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tuminoid 2010-03-01 19:39

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by mottis (Post 551179)
I agree that notification about stopping a song isn't really useful..
And videoplayer doesn't need a notification because, well, you don't have time to glance at notifications when you enjoy your video (in my opinion).

See my long post about explanation what I meant.


Originally Posted by mottis (Post 551179)
Could it be possible to get that notification box to open from, let's say the camera key? That way if you were too distracted by when that song started you could check again what it was..

Anywho, amazing how fast you made that thing. You just made my day. :)

I think camerakey has a brilliant role already with shortcutd - it acts as a homekey.

Configuring the timeout to be longer solves this problem adequetly I think, so if you don't mind seeing the notification in task-switcher for a while you can set the timeout higher and voilă.

tangs 2010-03-01 19:43

Re: "Now Playing" app
i just installed it and it works great ! yes, art cover would be very cool too.

qwerty12 2010-03-01 19:53

Re: "Now Playing" app
Typing this on the N900, so please excuse mistakes...


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 551474)
Heh, I meant cleaning them up. Videos are producing notifications even they're not shown (except if you quickly ctrl-backspace while notification is shown), but I'd still like to fix it. Same for stopping/pausing/whatever, the point is to get rid of them where inappropriate.

Ah, *smacks forehead*. I hadn't actually tried it with videos... :\


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 551474)
Of course I don't mind, it'd be nice to have someone to collaborate with in some projects.

Hehe, not trying to piss you off :) As said in 0.1-1 changelog, this 0.1 release is simply about producing/packaging a prototype, THEN recode/refactor the code. (I'm assuming you mean I used rather exact copy of your sample code?)

Thank you. :)

That wasn't directed at you; don't worry. :)


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 551474)
Just a quick hack :/

I noticed your post about Diablo version, seems that you and me think alike.

I somehow like the notify notifications better myself, so thats why there is gonna be an option.

Heh, I messed up with the Diablo version: I connected the HildonBanner to "destroy" when I meant to connect it to "delete-event"...

HildonBanner brings out that feeling of nostalgia in me - it's the W810 memories again :)


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 551474)
I checked it and it doesn't leak while operating, but cleanup isn't clean (not that it really matters, we are exiting only on shutdown...)

:\. /me wonders what I'm not freeing - probably some MAFW thing..


Originally Posted by tuminoid (Post 551474)

Nooooo, I didn't notice?! :-D

I'm not gonna shove Qt where it doesn't belong, but perhaps the config app could be written with Qt, in hopes of porting it to MeeGo easily (though I see so many obstacles in the way it might not be worth it, or app might not even be necessary then anymore)

Thanks man. Send the maintainer request and I'll add you.


True, true; I like applications written in Qt but Qt itself to me is like "bleh". But now's not the time to be stuck-up. :)
Tho, I wonder if MAFW will still exist in MeeGo...

Thank you. :)

tissot 2010-03-01 20:00

Re: "Now Playing" app
This is a great idea. I have been surprised that the media player widget haven't really been developed at all (i mean the play button bug haven't even been fixed) while example conversation widget have had update after update.

tangs 2010-03-01 20:12

Re: "Now Playing" app
any idea when it will be in the devel repo ? can' wait for it :)

tuminoid 2010-03-01 20:54

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by tangs (Post 551517)
any idea when it will be in the devel repo ? can' wait for it :)

It is in -devel, has been for couple hours, its located under Multimedia.

Trancedancer 2010-03-01 21:32

Re: "Now Playing" app
I looove this app, wonderful, thanks a million for making this!!!
The only thing that would be nice to see as well, would be the coverart, but it's far from necessary...this is great!!! :-)


tuminoid 2010-03-02 06:29

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 551240)
But, anyway, tuminoid, would you mind me requesting to join since I'm actually contributing instead of just whining (*cough*)? At the very least, it'd give me a better place to discuss this instead of this ****ty thread. I've figured out how to get the filenames using MafwPlaylist if it helps and would like to contribute a patch:

I added you to the project, and also listed the TODO items there, so please create/pick a task and assign it to yourself when coding something so our work doesn't collide.

Also created a mailing-list, though thats likely an overkill for this :)

Trancedancer 2010-03-02 14:05

Re: "Now Playing" app
I noticed today, that if you are using the musicplayerwidget for N900 and have Music Player Notifications installed, you can't press the playbutton once paused, on the widget. You can change tracks and press pause, but once pressed, you have to bring upp the whole playerwindow to start the music again. Just noticed it!


qwerty12 2010-03-02 14:21

Re: "Now Playing" app

Originally Posted by Trancedancer (Post 552449)
I noticed today, that if you are using the musicplayerwidget for N900 and have Music Player Notifications installed, you can't press the playbutton once paused, on the widget. You can change tracks and press pause, but once pressed, you have to bring upp the whole playerwindow to start the music again. Just noticed it!


You've stumbled upon a bug in the Media Player widget, unrelated to Now Playing Notifications:

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