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PUNK 2010-06-01 04:48

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Me too!PLZ follow...

anders_gud 2010-06-04 19:49

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
"No text found from the photo selection. Try change the photo selection and check the Language Dictionary was installed. (Settings/OCR Dictionary)"

If it worked before, something has changed with pr1.2 qt libs...

It borks when phototranslator tries to save the intermediate (cropped) image to /home/user/.images/ in
ImageWidget::saveTo (ImageWidget.cpp), a_type.toAscii(), 100);

QJpegHandler: unable to write image of format 7

Maybe this bug is relevant:
Maybe fixed in pr1.3 ;-)

Lum 2010-06-04 21:52

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Just installed this today, and did the typical user thing of not bothering to RTFM (or in this case RTFthread)

One suggestion I would make is on the source language screen, only show the languages actually installed, and add a "Get More Languages" option at the end that links to the install dictionaries screen.

In any case I installed the Japanese dictionary, took a picture of some japanese text and when I select the text area in the centre of the image, the app bombs out with no error message.

I stuck the offending image here in case it's any use to you.

Lastly, any chance of adding a Welsh dictionary?

edit: I think I found what caused it to crash, selecting multiple lines of text.

However on that image selecting just a single line gives me no text found, and yes I did install the 30MB Japanese dictionary.

jedi 2010-06-09 11:30

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by bull81 (Post 682816)
I am keep getting an error when I hit translate:
"No text found from the photo selection. Try change the photo selection and check the Language Dictionary was installed. (Settings/OCR Dictionary)"

Yes the photo is sharp line of black text on white background
I installed required dictionaries.

It's every time I try it so I assume I am missing something. Anyone got something like this

ps. Taking photo from program very useful but I can't manage to get focus.


Same problem here... :(

ndi 2010-06-14 15:39

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
It never worked for me, same problem from the 0.1 alpha. No matter the image, I get no OCR, even from screenshots, which is the ideal source. Not even one liners. I installed associated dictionaries, still nothing.

I still get the same error, No text found from photo selection.

As for photos from the app, no dice. Bad focus, dark images.

zem 2010-06-16 12:05

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
I can't get the ocring to work either - it refuses to install any of the ocr dictionaries. (They download fine, then still show up as greyed out)

jedi 2010-06-16 19:32

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Just updated Photo Translator, and happy to report the OCR/translation is working for me when using a pic taken with the N900 camera.

The Capture Picture function is still not perfect - hard to get focus etc.

As an ex-pat this is a very handy program for me - Respec' to the devs :)

yamsas 2010-06-16 20:57

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
What jedi said. Works fine with an existing picture, but could not auto focus/adjust brightness(aperture?) to take a picture with the Capture Picture mode.

Keep up the good work!

ndi 2010-06-16 21:23

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by zem (Post 717413)
I can't get the ocring to work either - it refuses to install any of the ocr dictionaries. (They download fine, then still show up as greyed out)

I don't think it's what it means, all mine are grayed and OCR runs.

With the latest update, OCR runs. Only problem is I kinda get garbage.

I fed it a screenshot of a terminal window and
"BusyBox v 1.10.2 (Debian"
got me
"susyaoz v1.1n.2 rngman"

Hey, at least it does something.

Also, selecting/dragging is unusable if zooming. At any level of zoom except full screen, dragging the selection of resizing it loses its mind shortly, entering drag-picture mode.

Dragging picture jumps at the bottom.

Anyway, progress.

alextootchie 2010-06-23 18:41

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Problems with the last package: "Impossible installing". The message appears at the end of the installation process. But the app starts.

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