos, some in avi containers as well. Some won't play, some required a reboot to play, one that played flaky in week 42 firmware won't play at all now. I'm gonna try and get a couple more hours sleep but I'll post up codec info later. There definitely seem to be video playback problems.

EDIT: I'd also suggest renaming this thread to something that doesn't sound like a whining thread. "Video playback problems in PR1.1" or something like that.

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