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nashith 2010-01-25 12:43

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
iPhone 4G? Can you send me a picture of it? Maybe spec sheets? Maybe some concrete evidence that it might actually be released before mid year or at all? As far as I can tell, if you want a device that you have little to no info on, then there is some serious issues with your decision making process.

bonerp 2010-01-25 12:51

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
^^great post mate ^^

reviver 2010-01-25 12:54

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
Well, you posted on N900 forum so here goes...

I would definitely not buy a phone from Apple unless 4G gets pretty much total makeover. So far Apple has shown pretty small ability for improvement. They are also way overpriced for their hardware specs. If I had to abandon Maemo, I would rather get something like Nokia X6 CWM with stuff like free music, Xenon flash & optical zoom and great media playback.

I hate the closedness of iPhone, you can't manage your files freely, can't even set favorite ringtone easily. I don't buy the "iPhone has most apps" argument either, since Apple is counting every ringtone, demo, background, level pack, internet site assistance etc. Half of which you wouldn't need if the platform was more open, had decent browser etc. Then they compare their app store sales to other platforms which count only manufacturer app stores that others didn't even have before. Only decent, useful apps should count and those are drowning on something else on iPhone.

lendurhenry 2010-01-25 12:56

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
If you are considering something, you are not an iPhone user. They don’t think they just take. What ever it is.

HRZ 2010-01-25 13:16

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
I'm sorry but you really are posting in the wrong forum since most open-source advocates aren't exactly a fan of Apple or Apple products. And your question is a bit ridiculous. I'm not trying to be a smart *** but seriously, what is even known about the Iphone 4g? Like the other posts before me, why not just learn to use the N900? It doesn't look like you have even given it a try, what exactly is bothering you about it?

Don't just follow the hype/herd. Read and learn about products and you'll be that much more satisfied with your purchases. The n900 does have its flaws (especially if, like me, youre not a developer or know anything about Linux/maemo) but overall it's a terrific gadget and very user friendly as well as functional once you get the hang of it.

jsa 2010-01-25 13:35

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?

An anonymous source with close ties to Apple Marketing department has uncovered plans to launch a mind-altering marketing device. Rumoured to use either some kind of gas or electromagnetic waves as proxy the device is said to directly impact a persons cognitive functions to have them feel that they truly need and want Apple products. This chimes well with the fact that Apple has invited journalists and bloggers to Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco on the 27th of January where Apple CEO Steve Jobs will be unveiling their "latest creation", which he is reported to have said is the most important thing he's ever done.

Reports have emerged that this reality distortion field going by the name iWant has secretly been in testing for some time already. Some persons in Maemo community have been having delusions of a non-existent Apple device called "iPhone 4G" and feelings of confusion and anxiety about their purchase of a competitor product. User white_ranger was unable to pinpoint the source of his confusion over the purchase of his brand new Nokia N900 multimedia computer. "I don't know why I suddenly want to change my new phone." Reiterating that he "liked the iPhone's design" he along with some other members expressed their unexplained urge to have this "iPhone 4G" which currently exists only in fantasies.

Bec 2010-01-25 13:43

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
Well I guess we could analyze what has really changed since the first one was released.
But imho: awful camera -> less awful camera or CPU -> somewhat stronger cpu, are not changes.

Looking back at the ipods where the same pattern can be noticed, it's probably going to be the same thing with a minor functionality like video call or more gigs for the silly customer.

daperl 2010-01-25 15:11

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?
I read these stupid panic threads for entertainment, by I usually just end up feeling creeped out. It is so disturbing to me that somesone's device choice can cause such insecurity. This phone, or whatever you want to call it, should be attracting the next generation of computer gods, but instead we have this large influx of complete losers. I hope this delusional spell I'm under wears off soon.

gerbick 2010-01-25 15:19

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Won't happen daperl. "Ooh, shiny shiny" tends to bring the worse first.

c0rt3x 2010-01-25 15:57

Re: Should i replace my N900 with Iphone 4G when it comes out?

Originally Posted by white_ranger (Post 493412)
That's exactly my point. I don't know why i want to change my N900. Maybe i don't want to change it, but just like iphone's design. I don't know...

You like the design of the 3G, and then want to switch to a possibly different Iphone 4G!?

You should at least wait until you know for sure that your prefered design will appear on it at all... you know, Apple will recycle their designs sometime as well.

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