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Dr.Marcial 2010-04-15 19:36

Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
I just saw this video of a animated wallpaper running on the N900, I just wanted to share my excitement, It is probably bad for the battery and performance but at least you can show off to your android 2.1 friends with animated backgrounds!

I still dont know if its loopalbe, gonna try it now

Just imagine a matrix one with actual falling glyphs! :)


PS. not taking credit for making, publishing or discovering it!

niqbal 2010-04-15 19:43

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)

Originally Posted by Dr.Marcial (Post 612456)

PS. not taking credit for making, publishing or discovering it!

dude great find, atleast take credit for discovering it :)

madmaze 2010-04-15 19:44

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
definitely sounds rather battery life killing lol

cool though.. id like a matrix one.. hehe =)

Dr.Marcial 2010-04-15 20:07

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
ok I tried it, it runs ok, wanst that hard on my cpu

It is actually a big widget that covers the entire screen

will test a bit more

se23 2010-04-15 20:17

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
nice, i agree the matrix would look great. i was waiting for somthing like this

CepiPerez 2010-04-16 02:14

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
it's in extras-testing and there's already a thread about it

vasvlad 2010-04-16 05:59

Re: live wallaper
[QUOTE=DaSilva;612207]Does it work on all four screens?

It works on one screen ( in current version). Do you need animation in all screens?

Originally Posted by DaSilva (Post 612207)
Does it stop when the device is locked (black screen) to save energy?

Yes, of course.

Originally Posted by DaSilva (Post 612207)
Is it possible to have a smoother animation?



Delta 2010-04-16 08:25

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)
it's in extras testing?
that was fast, I'm excited too but I never thought it would be ready for end users so soon.

thats a big step for maemo, at least in my eyes

nath 2010-04-16 08:25

Re: live wallaper
Thanks for the nice wallpaper.

Not much happening on the Berlin theme, is it? Some clouds moving and the traffic light switching. Anything I miss?

tissot 2010-04-16 08:39

Re: Nice moving wallpapers on 900 (video)

Originally Posted by Dr.Marcial (Post 612456)
Just imagine a matrix one with actual falling glyphs! :)

Really nice idea actually. Wouldn't mind to see that on my N900.

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