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DaSilva 2010-12-06 14:48

Re: Help Exporting SMS from N900.
Would be nice to use this command together with timestamps...

ankursinghal 2010-12-28 13:50

Re: Help Exporting SMS from N900.
Hi i ran the command in the terminal of my N900 but its giving me some error
"SQL error: no such table: Events"


nicolai 2010-12-28 14:15

Re: Help Exporting SMS from N900.

Originally Posted by ankursinghal (Post 906005)
Hi i ran the command in the terminal of my N900 but its giving me some error
"SQL error: no such table: Events"


which command?


ankursinghal 2010-12-29 09:22

Re: Help Exporting SMS from N900.
i ran this command

sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='xxxxxxxxxxxx' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

have replaced xxxxxxxxxxxx with a phone number

and got the error
"SQL error: no such table: Events"

nicolai 2010-12-30 11:03

Re: Help Exporting SMS from N900.
there are two events db-files depending on your Firmware version.
try el-v1.db instead of el.db:
sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='xxxxxxxxxxxx' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

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